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Adimen-SUMO: Reengineering an Ontology for First-Order Reasoning

Published: 01 October 2012 Publication History


In this paper, the authors present Adimen-SUMO, an operational ontology to be used by first-order theorem provers in intelligent systems that require sophisticated reasoning capabilities e.g. Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Engineering, Semantic Web infrastructure, etc. Adimen-SUMO has been obtained by automatically translating around 88% of the original axioms of SUMO Suggested Upper Merged Ontology. Their main interest is to present in a practical way the advantages of using first-order theorem provers during the design and development of first-order ontologies. First-order theorem provers are applied as inference engines for reengineering a large and complex ontology in order to allow for formal reasoning. In particular, the authors' study focuses on providing first-order reasoning support to SUMO. During the process, they detect, explain and repair several important design flaws and problems of the SUMO axiomatization. As a by-product, they also provide general design decisions and good practices for creating operational first-order ontologies of any kind.


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cover image International Journal on Semantic Web & Information Systems
International Journal on Semantic Web & Information Systems  Volume 8, Issue 4
October 2012
116 pages
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IGI Global

United States

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Published: 01 October 2012

Author Tags

  1. Automated Reasoning
  2. First-order Logic
  3. Knowledge Engineering
  4. Linked Open Data
  5. Ontologies


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