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Role of Readiness to Change in the Relationship Between Workforce Agility and Digital Transformation: : A Two-Timeframe Study

Published: 30 May 2024 Publication History


This paper uses dynamic capabilities theory to explore the role of readiness to change as mediator in the intricate relationship between workforce agility and digital transformation. A total of 161 usable responses were gathered in two-waves of surveys from Indian organizations. Structural equation modelling was utilized to rigorously test the research hypotheses. The results unearthed a noteworthy positive link between workforce agility and the readiness to change, and this readiness, in turn, significantly influenced digital transformation. Intriguingly, the study also unveiled a direct relationship between workforce agility and digital transformation. The findings contribute a valuable thread to the literature, as it seamlessly weaves the concept of workforce agility into the fabric of digital transformation with Industry 4.0 context. This study would empower HR managers with a deeper understanding of the workforce's mindset and their preparedness to navigate technological changes. Such insights are indispensable, as effective change implementation hinges on insightful leadership.


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cover image Journal of Global Information Management
Journal of Global Information Management  Volume 32, Issue 1
Aug 2024
1843 pages


IGI Global

United States

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Published: 30 May 2024

Author Tags

  1. Digital Transformation
  2. Industry 4.0
  3. Readiness to Change
  4. Strategic HRM
  5. Workforce Agility


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  • (2024)How Does Cost Leadership Strategy Suppress the Performance Benefits of Explainability of AI Applications in Organizations?Journal of Global Information Management10.4018/JGIM.35406232:1(1-23)Online publication date: 17-Sep-2024

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