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A Rule-Based Model for Compliance of Medical Devices Applied to the European Market

Published: 01 July 2019 Publication History


There is a growing producer and consumer interest in medical devices and the commensurate need for regulatory frameworks to ensure the quality of medical devices marketed locally and globally. This work focuses on formalizing the clauses enacted by Regulation (EU) 2017/745 for risk-based classification and class-based conformity assessment regarding marketability of medical devices. The resulting knowledge base (KB) represents clauses in Positional-Slotted Object-Applicative (PSOA) RuleML by integrating F-logic-like frames with Prolog-like relationships for atoms used as facts and in the conclusions and conditions of rules. Rules can apply polyadic functions, define polyadic relations, and augment conclusions with actions and conditions with events. The PSOA RuleML-implemented Medical Devices Rules KB was tested by querying in the open-source Java-implemented PSOATransRun system, which has provided a feedback loop for refinement and extension. This prototype can contribute to the licensing process of stakeholders and the registration of medical devices with a CE conformity mark.


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Cited By

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  • (2023)Formalization of Ethical Decision MakingInternational Journal of Extreme Automation and Connectivity in Healthcare10.4018/IJEACH.3204885:1(1-13)Online publication date: 22-Mar-2023

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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image International Journal of Extreme Automation and Connectivity in Healthcare
          International Journal of Extreme Automation and Connectivity in Healthcare  Volume 1, Issue 2
          Jul 2019
          78 pages
          Issue’s Table of Contents


          IGI Global

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 July 2019

          Author Tags

          1. CE marking
          2. Classification
          3. European Regulation 2017/745
          4. Legal Compliance
          5. Marketability
          6. Medical Devices Rules
          7. Ontologies
          8. PSOA RuleML
          9. PSOATransRun
          10. Rules


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          • (2023)Formalization of Ethical Decision MakingInternational Journal of Extreme Automation and Connectivity in Healthcare10.4018/IJEACH.3204885:1(1-13)Online publication date: 22-Mar-2023

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