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EE-ARQ: a Green ARQ-Based Algorithm for the Transmission of Video Streams on Noise Wireless Channels

Alfio Lombardo, Carla Panarello, Giovanni Schembra


The challenge in the next future is to increase the energy efficiency of telecommunications networks, and specifically wireless devices that present the highest energy consumption coefficient per bit transmitted among all the networking devices. However, making a network device green can cause performance deterioration. The target of this paper is to propose a new algorithm for the transmission of multiplexed rate-controlled multimedia streams over wireless channels. The algorithm is an energy-efficient variant of ARQ to exploit the correlation of the wireless channel behavior. In addition, in order to compensate transmission bandwidth reduction due to the energy saving policies, a cross-layer approach is applied introducing a source Rate Controller working to modify the video quality according to the state of the transmission buffer. An analytical model of the whole system is presented in order to evaluate performance and provide some guidelines to design the configuration parameters of the proposed algorithm.


Wireless communications, Energy efficient algorithm, Cross-layer approach, ARQ, Video transmission, Performance Evaluation.

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