Vocabulary Learning Strategies, Self-Regulated Learning, and Learners' Outcomes in Primary School Pair Work

Studia paedagogica: Learning Analytics to Study and Support Self-regulated Learning

This study investigates vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) used among ten primary school learners. Through video recordings, the research explores specific VLS utilized during pair work and their influence on learning outcomes, analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The research questions address the identification and utilization of VLS, the relationship between VLS usage and the ability to infer word meanings, and learner engagement in VLS usage. Findings indicate a notable co-occurrence of some strategies. Moreover, the broader the learners' prior knowledge, the more successful they were with inferring word meanings. The study also emphasizes the need for balanced VLS engagement to optimize outcomes in pair work. This research aims to create new impulses for learning/teaching vocabulary within a foreign language classroom through the targeted practice of vocabulary learning strategies. Such practice aims to facilitate students' learning processes in promoting their self-regulated learning.

Klíčová slova:
vocabulary learning; pair work strategies; foreign language; self-regulated learning; primary school

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