Surface Generated Acoustic Wave Biosensors for the Detection of Pathogens: A Review
<p>a) Structure of a SGAW sensor. b) IDT configuration for SGAW.</p> ">
<p>Interdigital Transducer (IDT) with period <span class="html-italic">p</span>, electrode width equal to space between electrodes and aperture A.</p> ">
<p>Frequency response of an IDT (positive frequencies).</p> ">
<p>a) Two IDTs SGAW configuration. b) Two-port SGAW delay line oscillator. The SGAW device provides a feedback path for the amplifier. For a stable oscillation the signal must return to its starting point having equal amplitude and being shifted in phase by an integral multiple of 2π radians [<a href="#b31-sensors-09-05740" class="html-bibr">31</a>].</p> ">
<p>Scheme of a two-port SGAW resonator.</p> ">
<p>Scheme of a one-port SGAW resonator.</p> ">
<p>Dual-channel delay line configuration [<a href="#b46-sensors-09-05740" class="html-bibr">46</a>].</p> ">
<p>(a) Oscillator circuit provides a single-frequency signal. (b)Vector voltmeter provides phase and amplitude. (c) Network analyzers are connected to one and two-port devices. M: matching network [<a href="#b29-sensors-09-05740" class="html-bibr">29</a>].</p> ">
<p>Feedback system for an oscillator.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. SGAW Basic Operation
2.1. Interdigital Transducers (IDTs)
2.2. SGAW Device Electronic Configurations
2.2.1. Delay line - two IDTs configuration
2.2.2. Resonators
2.2.3. Dual-channel delay line
2.3. SGAW Measurement Techniques
2.3.1. Oscillator
2.3.2. Vector voltmeter
2.3.3. Network analyzer
2.4. Acoustic Wave Particle Displacements
2.5. Crystal’s Cuts and Axis Rotation
3. SGAW Devices for Biosensing
3.1. Shear-Horizontal Surface Acoustic Wave (SH-SAW)
3.2. Surface Transverse Wave (STW)
3.3. Love Wave (LW)
3.4. Shear-Horizontal Acoustic Plate Mode (SH-APM)
3.5. Layer-Guided Acoustic Plate Mode (LG-APM)
3.6. Flexural Plate Wave (FPW)
4. SGAW Biosensors for Pathogen Detection
4.1. SH-SAW
4.2. LW
4.3. FPW
5. Commercial SGAW-Based Biosensors. Trends and Challenges
6. Concluding Remarks
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Rocha-Gaso, M.-I.; March-Iborra, C.; Montoya-Baides, Á.; Arnau-Vives, A. Surface Generated Acoustic Wave Biosensors for the Detection of Pathogens: A Review. Sensors 2009, 9, 5740-5769.
Rocha-Gaso M-I, March-Iborra C, Montoya-Baides Á, Arnau-Vives A. Surface Generated Acoustic Wave Biosensors for the Detection of Pathogens: A Review. Sensors. 2009; 9(7):5740-5769.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRocha-Gaso, María-Isabel, Carmen March-Iborra, Ángel Montoya-Baides, and Antonio Arnau-Vives. 2009. "Surface Generated Acoustic Wave Biosensors for the Detection of Pathogens: A Review" Sensors 9, no. 7: 5740-5769.
APA StyleRocha-Gaso, M.-I., March-Iborra, C., Montoya-Baides, Á., & Arnau-Vives, A. (2009). Surface Generated Acoustic Wave Biosensors for the Detection of Pathogens: A Review. Sensors, 9(7), 5740-5769.