Autonomous Robots for Services—State of the Art, Challenges, and Research Areas
<p>The trend in the volume of scientific literature pertaining to autonomous systems over time.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Country classification of the level of scientific interest in the field of autonomous systems.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Pepper robot.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Scripting general scheme.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Preprocess of a Kinect data frame.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The trend in the volume of scientific literature pertaining to assistive robots over time.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Country classification of the level of scientific interest in assistive robots.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Transposition of characteristics.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The trend in the volume of scientific literature pertaining to autonomous vehicles over time.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Country classification of the level of scientific interest in autonomous vehicles.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Carry robot.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>The trend in the volume of scientific literature pertaining to autonomous carriers over time.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Country classification of the level of scientific interest in autonomous carriers.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Comparison of classic robots with autonomous robots.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>The trend in the volume of scientific literature pertaining to autonomous manipulators over time.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Country classification of the level of scientific interest in autonomous manipulators.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Assistive Robots
- The calculation of direction vectors using spatial coordinates (points 1–20 from Figure 5) in order to calculate the angles of the arcs;
- The initial spatial coordinates of the arm ((x1, y1, z1) … (x4, y4, z4)) were used in order to extract and compute the rotation and roll angles of the elbow and shoulder (SC1, SC2, SC3, SC4), afterwards the basis vector is computed (A1, A2, A3, …, A8);
- A certain vector is generated for each frame given by the Kinect sensor, a vector made from the following angles: left/right shoulder roll, left/right elbow roll, left/right shoulder roll, and left/right elbow roll;
- The last step contains a movement file for each signature.
3. Autonomous Vehicles
- The absence of a high-level testing method and theory has limited their adoption;
- Cities have a dynamic environment which is inadequate to the participation of these vehicles in traffic;
- The infrastructure is not sufficiently developed to the extent that adoption is not a problem;
- The laws specific to autonomous driving need to be revised and clearly established according to new technologies [82].
4. Carry
5. Autonomous Manipulator
6. Research Challenges
- The development of methods to ensure safe operation in crowded and complex environments while simultaneously modeling robot interaction with other robots’ interactions;
- New autonomous learning solutions need to be considered in terms of decision making, and subsequently evaluated and implemented;
- There is a need for development in terms of fleet management, the quality of services, and online performance;
- The mode of operation in adverse weather conditions needs to be developed;
- There is a need for the verification of methods for safety assessments;
- It is necessary that perception and planning are closely linked in terms of the direct propagation of uncertainty.
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Refs | Task | Field | Speed | Camera |
[16] | Elderly care | Assistance | Real Time | CCD color |
[19] | Augmented walker | Assistance | N/A | N/A |
[24] | Interaction with a group of users | Assistance | Real Time | 2D Axis M1031-W |
[25] | Integration with a group of people | Assistance | Real Time | 2D laser/RGB-D |
[28] | Evaluation of human–robot interaction | Assistance, Rehabilitation | N/A | N/A |
[31] | Autonomous air hockey game | Assistance | Real Time | N/A |
[32] | Workplace inspection | Assistance | 500 Hz | Sony PlayStation Eye |
[33] | Semantic assisted trajectory planning | Assistance | Real Time | 2D laser/RGB-D |
[34] | Health monitoring, complementary care and social support | Assistance, Rehabilitation | Real Time | Thermal/RGB-D |
[35] | Detection, tracking people in their environment | Assistance, Rehabilitation | 100 Hz/7.5 Hz | 2D laser/RGB-D |
[36] | Educational and commercial purposes | Assistance | N/A | 2D laser |
[37] | Social navigation | Assistance | 4Hz | 2D laser/RGB-D |
[38] | Therapy system | Rehabilitation | N/A | RGB-D |
[40] | (3D) vision-based SLAM | Assistance | N/A | RGB-D |
[41] | Robot commercial controlled with joystick | Assistance | Real Time | RGB-D |
[42] | Recovering posture | Assistance, Rehabilitation | N/A | RGB-D |
[43] | Interactive games with people | Assistance | Real time | N/A |
[44] | Recognize gestures | Assistance | Real Time | RGB |
[45] | Face detection | Assistance | 10 fps | N/A |
[46] | Home care | Assistance, Rehabilitation | N/A | RGB-D |
[47] | Recognition of activities | Assistance, Rehabilitation | Real Time | RGB-D |
Changes | Extended Objectives |
Energy | Low-cost renewable energy |
Emissions | No environmental impact at the tailpipe |
Safety | Accident-free vehicles |
Congestion | Congestion-free route. Easier parking. |
Affordability | Vehicles suitable for any type of luggage or purpose |
Refs | Radar | Lidar | Speed | Probabilities | Camera |
[55] | 🗸 | 🗸 | real-time | N/A | 🗸 |
[56] | 🗸 | 🗸 | real-time | 70% | 🗸 |
[61] | X | 🗸 | real-time | 96–100% | 🗸 |
[58] | 🗸 | X | real-time | 93.24% | 🗸 |
[63] | 🗸 | X | N/A | 98% | 🗸 |
[64] | 🗸 | X | real-time | N/A | 🗸 |
[66] | X | X | real-time | 95% | 🗸 |
[67] | 🗸 | X | real-time | 80.8% | 🗸 |
[69] | 🗸 | 🗸 | real-time | N/A | 🗸 |
[70] | 🗸 | 🗸 | N/A | N/A | 🗸 |
[71] | 🗸 | 🗸 | real-time | N/A | 🗸 |
[72] | 🗸 | 🗸 | real-time | N/A | 🗸 |
Refs | Range | Environment | Speed | Camera |
[84] | 19.2 Km | Industrial | 5 km/h | 🗸 |
[85] | N/A | Warehouse | 5 km/h | N/A |
[86] | N/A | Industrial | 1.2 m/s | N/A |
[88] | N/A | Industrial | 40 m/min | 🗸 |
[89] | 12 day | Industrial | 45 | X |
[91] | 95.0–137.9 cm | Industrial/home | N/A | 🗸 |
[95] | 7 h | Hospital | 1.0 m/s | 🗸 |
[96] | N/A | Hotel | N/A | 🗸 |
[97] | 1 h | Office | 1.0 m/s | 🗸 |
[98] | N/A | Industrial | N/A | 🗸 |
Refs | Success Rate | Interface | Mechanism | Gripper |
[108] | 100% | N/A | ||
[109] | 100% | 🗸 | A two-finger parallel | Push-to-grasp |
[111] | 90.5% | N/A | Cylindrical fingers, circular flat | Push-to-grasp |
[112] | 100% | N/A | Fingers | Push-to-grasp |
[113] | 100% | N/A | Afm probe | Adhesion |
[114] | N/A | 🗸 | Two-finger | Push-to-grasp |
[115] | 80% | N/A | Fingers | Push-to-grasp |
[116] | 100% | N/A | Fingers | Push-to-grasp |
[117] | N/A | 🗸 | EndoWrist | Push-to-grasp |
[118] | N/A | 🗸 | Fingers | Push-to-grasp |
[119] | 100% | 🗸 | Fingers | Push-to-grasp |
[120] | 100% | X | N/A | Push |
[121] | N/A | N/A | Fingers | Push-to-grasp |
[122] | 2015 | X | Fingers | Push-to-grasp |
Refs | Year | Software/Algorithm | Sensors/Adopted | Technique |
[16] | 2005 | Tele-presence interface, speech interface, face finding and tracking, navigation | Sonar, touch, position, camera, | Simulation |
[19] | 2003 | Mapping and motion | For position, for components | Simulation |
[24] | 2014 | ROS | ASUS Xtion PRO LIVE, 2D Axis M1031-W, 2D Axis M1031-W | Measurement |
[25] | 2022 | Detecting groups, estimating F-formations, | Laser, camera | Simulation |
[28] | 2011 | Meta-analytic | N/A | Measurement |
[31] | 2019 | localPathCorrection/ localPathCorrection | N/A | Measurement |
[33] | 2019 | RRT | Camera | Measurement |
[34] | 2020 | Innovative perception and interaction capabilities | Monitoring, 2D laser scanners | Measurement/Simulation |
[35] | 2015 | Munkres/ Leg Tracker | Laser, noise | Measurement/Simulation |
[36] | 2020 | ROS | Ultrasonic, s RPLiDAR, IMU, encoder, camera | Simulation |
[37] | 2021 | GMapping/ SLAM | Hokuyo UTM-30LX Laser Rangefinder, RGB-D, noises, camera | Simulation |
[38] | 2016 | SVM/ Random Forest/ AdaBoost | Camera | Measurement |
[40] | 2014 | RANSAC | Laser range finders, sonars, cameras, radars, inertial | Simulation |
[41] | 2019 | Processing-based position/pose | RGB-D, Intel RealSense D435, infra-red, camera | Simulation |
[42] | 2016 | DCSF | Kinect, RGB-D Cameras | Simulation |
[43] | 2010 | CAMSHIFT | LEDs, camera | Measure/Simulation |
[44] | 2016 | DTW | Kinect, vision, camera | Measure |
[45] | 2018 | Tracking, vision algorithm | Camera | Measure |
[46] | 2018 | Pose/skeleton recognition | Laser, accelerometer, camera, microphones, infrared | Simulation |
[47] | 2020 | Particle filter, clustering | RGB-D camera | Simulation |
[48] | 2018 | Safety reasoning and casualty minimization | radar, lidar, cameras, gps, v2x | Simulation |
[61] | 2015 | Improving the efficiency and quality of sensor data fusion | lidar, radar and camera | Measure/Simulation |
[62] | 2007 | Detection/recognition of the sign, tracking | camera | Simulation |
[63] | 2016 | Trained a convolutional neural network (CNN) to map raw pixels | Cameras | Simulation |
[64] | 2009 | LfD | - | Simulation |
[65] | 2019 | Horizon, heuristic | - | Measure/Simulation |
[66] | 2010 | Visual odometry | Camera, GPS | Measure/Simulation |
[67] | 2018 | FollowerStopper | OBD-II, Camera | Simulation |
[68] | 2020 | Vehicle density iteratively, flow-density plots | N/A | Simulation |
[70] | 2017 | 3D perception, state estimation and data fusion, 3D perception, state estimation and data fusion | N/A | Measure/Simulation |
[71] | 2019 | Mapping, mapping, artificial intelligence, planning | Tactile, Tactile, Encoders, Encoders, Ultrasonic, Sonar, Accelerometers, Gyroscopes | Measure/Simulation |
[72] | 2018 | Planning, Dijkstra, Bellman–Ford, Floyd, control | Control, radar, radar | Simulation |
[84] | 2021 | - | Simulation | |
[86] | 2020 | Planning and motion coordination | laser scanner and odometry sensors | Simulation |
[88] | 2008 | Navigational | Proprioceptive and exteroceptive | Simulation |
[90] | 2000 | Spreading activation | CMs, FDs | Simulation |
[91] | 2006 | Evolutionary | Exteroceptive, proprioceptive | Simulation |
[92] | 1993 | Decentralized | Force | Measure |
[83] | 2002 | Control | Trajectory | Simulation |
[94] | 2013 | - | Ultrasonic sensor, RFID, QR-code and camera sensor | Simulation |
[95] | 2012 | - | LRF, Camera | Simulation |
[96] | 2010 | Far approach, Near-approach, Stair alignment, Stair traversal | Inertial, Camera | Simulation |
[97] | 2010 | Path planning, virtual potential field | LRF, ultrasonic, stereo vision | Simulation |
[88] | 2009 | Fitting, detection | N/A | N/A |
[109] | 2017 | Perception, Planner | Actuators, RBG-Leds, pose, accelerometers | Simulation |
[110] | 2012 | Autonomous manipulation | Actuators, kinesthetic | Simulation |
[111] | 2014 | Newton–Euler | Barrett, Barrett WAM | Measure/Simulation |
[112] | 2014 | Segmentation | RGB-D camera, Kinect, 3-D noise, orce/torque | Measure |
[113] | 2014 | RGB-D | Facet detection, segmentation | Simulation |
[115] | 2019 | Control, visual tracking, Lucas–Kanad | camera | Simulation |
[116] | 2011 | Planning, visual tracking | cameras | Simulation |
[117] | 2009 | Controls | Depth, f orce/torque, orce/torque | Simulation/Measure |
[118] | 2015 | Panel localisation, vision | navigatio, video camera, sound velocit | Simulation/Measure |
[119] | 2003 | Detection, grasping | force and visual | Simulation |
[103] | 2015 | ICP, perception | Coordinates, Calibration | Simulation/Measure |
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Misaros, M.; Stan, O.-P.; Donca, I.-C.; Miclea, L.-C. Autonomous Robots for Services—State of the Art, Challenges, and Research Areas. Sensors 2023, 23, 4962.
Misaros M, Stan O-P, Donca I-C, Miclea L-C. Autonomous Robots for Services—State of the Art, Challenges, and Research Areas. Sensors. 2023; 23(10):4962.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMisaros, Marius, Ovidiu-Petru Stan, Ionut-Catalin Donca, and Liviu-Cristian Miclea. 2023. "Autonomous Robots for Services—State of the Art, Challenges, and Research Areas" Sensors 23, no. 10: 4962.
APA StyleMisaros, M., Stan, O.-P., Donca, I.-C., & Miclea, L.-C. (2023). Autonomous Robots for Services—State of the Art, Challenges, and Research Areas. Sensors, 23(10), 4962.