Multi-Scale Feature Fusion of Covariance Pooling Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
<p>The structure of MSCPN. The feature maps are pooled to generate multiple scales and then fused with the original scales or other generated scales. Finally, they are sent to BCNN and iSQRT-COV. The plus sign in the figure indicates the additive fusion between feature maps. The detailed structures of BCNN and iSQRT-COV are described in <a href="#sensors-23-03970-f002" class="html-fig">Figure 2</a> and <a href="#sensors-23-03970-f003" class="html-fig">Figure 3</a>.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>BCNN architecture. The images firstly go through CNNA and CNNB, and use the matrix outer product of each image’s output, whose result then goes through the layers of normalization and classification successively.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>iSQRT-COV architecture.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The structure of VGG. (<b>a</b>) The structure of VGG, (<b>b</b>) The structure of VGG16, (<b>c</b>) The structure of VGG19.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Visualization of MSBCNN based on the baseline VGG16 and VGG19. (<b>a</b>) BCNN-CUB200-VGG16, (<b>b</b>) MSBCNN -CUB200-VGG16, (<b>c</b>) BCNN-CUB200-VGG19, (<b>d</b>) MSBCNN-CUB200-VGG19.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Visualization of iSQRT-COV based on the baseline ResNet50. (<b>a</b>) Visualization of the first layer of the network, (<b>b</b>) Visualization of the third layer of the network, (<b>c</b>) Visualization of the fifth layer of the network.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Visualization of MSiSQRT-COV based on the baseline ResNet50. (<b>a</b>) Visualization of the first layer of the network, (<b>b</b>) Visualization of the third layer of the network, (<b>c</b>) Visualization of the fifth layer of the network.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We propose a novel fine-grained image classification method based on covariance pooling, which captures second-order information in fine-grained images.
- We propose a multi-scale feature fusion technique, which generates multi-scale feature maps by different pooling methods and different pooling kernel parameters, and then fuses them with the original feature map to obtain better feature representations.
2. Related Work
2.1. Fine-Grained Classification Techniques
2.1.1. Traditional Algorithms Based on Feature Extraction
2.1.2. Deep Learning-Based Algorithms
2.2. Feature Fusion Techniques
3. Method
3.1. Original Bilinear Pooling Network
3.1.1. Bilinear Convolutional Neural Network
3.1.2. Iterative Matrix Square Root Normalization of the Covariance Pooling Network
3.2. Multi-Scale Covariance Pooling Network
4. Experiment
4.1. Datasets and Implementation Details
4.2. Ablation Study
4.3. Visualization
4.4. Comparison to Other Methods
4.4.1. Comparison to Original Covariance Pooling Methods
4.4.2. Comparison with the Existing Methods
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Scale | Multi-Scale Approach | Baseline | Accuracy | Baseline | Accuracy | ||
FC | ALL | FC | ALL | ||||
(1) | Avg pooling (2,2,0) | VGG16 | 78.50 | 84.96 | VGG19 | 77.79 | 84.94 |
(2) | Max pooling (2,2,0) | 78.24 | 84.57 | 77.55 | 84.80 | ||
(3) | Avg pooling (3,2,0) | 79.04 | 84.67 | 78.05 | 84.79 | ||
(4) | Max pooling (3,2,0) | 78.29 | 84.96 | 77.10 | 85.13 | ||
(5) | Avg pooling (3,3,1) | 78.89 | 84.74 | 76.27 | 84.21 | ||
(6) | Max pooling (3,3,1) | 77.96 | 84.17 | 74.65 | 83.87 | ||
(7) | (1)+(1) | VGG16 | 78.79 | 84.56 | VGG19 | 77.79 | 84.67 |
(8) | (2)+(2) | 78.19 | 84.56 | 77.55 | 85.01 | ||
(9) | (1)+(2) | 78.19 | 84.39 | 77.55 | 84.86 | ||
(10) | (1)+(4) | 77.93 | 84.37 | 77.10 | 84.39 | ||
(11) | (1)+(5) | 78.79 | 85.12 | 77.79 | 84.96 | ||
(12) | (4)+(5) | 78.29 | 84.94 | 77.10 | 84.99 | ||
(13) | (1)+(4)+(5) | 78.31 | 84.99 | 77.12 | 85.13 |
Scale | Multi-Scale Approach | Baseline | Accuracy | Baseline | Accuracy | ||
FC | ALL | FC | ALL | ||||
(1) | Avg pooling (2,2,0) | VGG16 | 77.64 | 79.69 | VGG19 | 76.86 | 79.94 |
(2) | Max pooling (2,2,0) | 78.20 | 79.97 | 76.90 | 80.28 | ||
(3) | Avg pooling (3,2,0) | 77.43 | 80.05 | 77.93 | 81.00 | ||
(4) | Max pooling (3,2,0) | 77.49 | 80.31 | 76.31 | 80.14 | ||
(5) | Avg pooling (3,3,1) | 77.28 | 80.04 | 76.72 | 79.51 | ||
(6) | Max pooling (3,3,1) | 77.25 | 80.14 | 77.43 | 80.13 | ||
(7) | (1)+(1) | VGG16 | 78.79 | 80.05 | VGG19 | 77.86 | 80.77 |
(8) | (2)+(2) | 77.59 | 80.02 | 76.55 | 79.96 | ||
(9) | (1)+(2) | 77.57 | 80.24 | 76.87 | 80.18 | ||
(10) | (1)+(4) | 77.46 | 80.08 | 76.78 | 80.15 | ||
(11) | (1)+(5) | 77.35 | 80.34 | 77.77 | 80.64 | ||
(12) | (4)+(5) | 77.52 | 80.11 | 76.57 | 79.97 | ||
(13) | (1)+(4)+(5) | 76.32 | 79.59 | 76.64 | 80.07 |
Scale | Multi-Scale Approach | Baseline | Accuracy | Baseline | Accuracy | ||
CUB200 | MIT Indoor67 | CUB200 | MIT Indoor67 | ||||
(1) | Avg pooling (2,2,0) | ResNet50 | 91.18 | 87.62 | DenseNet161 | 94.04 | 91.39 |
(2) | Max pooling (2,2,0) | 91.02 | 88.20 | 93.78 | 91.48 | ||
(3) | Avg pooling (3,2,0) | 91.36 | 88.56 | 94.14 | 92.10 | ||
(4) | Max pooling (3,2,0) | 90.96 | 87.28 | 93.69 | 90.48 | ||
(5) | Avg pooling (3,3,1) | 90.97 | 88.70 | 93.48 | 91.22 | ||
(6) | Max pooling (3,3,1) | 90.72 | 87.70 | 93.03 | 91.77 | ||
(7) | (1)+(1) | ResNet50 | 91.43 | 87.82 | DenseNet161 | 94.16 | 91.17 |
(8) | (2)+(2) | 91.04 | 87.94 | 93.88 | 89.42 | ||
(9) | (1)+(2) | 91.28 | 87.57 | 93.92 | 91.52 | ||
(10) | (1)+(3) | 91.14 | 86.91 | 93.24 | 91.27 | ||
(11) | (1)+(5) | 91.31 | 87.39 | 94.29 | 90.14 | ||
(12) | (3)+(5) | 91.31 | 87.37 | 93.44 | 91.44 | ||
(13) | (1)+(3)+(5) | 91.61 | 87.55 | 93.41 | 92.13 |
Model | Scale | Multi-Scale Approach | Baseline | Mode | |
Bicubic | Bilinear | ||||
MSiSQRT-COV | (1) | Avg pooling (2,2,0) | ResNet50 | 87.49 | 87.62 |
(2) | Max pooling (2,2,0) | 88.10 | 88.20 | ||
(3) | Avg pooling (3,2,0) | 87.34 | 88.56 | ||
(4) | Max pooling (3,2,0) | 86.86 | 87.28 | ||
(5) | Avg pooling (3,3,1) | 87.34 | 88.90 | ||
(6) | Max pooling (3,3,1) | 87.67 | 87.70 |
Method | Baseline | CUB200 | MIT Indoor67 |
Accuracy | Accuracy | ||
BCNN | VGG16 | 84.1 | 78.9 |
VGG19 | 84.3 | 79.5 | |
Multi-scale BCNN | VGG16 | 85.0 | 80.3 |
VGG19 | 85.1 | 81.0 | |
iSQRT-COV | ResNet50 | 87.0 | 86.4 |
DenseNet161 | 93.2 | 90.6 | |
Multi-scale iSQRT-COV | ResNet50 | 91.6 | 88.7 |
DenseNet161 | 94.3 | 92.1 |
CUB200 | MIT Indoor67 | ||||||
Method | Baseline | Accuracy | Year | Method | Baseline | Accuracy | Year |
SENet [36] | SENet-154 | 80.8 | 2018 | MS-CNNs [5] | VGG16 | 86.04 | 2016 |
CutMix [37] | ResNet50 | 83.6 | 2019 | HoAS [38] | AlexNet | 88.2 | 2018 |
CPM [39] | GoogLeNet | 87.7 | 2019 | SENet [36] | ResNet101 | 89.1 | 2018 |
MS feature fusion [40] | ResNet101 | 85.7 | 2020 | WS-AM [41] | VGG11 | 85.7 | 2019 |
API-NET [42] | DenseNet-161 | 87.7 | 2020 | M2M BiLSTM [43] | ResNet50 | 88.3 | 2019 |
CIN [44] | ResNet-101 | 88.1 | 2020 | Two-class SVM-fuzzy [45] | ResNet50 | 73.6 | 2020 |
ViT [46] | ViT-B-16 | 90.6 | 2021 | FOSNet [47] | ResNet50 | 90.3 | 2020 |
WS-DAN [48] | ResNet50 | 84.91 | 2021 | MMD [49] | UperNet 50 | 87.10 | 2020 |
SnapMix [50] | ResNet-101 | 89.6 | 2021 | DPP [51] | ResNet101 | 90.8 | 2021 |
RCL [52] | ResNet50 | 89.8 | 2022 | SMILE [53] | ResNet50 | 85.1 | 2021 |
CMSEA [54] | EfficientNetV2-S | 90.6 | 2022 | MRNet [55] | ResNet50 | 88.1 | 2022 |
TPSKG [56] | ViT-B-16 | 91.3 | 2022 | PlacesNet+ObjectNet [57] | MR-CNNs | 90.3 | 2022 |
Ours | DenseNet161 | 94.3 | 2022 | Ours | DenseNet161 | 92.1 | 2022 |
ResNet50 | 91.6 | 2022 | ResNet50 | 88.7 | 2022 |
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Share and Cite
Qian, L.; Yu, T.; Yang, J. Multi-Scale Feature Fusion of Covariance Pooling Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition. Sensors 2023, 23, 3970.
Qian L, Yu T, Yang J. Multi-Scale Feature Fusion of Covariance Pooling Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition. Sensors. 2023; 23(8):3970.
Chicago/Turabian StyleQian, Lulu, Tan Yu, and Jianyu Yang. 2023. "Multi-Scale Feature Fusion of Covariance Pooling Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition" Sensors 23, no. 8: 3970.
APA StyleQian, L., Yu, T., & Yang, J. (2023). Multi-Scale Feature Fusion of Covariance Pooling Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition. Sensors, 23(8), 3970.