The Immediate Carryover Effects of Peroneal Functional Electrical Stimulation Differ between People with and without Chronic Ankle Instability
<p>Electrodes’ placement.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Between- and within-group comparisons of ankle inversion ankle during the stance phase of gait: (<b>A</b>) before intervention, between groups; (<b>B</b>) after intervention, between groups; (<b>C</b>) CAI group, pre/post-intervention; (<b>D</b>) control group, pre/post-intervention. Solid and dashed lines represent group means. Green and blue shaded areas represent 95% confidence intervals of the mean, at each data point. Gray shaded areas represent significant differences according to SPM analysis (<span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.0125, due to Bonferroni correction).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Between- and within-group comparisons of peroneal electromyography during the stance phase of gait: (<b>A</b>) before intervention, between groups; (<b>B</b>) after intervention, between groups; (<b>C</b>) CAI group, pre/post-intervention; (<b>D</b>) control group, pre/post-intervention. Solid and dashed lines represent group means. Green and blue shaded areas represent a 95% confidence interval of the mean, at each data point.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
2.2. Procedure
2.3. Ankle Kinematics
2.4. Peroneal Activity
2.5. Peroneal FES
2.6. Data Processing and Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Ankle Kinematics
3.2. Peroneal Activity
3.3. Secondary Analysis
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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CAI (n = 24) | Controls (n = 24) | U | p | |||
Mean (SD) | Median (IQR) | Mean (SD) | Median (IQR) | |||
Age | 30.5 (6.3) | 30.0 (8.8) | 30.0 (6.6) | 28.0 (8.0) | 307 | 0.702 |
Stature (m) | 1.74 (0.1) | 1.74 (0.1) | 1.71 (0.1) | 1.7 (0.2) | 340 | 0.287 |
Body mass (kg) | 76.4 (12.6) | 78.0 (18.8) | 70.7 (12.4) | 72.5 (18.8) | 359 | 0.146 |
BMI (kg/m2) | 25.1 (3.6) | 25.2 (5.1) | 24.1 (3.1) | 23.5 (4.3) | 338 | 0.307 |
CAIT (intervention) | 14.0 (6.1) | 15.5 (10.2) | 29.0 (1.4) | 30.0 (2.2) | 0 | <0.001 |
CAIT (control) | 21.2 (7.0) | 22.5 (10.0) | 29.2 (1.2) | 30.0 (2.0) | 84.5 | <0.001 |
FAAM (ADL) | 90.4 (10.4) | 94.0 (14.1) | 99.4 (1.6) | 100.0 (0.0) | 64 | <0.001 |
FAAM (sport) | 62.7 (15.0) | 67.9 (19.6) | 98.1 (3.5) | 100.0 (3.6) | 0 | <0.001 |
SSP + 20% (m/s) | 1.6 (0.19) | 1.6 (0.22) | 1.5 (0.2) | 1.5 (0.29) | 342.5 | 0.264 |
n | % | n | % | X2(1) | p | |
Gender (women) | 7 | 29.1% | 11 | 45.8% | 0.8 | 0.371 |
Previously sprained an ankle | 24 | 100% | 5 | 20.80% | 28.2 | <0.001 |
Intervention leg (Right) | 15 | 62.5% | 13 | 54.2% | 0.08 | 0.769 |
Bilateral CAI | 15 | 62.5% |
CAI | Controls | Between Groups | Between Measurements | Group × Measurement Interaction | ||||
Mean (SD) | Median (IQR) | Mean (SD) | Median (IQR) | |||||
MDF (Hz) | Pre | 101.9 (30.8) | 92.3 (58.7) | 105.9 (33.9) | 109.1 (50.3) | F(1,46) = 0.68, p = 0.41 | F(1,46) = 16.64, p < 0.001 | F(1,46) = 0.07, p = 0.79 |
Post | 90.3 (35.7) | 100.7 (42.0) | 94.2 (32.2) | 92.3 (50.3) | ||||
RMS (%MVIC × 103) | Pre | 7.3 (7.6) | 5.3 (5.1) | 4.6 (3.1) | 3.9 (4.7) | F(1,46) = 4.53, p = 0.04 | F(1,46) = 3.04, p = 0.08 | F(1,46) = 4.3, p = 0.04 |
Post | 8.4 (7.2) | 6.5 (7.7) | 4.6 (3.1) | 3.7 (4.4) |
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Gottlieb, U.; Hoffman, J.R.; Springer, S. The Immediate Carryover Effects of Peroneal Functional Electrical Stimulation Differ between People with and without Chronic Ankle Instability. Sensors 2022, 22, 1622.
Gottlieb U, Hoffman JR, Springer S. The Immediate Carryover Effects of Peroneal Functional Electrical Stimulation Differ between People with and without Chronic Ankle Instability. Sensors. 2022; 22(4):1622.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGottlieb, Uri, Jay R. Hoffman, and Shmuel Springer. 2022. "The Immediate Carryover Effects of Peroneal Functional Electrical Stimulation Differ between People with and without Chronic Ankle Instability" Sensors 22, no. 4: 1622.
APA StyleGottlieb, U., Hoffman, J. R., & Springer, S. (2022). The Immediate Carryover Effects of Peroneal Functional Electrical Stimulation Differ between People with and without Chronic Ankle Instability. Sensors, 22(4), 1622.