Sea-Surface Target Visual Tracking with a Multi-Camera Cooperation Approach
<p>Diagram of the MTVT system with multi-camera cooperation.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Flowchart of the improved moving-target visual-detection algorithm.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Construction and pretraining of MDNet.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Flowchart of the improved moving-target-matching method.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Region partition of the view field of camera.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Schematic diagram of unit state transition.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Pose relationship of cameras. (<b>a</b>) Pose relation of tracking beginning; (<b>b</b>) Pose relation of partial cooperation; (<b>c</b>) Pose relation of full cooperation.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The target detection results: (<b>a</b>) Grayscale image of the original video image; (<b>b</b>) Result of TFD; (<b>c</b>) Result of MGBM; (<b>d</b>) Result of the improved algorithm.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Visual target-tracking results of the sea-surface moving target. (<b>a</b>) Results of the appearance-model-based method. (<b>b</b>) Results of the color-feature-based method. (<b>c</b>) Results of our method.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Visual target-tracking results of a sea-surface moving target with horizonal rotation motion. (<b>a</b>) Results of the appearance-model-based method. (<b>b</b>) Results of the color-feature-based method. (<b>c</b>) Results of our method.</p> "> Figure 10 Cont.
<p>Visual target-tracking results of a sea-surface moving target with horizonal rotation motion. (<b>a</b>) Results of the appearance-model-based method. (<b>b</b>) Results of the color-feature-based method. (<b>c</b>) Results of our method.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Test results of accuracy and success rate on datasets. (<b>a</b>) Accuracy curve. (<b>b</b>) Success-rate curve.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Matching results of different moving targets: (<b>a</b>) Results of the SURF algorithm; (<b>b</b>) Results of our method.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Matching results of the same moving target under different viewing angles: (<b>a</b>) Results of the SURF algorithm; (<b>b</b>) Results of our method.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Ratio of mismatched pairs to all pairs.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Experiment location and the position of tracking units and target. (<b>a</b>) Satellite map of experimental site. (<b>b</b>) The predefined path of the target, and the positions and initial view angles of three units. (<b>c</b>) Tracking-unit deployment scenario.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Images and tracking results of three units: (<b>a</b>) Image of Unit 1; (<b>b</b>) Image of Unit 2; (<b>c</b>) Image of Unit 3.</p> "> Figure 16 Cont.
<p>Images and tracking results of three units: (<b>a</b>) Image of Unit 1; (<b>b</b>) Image of Unit 2; (<b>c</b>) Image of Unit 3.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>View-angle adjustment process of units.</p> "> Figure 18
<p>Images and tracking results of three units with a manual interruption: (<b>a</b>) Image of Unit 1; (<b>b</b>) Image of Unit 2; (<b>c</b>) Image of Unit 3.</p> "> Figure 19
<p>The position and initial view angles of three units.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>Images and tracking results of three units with random initial view angles: (<b>a</b>) Image of Unit 1; (<b>b</b>) Image of Unit 2; (<b>c</b>) Image of Unit 3.</p> "> Figure 21
<p>Results of the third field experiments: (<b>a</b>) The velocity of target; (<b>b</b>) View-angle adjustment process of units.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Related Works
1.2. Multi-Camera Cooperative Moving-Target Visual Tracking System
2. Technologies of Moving-Target Visual Detection, Tracking, and Matching
2.1. Moving-Target-Detection Algorithm Based on Mixed Gaussian Background Modeling and Three-Frame Difference Method
- (1).
- The acquired image sequences are preprocessed frame by frame, including graying, filtering, and global-motion compensation. The purpose of this step is to weaken noise, enhance image details, and improve efficiency of effective information extraction.
- (2).
- MGBM and TFD are used for target detection, respectively.
- (3).
- The processed image is binarized, and the mass center of the moving target processed by MGBM is used as the center, and then the logical “and” operation is carried out with the foreground region extracted by TFD. Then, image shape is processed and the final moving-target image is obtained.
2.2. Moving-Target-Tracking Method Based on MDNet
2.3. Moving-Target-Matching Method for a Multi-Camera System
3. Coordination Strategies
3.1. Pan-and-Tilt Control
- (1).
- Initialize partition of camera view field and set PT rotation speed to 1.
- (2).
- Adaptively adjust control parameters of PT. If the target is not in the central partition of the camera, rotate camera PT according to Table 1. Meanwhile, the position offset of target in two adjacent frames is calculated. According to the obtained offset, the rotation speed of PT is adjusted to keep the motion of the camera and target as consistent as possible, and to keep the target always placed in the center of the field of view.
- (3).
- Correct PT rotation parameters dynamically according to the position offset of the target in two adjacent frames. Calculate r frame by frame. If |r| > R, maintain rotation of PT, and adjust rotation speed in real time according to the rotation result of the next frame until the moving target can be tracked smoothly.
3.2. The MTU Selection
- (1).
- The tracking unit that captures the moving target first is selected as the MTU.
- (2).
- If two or more cameras detect the moving target at the same time, the camera whose current target image is more centered in the window, and target size in the picture is larger than the threshold is chosen, as the MTU.
- (3).
- If the detected targets are all near the center of image of multiple cameras, the camera with a larger size of the target image is chosen as the MTU.
- (4).
- When the center of gravity of the target is out of the view field of the MTU, or half of the target image is outside the MTU view window, or the MTU loses the target, selection of the MTU from the others cameras occurs according to (1)–(3).
3.3. Unit Behavior-State Model
- (1).
- Waiting state. When a tracking unit loses communication with the host controller or computer, the unit will be in this state. Once communication is set up, the unit will change to detecting state.
- (2).
- Detecting state. In this state, the target is out of the range of view of the unit, so the target will be detected by using shared information from other units, meanwhile adjusting the PT of the camera under control of the host. Once the target is detected and matched, the unit will change to tracking state.
- (3).
- Tracking status. In this state, the moving target will be tracked continuously by adjusting the PT of the camera using the control strategy in Section 3.1. If the target is out of lock temporarily, while the target is still in the field of view of camera, the unit will change to the state of out of lock. If the target is out of viewing field, the unit will switch to detecting state.
- (4).
- Out-of-lock state. In this state, the target is out of lock, the camera will stop rotating and begin to search for a moving target in the field of view. If the target is relocked, the unit will revert to tracking state, otherwise switching to detecting state.
3.4. Cooperative Tracking Strategy
- (1).
- Pose relation of tracking beginning. As shown in Figure 7a, the system begins to detect the target, and the target is tracked by no more than one unit. The first unit finding the target acts as the MTU. Other units in detecting state control and rotate PT to detect and match the target from the view field of the MTU to save detecting time.
- (2).
- Pose relation of partial cooperation. As shown in Figure 7b, there are at least two units tracking the target, and they are in partial-cooperation pose relation, and the axes of view of cameras have at least one intersection point near the target. By calculating and sharing the position information of these intersection points, the units in detecting state or in out-of-lock state will be guided to find the target more quickly.
- (3).
- Pose relation of full cooperation. All units cooperate to track the target and their view field is superimposed. In this pose relation, the position of the target could be estimated by calculating the average value of the intersection points of view axes of cameras, as green points and circles show in Figure 7c.
4. Experiment Results
4.1. Target-Detection Experiments
4.2. Target-Tracking Experiments
4.3. Target-Matching Experiments
4.4. Field Experiments
5. Conclusions and Prospects
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Target Area | Range of Target Location | Pan-and-Tilt Direction |
1 | |r| ≥ R, | Upper left |
2 | |r| ≥ R, | Upper |
3 | |r| ≥ R, | Upper right |
4 | |r| ≥ R, | Left |
5 | |r| < R | Stop |
6 | |r| ≥ R,/8] | Right |
7 | |r| ≥ R, | Lower left |
8 | |r| ≥ R, | Lower |
9 | |r| ≥ R, | Lower right |
Algorithms | Average IoU (%) | Average Recognition Rate (%) | Average False-Detection Rate (%) |
TFD | 32.68 | 54.17 | 23.49 |
MGBM | 47.19 | 62.35 | 15.29 |
Our algorithm | 67.52 | 78.61 | 7.32 |
Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | |
The number of frames correctly tracked | 94 | 100 | 11 |
The number of frames in which the target appears | 100 | 100 | 19 |
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Rao, J.; Xu, K.; Chen, J.; Lei, J.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Giernacki, W.; Liu, M. Sea-Surface Target Visual Tracking with a Multi-Camera Cooperation Approach. Sensors 2022, 22, 693.
Rao J, Xu K, Chen J, Lei J, Zhang Z, Zhang Q, Giernacki W, Liu M. Sea-Surface Target Visual Tracking with a Multi-Camera Cooperation Approach. Sensors. 2022; 22(2):693.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRao, Jinjun, Kai Xu, Jinbo Chen, Jingtao Lei, Zhen Zhang, Qiuyu Zhang, Wojciech Giernacki, and Mei Liu. 2022. "Sea-Surface Target Visual Tracking with a Multi-Camera Cooperation Approach" Sensors 22, no. 2: 693.
APA StyleRao, J., Xu, K., Chen, J., Lei, J., Zhang, Z., Zhang, Q., Giernacki, W., & Liu, M. (2022). Sea-Surface Target Visual Tracking with a Multi-Camera Cooperation Approach. Sensors, 22(2), 693.