Overview of Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Prognostic and Health Management of Industrial Assets Based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
<p>Interest shown for the term “explainable AI” in Google searches.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>PRISMA flow diagram of the search strategy for our review on PHM-XAI.3.3 (“*” indicates that “n = ” in the database field corresponds to the total number of records from all the databases specified below; and “**” states that the Zotero software was used for duplication analysis).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Distribution of PHM tasks for the selected articles.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Distribution of the selected articles according to the indicated publisher.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Distribution of the excluded articles according to the topic.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Distribution of the excluded articles according to the publisher.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Distribution of the selected articles according to the indicated year.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Distribution of the XAI approach type in the selected articles.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Distribution of the XAI assistance in the indicated PHM task.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Distribution of the performance of AI models according to the indicated task.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>(<b>a</b>) Distribution of the type of case study in the selected articles; (<b>b</b>) distribution of human involvement (yes/no) in the selected articles; (<b>c</b>) distribution of explanation metric inclusion (yes/no) in the selected articles; and (<b>d</b>) distribution of uncertainty management inclusion (yes/no) in the selected articles.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. General Progress in Artificial Intelligence
1.2. Artificial Intelligence in Prognostic and Health Management
1.3. Black-Box Artificial Intelligence Problem
1.4. The Need for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
- (i)
- Justification of the model’s decision by identifying issues and enhancing AI models.
- (ii)
- Obedience of the AI regulation and guidelines in usage, bias, ethics, dependability, accountability, safety, and security.
- (iii)
- Permission for users to confirm the model’s desirable features, promote engagement, obtain fresh insights into the model or data, and augment human intuition.
- (iv)
- Allowance for users to better optimize and focus their activities, efforts, and resources.
- (v)
- Support for the model development when it is not yet considered as reliable.
- (vi)
- Encouragement for the cooperation between AI experts and external parties.
1.5. Common XAI Approaches
1.6. Review Motivation
- (i)
- (ii)
- Specialized reviews: In the early years, several general surveys on XAI methods were written [32,34]. More recently, as the discipline grows, more specialized works emerged. Reviews on XAI have been related to drug discovery [31], fintech management [35], healthcare [30,33,36], neurorobotics [39], pathology [28], plant biology [37], and psychology [29]. Thus, it is necessary to produce an analytical compilation of PHM-XAI works, which is still absent.
- (iii)
- PHM nature and regulation: PHM is naturally related to high-investment and safety-sensitive industrial domains. Moreover, it is pressing to ensure the use of well-regulated AI in PHM. Hence, it is necessary for XAI to be promoted as much as possible and its know-how disseminated for the benefit of PHM actors.
- (i)
- General trend: This is related to an overview of the XAI approach employed, the repartition of the mentioned methods according to PHM activities, and the type of case study involved.
- (ii)
- Accuracy versus explainability power: According to DARPA, the model’s accuracy performance is inverse to its explainability prowess [40].
- (iii)
- XAI role: This must assist or overload PHM tasks.
- (iv)
- Challenges in PHM-XAI progress: Crosschecks were done with the general challenges raised in [14,32,34,38] associated with:
- (a)
- The lack of explanation evaluation metrics.
- (b)
- The absence of human involvement for enhancing the explanation effectivity.
- (c)
- The omission of uncertainty management in the studied literature.
2. Methodology
2.1. Framework
2.2. Databases
2.3. Steps of Our Bibliographical Review
- (S1)
- Verify whether the article type is research or not.
- (S2)
- Exclude non-PHM articles by identifying absence of commonly employed PHM terms such as prognostic, prognosis, RUL, diagnostic, diagnosis, anomaly detection, failure, fault, or degradation.
- (S3)
- Discard non-XAI articles by identifying absence of commonly used XAI terms which are explainable, interpretable, and AI.
- (S4)
- Eliminate non-PHM-XAI articles by identifying the absence of both PHM and XAI terms as, respectively, indicated in steps (ii) and (iii) above.
- (S5)
- Remove articles related to medical applications or network security.
- (i)
- PHM activity category: This corresponds to either anomaly detection, prognostic, or diagnostic, with structural damage detection as well as binary failure prediction being considered as diagnostic.
- (ii)
- XAI approach employed: This is related to the category of the XAI method.
- (iii)
- Recorded performance: This is associated with the reported result. Some papers clearly claim the comparability or the superiority of the proposed method over other tested methods. In the case where comparison was not conducted, the reported standalone results for accuracy, precision, F1 score, area under the receiving operating characteristic curve (AUC) score, area under precision-recall curve (PRAUC) score, or the Cohen kappa statistic score were referred to Table A4 in Appendix A and classified as either “bad”, “fair”, “good”, and “very good”. When mixed performance of good and very good was recorded for the same method, it was quantified as only “good”. When a method was superior to the rest, it was classified as “very good” unless detailed as only “good”. Some results were appreciated based on the problem at hand, for example using the mean square error (MSE), root mean square error (RMSE), and mean absolute error (MAE) as direct comparisons is not possible.
- (iv)
- XAI role in assisting PHM task: This regards the role of XAI in strengthening PHM ability.
- (v)
- Existence of explanation evaluation metrics: This is stated as presence or not of a metric.
- (vi)
- Human role in PHM-XAI works: This is considered as existence of the mentioned role or not.
- (vii)
- Uncertainty management: This is linked to if uncertainty management in any of the stages of the PHM or XAI approaches increases the possibility for adoption by user due to additional surety.
- (viii)
- Case study type (real or simulated): Real was considered when the data of a case study came from a real mechanical device, whereas simulated was considered when data were generated utilizing any type of computational simulation.
2.4. Outputs
- (i)
- Table: Selected and excluded articles with variables sought.
- (ii)
- Pie chart: Summary of the PHM activity category, explanation metric, human role, and uncertainty management.
- (iii)
- Column graph: Summary of the PHM-XAI yearly trend, XAI approach employed, recorded performance, and XAI role in assisting a PHM task.
3. Results
3.1. Framework
3.2. PRISMA Flow Diagram
4. Discussion
4.1. General Trend
4.2. XAI
4.3. PHM
4.4. Lack of Current Studies
4.4.1. Human Role in XAI
4.4.2. Explainability Metrics
4.4.3. Uncertainty Management
5. Conclusions
- (i)
- PHM-XAI progress: Much unexplored opportunity is still available for prognostics and health management researchers to advance the assimilation of explainable artificial intelligence in prognostics and health management.
- (ii)
- Interpretable models, rule- and knowledge-based models, and attention mechanism: These are the most widely used techniques and more research involving other approaches could give additional insight into the prognostics and health management community in terms of performance, ease of use, and flexibility of the explainable artificial intelligence method.
- (iii)
- XAI as PHM tool and instrument of explanation: explainable artificial intelligence could be preferred or required within prognostics and health management compared to standalone methods.
- (iv)
- PHM performance uninfluenced by XAI: The confidence of prognostics and health management practitioners and end users in the artificial intelligence model’s adoption should be boosted.
- (v)
- Lack of human role, explanation metrics, and uncertainty management: Efforts need to be concentrated in these areas amongst other in the future. Moreover, the development of evaluation metrics that can cater prognostics and health management needs is urgently recommended.
- (vi)
- Mostly real case studies were tested: the confidence of prognostics and health management practitioners and end users in the artificial intelligence model’s adoption should be increased.
- (i)
- This review does not classify explainable artificial intelligence methods in term of their nature (post-hoc, local, or global explainability): New insights or patterns could potentially be discovered by applying this classification.
- (ii)
- The review does not explore in detail the subject of explainability metrics: This aspect should be a standalone subject as it is a vast and emerging topic that involves the explainable artificial intelligence methods, human factors, and the proper need for the domain.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
ID | Authors and Year | Title | Publisher, Publication Name | PHM Activity | XAI Approach | Performance | XAI Assist PHM | Metric | Human Role | Uncertainty Management | Case Study |
1 | [54] Wong et al., 2015 | On equivalence of FIS and ELM for interpretable rule-based knowledge representation | IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | Diagnostic | Rule- and knowledge-based | Accuracy: 85.14% Good | Yes | No | No | No | Real— Circulating cooling water system for turbine. (energy sector) |
2 | [55] Wu et al., 2018 | K-PdM: KPI-oriented machinery deterioration estimation framework for oredictive maintenance using cluster-based hidden Markov model | IEEE, IEEE Access | Prognostic | Rule- and knowledge-based | RMSE: 14.28 Very Good | No | No | No | Probabilistic state transition model | Simulated—Turbofan engine (aerospace) |
3 | [56] Massimo et al., 2018 | Unsupervised classification of multichannel profile data using PCA: An application to an emission control system | Elsevier, Computers and Industrial Engineering | Diagnostic | Cluster- based | MSE: 2.127 × 10−5 to 5.809 × 10−3 Very Good | Yes | No | Yes | No | Real—Emission control system (automotive, environment) |
4 | [57] Mathias et al, 2019 | Forecasting remaining useful life: Interpretable deep learning approach via variational Bayesian inference | Elsevier, Decision Support Systems | Prognostic | Interpretable model | MAE: 13.267 Better than other methods, except LSTM | No | No | No | Uncertainty in model parameters | Simulated— Turbofan engine (Aerospace) |
5 | [58] Imene et al., 2019 | Fault isolation in manufacturing systems based on learning algorithm and fuzzy rule selection | Springer, Neural Computing and Applications | Diagnostic | Rule- and knowledge- based | Accuracy: 97.01% Very Good | Yes | No | No | Probabilistic classification by Bayes decision rule | Real— Rotary kiln (civil engineering) |
6 | [59] Kerelous et al., 2019 | Interpretable logic tree analysis: A data-driven fault tree methodology for causality analysis | Elsevier, Expert Systems with Applications | Diagnostic | LAD | Mean and standard errors are less than 2% and 1% Very good | Yes | No | Yes | FTA—Expert opinion | Simulated— Actuator system (manufacturing, energy, production, chemical) |
7 | [60] Rajendran et al., 2019 | Unsupervised wireless spectrum anomaly detection with interpretable features | IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking | Anomaly detection | Autoencoder | Generally better than other tested methods | Yes | No | No | Probabilistic classification error by discriminator | Real—software defined radio spectrum simulated—synthetic data (communication) |
8 | [61] Wang et al., 2019 | An attention-augmented deep architecture for hard drive status monitoring in large-scale storag systems | ACM, ACM Transactions on Storage | Prognostic, diagnostic | Attention mechanism | Prognostic precision: 94.5–98.3% Generally, better than other methods. No comparison in diagnostic | Diag: Yes Prog: No | No | No | No | Real— Hard drive (information technology) |
9 | [62] Le et al., 2019 | Visualization and explainable machine learning for efficient manufacturing and system operations | ASTM, Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems | Diagnostic | Others | N/A 1 | Yes | No | Yes | No | Simulated—turbofan (aerospace) |
10 | [63] Langone et al., 2020 | Interpretable anomaly prediction: Predicting anomalous behavior in industry 4.0 settings via regularized logistic regression tools | Elsevier, Data and Knowledge Engineering | Anomaly detection | Interpretable model | Kappa: 0.4–0.6 AUC: 0.6–0.8 F1: 0.3–0.5 PRAUC: 0.2–0.4 Good | Yes | No | No | Statistical feature extraction | Real— High-pressure plunger pump (chemical) |
11 | [64] Peng et al., 2020 | A dynamic structure-adaptive symbolic approach for slewing bearings life prediction under variable working conditions | Sage, Structural Health Monitoring | Prognostic | Interpretable model | RMSE: 18.19 Better than previous methods | Yes | No | No | No | Real— Slewing bearings (rotating machinery, energy, manufacturing) |
12 | [65] Ritto et al., 2020 | Digital twin, physics-based model, and machine learning applied to damage detection in structures | Elsevier, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | Diagnostic | Interpretable model | Accuracy: 74.8–93.3% Good | No | No | No | No | Not specified— Spring mass system (wind turbine, energy) |
13 | [66] Rea et al., 2020 | Progress toward interpretable machine learning based disruption predictors across tokamaks | Taylor and Francis, Fusion Science and Technology | Diagnostic | Interpretable model | N/A | No | No | No | Physic-based indicator | Real DIII—D and JET tokamaks (energy) |
14 | [67] Murari et al., 2020 | Investigating the physics of tokamak global stability with interpretable ML tools | MDPI, Applied Sciences | Anomaly detection | Mathematic equation | Success Rate > 90% Very Good | No | No | No | No | Type unspecified—Tokamak (energy) |
15 | [68] Zhou et al., 2020 | Fault diagnosis of gas turbine based on partly interpretable convolutional neural networks | Elsevier, Energy | Diagnostic | Tree-based | Accuracy: 95.52% Better than other tested methods | Yes | No | No | No | Simulated— Gas turbine model (energy) |
16 | [69] Zhou et al., 2020 | Addressing noise and skewness in interpretable health-condition assessment by learning model confidence | MDPI, Sensors | Diagnostic | Rule- and knowledge- based | F1 Score: 0.8005 Very Good | No | No | No | No | Real— Aircraft structure. (aerospace) |
17 | [70] Jianbo et al., 2020 | Knowledge extraction and insertion to deep belief network for gearbox fault diagnosis | Elsevier, Knowledge-Based Systems | Diagnostic | Rule- and Knowledge-based | Accuracy: 92.33 Very Good | Yes | No | No | No | Real— Gearbox (manufacturing, energy, automotive) |
18 | [71] Conde et al., 2020 | Isotonic boosting classification rules | Springer, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification | Diagnostic | Rule- and knowledge-based | Total Misclassification Probability (TMP): 0.036-0.164 Good and comparable to other methods | Yes | No | No | No | Real— Induction motor (manufacturing, energy, production) |
19 | [72] Antonio et al., 2020 | Using an autoencoder in the design of an anomaly detector for smart manufacturing | Elsevier, Pattern Recognition Letters | Anomaly detection | Autoencoder | Precision: 77.8–100% Accuracy: 94.9–100% Same as the previous best method | Yes | No | No | No | Simulated— Continuous batch washing equipment (industrial laundry) |
20 | [73] Abid et al., 2020 | Robust interpretable deep learning for intelligent fault diagnosis of induction motors | IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement | Diagnostic | Filter-based | Accuracy: 99.95% ± 0.05% Better than other tested methods and previous works | Yes | No | No | No | Real— Electrical and mechanical motor (Manufacturing, Energy, Production) |
21 | [74] Liu et al., 2020 | Tscatnet: An interpretable cross-domain intelligent diagnosis model with antinoise and few-shot learning capability | IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement | Diagnostic | Filter-based | Accuracy: 100% Better than other tested methods | Yes | No | No | No | Real—Bearing, drive train (manufacturing, energy, production) |
22 | [75] Li et al., 2020 | Waveletkernelnet: an interpretable deep neural network for industrial intelligent diagnosis. | IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems | Diagnostic | Filter-based | Accuracy: 92.61–99.91% Better than other tested methods | Yes | No | No | No | Real—Bearing, drive train (manufacturing, energy, production) |
23 | [76] Chen et al., 2020 | Vibration signals analysis by explainable artificial intelligence approach: Application on bearing faults diagnosis | IEEE, IEEE Access | Diagnostic | Attention mechanism | N/A | No | No | No | No | Real— Rolling bearing (manufacturing, energy, production) |
24 | [77] Sun et al., 2020 | Vision-based fault diagnostics using explainable deep learning with class activation maps | IEEE, IEEE Access | Diagnostic | Attention mechanism | Accuracy: 95.85% Precision: 100% Very good | No | No | No | No | Real— Base-excited cantilever beam, water pump system (manufacturing, energy, production) |
25 | [78] Oh et al., 2020 | VODCA: Verification of diagnosis using CAM-based approach for explainable process monitoring | MDPI, Sensors | Diagnostic | Attention mechanism | Accuracy: 78.4–99.5% Good | Yes | No | No | True positive and true negative indicators | Simulated— Ford motor and real—sapphire grinding (automotive, production) |
26 | [79] Sreenath et al., 2020 | Fouling modeling and prediction approach for heat exchangers using deep learning | Elsevier, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | Failure Prediction | Model agnostic | Accuracy: 99.80–99.92% Very good | No | No | No | No | Simulated— Heat-exchanger model (manufacturing, energy, production) |
27 | [80] Hong et al., 2020 | Remaining useful life prognosis for turbofan engine using explainable deep neural network with dimensional reduction | MDPI, Sensors | Prognostic | Model Agnostic | RMSE: 10.41 Very good | No | No | No | No | Simulated—Turbofan engine (aerospace) |
28 | [81] Grezmak et al., 2020 | Interpretable convolutional neural network through layer-wise relevance propagation for machine fault diagnosis | IEEE, IEEE Sensors Journal | Diagnostic | LRP | Accuracy: 100% Very good | No | No | No | No | Real— Induction motor (manufacturing, energy, production) |
29 | [82] Ming et al., 2020 | ProtoSteer: Steering deep sequence model with prototypes | IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics | Diagnostic | Others | N/A | Yes | No | Yes | No | Real— Vehicle fault log (automotive) |
30 | [83] Chen et al., 2020 | Frequency-temporal-logic-based bearing fault diagnosis and fault interpretation using Bayesian optimization &ANN | Elsevier, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | Diagnostic | Others | Better error percentage, error rate and robustness than other tested methods | Yes | No | No | No | Real—Bearings (manufacturing, energy, production) |
31 | [84] Steenwinckel et al., 2021 | FLAGS: A methodology for adaptive anomaly detection and root cause analysis on sensor data streams by fusing expert knowledge with machine learning | Elsevier, Future Generation Computer Systems | Anomaly detection, diagnostic | Rule- and knowledge- based | Accuracy: 75% Good in anomaly detection, no result for diagnostic | Yes, for both | No | Yes | FMEA and FTA—Expert opinion | Real—Train (transportation) |
32 | [85] Zhang et al., 2021 | A new interpretable learning method for fault diagnosis of rolling bearings | IEEE, EEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement | Diagnostic | Cluster- based | Accuracy: 99.3–100% Very good | Yes | No | No | No | Real— Rolling bearing (manufacturing, energy, production) |
33 | [86] Onchis et al., 2021 | Stable and explainable deep learning damage prediction for prismatic cantilever steel beam | Elsevier, Computers in Industry | Diagnostic | Model Agnostic | Accuracy for 19% damage: 75–92% Accuracy for 43% damage: 85–95% Good | Yes, by LIME only | Stability-fit compensation index (SFC)—Quality indicator of the explanations | No | Yes | Real— Prismatic cantilever steel beam (civil engineering, structural engineering) |
34 | [87] Kim et al., 2021 | An explainable convolutional neural network for fault diagnosis in linear motion guide | IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | Diagnostic | Attention mechanism | Accuracy: 99.59–99.71% Very good | No | No | No | No | Real— Linear motion guide (manufacturing, energy, production) |
35 | [88] Ding et al., 2021 | Stationary subspaces autoregressive with exogenous terms methodology for degradation trend estimation of rolling and slewing bearings | Elsevier, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing | Prognostic | Others | MAE: 0.0375–0.0414 RMSE: 0.0482–0.0659 Better than other methods and comparable to previous works | Yes | No | No | No | Real— Rolling and slewing bearings (manufacturing, energy, production) |
ID | Authors, Date | Title | Publisher, Publication Name | Exclusion Reason |
1 | [89] Kumar et al., 2016 | Adaptive cluster tendency visualization and anomaly detection for streaming data | ACM, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | Non-PHM-XAI implementation/case study |
2 | [90] Bao et al., 2016 | Improved fault detection and diagnosis using sparse global-local preserving projections | Elsevier, Journal of Process Control | Process monitoring and anomaly detection |
3 | [91] Kozjek et al., 2017 | Interpretative identification of the faulty conditions in a cyclic manufacturing process | Elsevier, Journal of Manufacturing Systems | Process monitoring and diagnosis |
4 | [92] Ragab et al., 2017 | Fault diagnosis in industrial chemical processes using interpretable patterns based on logical analysis of data | Elsevier, Expert Systems with Applications | Process monitoring and fault diagnosis |
5 | [93] Tang et al., 2018 | Fisher discriminative sparse representation based on DBN for fault diagnosis of complex system | MDPI, Applied Science | Process monitoring and fault diagnosis |
6 | [94] Luo et al., 2018 | Knowledge-data-integrated sparse modeling for batch process monitoring | Elsevier, Chemical Engineering Science | Process anomaly detection and diagnosis |
7 | [95] Puggini et al., 2018 | An enhanced variable selection and Isolation Forest based methodology for anomaly detection with OES data | Elsevier, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | Process anomaly detection and diagnosis |
8 | [96] Cheng et al., 2018 | Monitoring influent measurements at water resource recovery facility using data-driven soft sensor approach | IEEE, IEEE Sensors Journal | Process anomaly detection |
9 | [97] Zhang et al., 2018 | Weakly correlated profile monitoring based on sparse multi-channel functional principal component analysis | Taylor and Francis, IISE Transactions | Process monitoring |
10 | [98] Luo et al., 2018 | Industrial process monitoring based on knowledge-data integrated sparse model and two-level deviation magnitude plots | ACS, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research | Process monitoring, anomaly detection and diagnosis |
11 | [99] Vojíř et al., 2018 | EasyMiner.eu: web framework for interpretable machine learning based on rules and frequent item sets | Elsevier, Knowledge-Based Systems | Only development version offers anomaly detection |
12 | [100] Du et al., 2019 | A condition change detection method for solar conversion efficiency in solar cell manufacturing processes | IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing | Process monitoring and anomaly detection |
13 | [101] Keneniet et al., 2019 | Evolving rule-based explainable artificial intelligence for unmanned aerial vehicles | IEEE, IEEE Access | Interpret why agent deviate from its mission, not because of system failure |
14 | [102] Wang et al., 2019 | Dynamic soft sensor development based on convolutional neural networks | ACS, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research | Process modelling |
15 | [103] Wang et al., 2019 | Explicit and interpretable nonlinear soft sensor models for influent surveillance at a full-scale wastewater treatment plant | Elsevier, Journal of Process Control | Process monitoring and variable prediction |
16 | [104] Liu et al., 2019 | Intelligent online catastrophe assessment and preventive control via a stacked denoising autoencoder | Elsevier, Neurocomputing | Black-box |
17 | [105] Bukhsh et al., 2019 | Predictive maintenance using tree-based classification techniques: a case of railway switches | Elsevier, Transportation Research Part C | Predict maintenance need, activity type and maintenance trigger status |
18 | [106] Ragab et al., 2019 | Deep understanding in industrial processes by complementing human expertise with interpretable patterns of machine learning | Elsevier, Expert Systems with Applications | Process monitoring and fault diagnosis |
19 | [107] Luo et al., 2019 | Sparse robust principal component analysis with applications to fault detection and diagnosis | ACS, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research | Process monitoring, fault detection and diagnosis |
20 | [108] Jie et al., 2020 | Process abnormity identification by fuzzy logic rules and expert estimated thresholds derived certainty factor | Elsevier, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | Process anomaly diagnosis |
21 | [109] Sajedi et al., 2020 | Dual Bayesian inference for risk-informed vibration-based diagnosis | Wiley, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | Uncertainty interpretation, not model’s interpretation |
22 | [110] Sun et al., 2020 | ALVEN: Algebraic learning via elastic net for static and dynamic nonlinear model identification | Elsevier, Computers and Chemical Engineering | Process monitoring and variable prediction |
23 | [111] Henriques et al., 2020 | Combining k-means and XGBoost models for anomaly detection using log datasets | MDPI, Electronics | Anomaly in project, not engineered system |
24 | [112] Gorzałczany et al., 2020 | A modern data-mining approach based on genetically optimized fuzzy systems for interpretable and accurate smart-grid stability prediction | MDPI, Energies | Electrical grid demand stability in financial perspective |
25 | [113] Müller et al., 2020 | Data or interpretations impacts of information presentation strategies on diagnostic processes | Wiley, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries | Experiment with operator effectivity following quality of interpretability |
26 | [114] Shriram et al., 2020 | Least squares sparse principal component analysis and parallel coordinates for real-time process monitoring | ACS, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research | Process monitoring and diagnosis |
27 | [115] Alshraideh et al., 2020 | Process control via random forest classification of profile signals: an application to a tapping process | Elsevier, Journal of Manufacturing Processes | Process monitoring and anomaly detection |
28 | [116] Minghua et al., 2020 | Diagnosing root causes of intermittent slow queries in cloud databases | ACM, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment | Diagnosing slow query due to lack of resources, not failure |
29 | [117] Shaha et al., 2020 | Performance prediction and interpretation of a refuse plastic fuel fired boiler | IEEE, IEEE Access | Performance prediction |
30 | [118] Kovalev et al., 2020 | SurvLIME: a method for explaining machine learning survival models | Elsevier, Knowledge-Based Systems | Medical survival model |
31 | [119] Kovalev et al., 2020 | A robust algorithm for explaining unreliable machine learning survival models using the Kolmogorov.Smirnov bounds | Elsevier, Neural Networks | Medical survival model |
32 | [120] Karn et al., 2021 | Cryptomining detection in container clouds using system calls and explainable machine learning | IEEE, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | Network attack |
33 | [121] Gyula et al., 2021 | Decision trees for informative process alarm definition and alarm-based fault classification | Elsevier, Process Safety and Environmental Protection | Process monitoring and anomaly detection |
34 | [122] Zaman et al., 2021 | Fuzzy heuristics and decision tree for classification of statistical feature-based control chart patterns | MDPI, Symmetry | Process monitoring and diagnosis |
35 | [123] Li et al., 2021 | DTDR-ALSTM: Extracting dynamic time-delays to reconstruct multivariate data for improving attention-based LSTM industrial time series prediction models | Elsevier, Knowledge-Based Systems | Process monitoring and variable prediction |
Database and Date | Number of Extracted Papers | Search Field and Keywords | Filters Applied |
IEEE Xplore 18/02/21 | 144 | Using ‘Document Title’:
| Journals, Early Access Article, Specify Year Range: 2015–2021 |
Science Direct 17/02/21 | 607 | Using ‘Title, abstract or author-specified keywords’:
| Article type: Research Articles, Subject areas: Engineering and Computer Science, Years: 2015–2021 |
Springer Link 22/02/21 | 291 | Using ‘With all the words’:
| Content Type: Article, Discipline: Computer Science or Engineering, Language: English, Show documents published: 2015–2021 |
ACM Digital Library 28/05/21 | 75 | Using ‘Publication Title, Abstract and Keywords’:
| Publications: Journal, Content Type: Research Article, Publication Date: 2015–2021 |
Scopus 27/02/21 | 1931 |
| Limited to: Article, Publication stage: Final, Subject Area: Engineering and Comput Science, Language: English, Exclude: Medical, Published from: 2015–2021 |
Value | <50% | 50–75% | 75–90% | 90–100% | |
Metric | |||||
Accuracy | Bad | Fair | Good | Very good | |
Precision | Bad | Fair | Good | Very good | |
Value | 0.00–0.20 | 0.21–0.40 | 0.41–0.6 | 0.61–1.00 | |
Metric | |||||
F1 | Bad | Fair | Good | Very good | |
AUC | Bad | Fair | Good | Very good | |
PRAUC | Bad | Fair | Good | Very good | |
Kappa | Bad | Fair | Good | Very good |
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Nor, A.K.M.; Pedapati, S.R.; Muhammad, M.; Leiva, V. Overview of Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Prognostic and Health Management of Industrial Assets Based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Sensors 2021, 21, 8020. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21238020
Nor AKM, Pedapati SR, Muhammad M, Leiva V. Overview of Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Prognostic and Health Management of Industrial Assets Based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Sensors. 2021; 21(23):8020. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21238020
Chicago/Turabian StyleNor, Ahmad Kamal Mohd, Srinivasa Rao Pedapati, Masdi Muhammad, and Víctor Leiva. 2021. "Overview of Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Prognostic and Health Management of Industrial Assets Based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses" Sensors 21, no. 23: 8020. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21238020
APA StyleNor, A. K. M., Pedapati, S. R., Muhammad, M., & Leiva, V. (2021). Overview of Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Prognostic and Health Management of Industrial Assets Based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Sensors, 21(23), 8020. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21238020