Reinforcement-Learning-Based Route Generation for Heavy-Traffic Autonomous Mobile Robot Systems
<p>Input layout and the corresponding occupancy grid: (<b>a</b>) layout with pick-up/drop-off locations (yellow circles), white represents the driving area and black are the walls or other static obstacles; (<b>b</b>) the corresponding occupancy grid with the reinforcement-learning agent searching for the routes between pick-up and drop-off locations (the light blue arrows around the agent illustrate four possible actions).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Example layouts to demonstrate computational complexity: (<b>a</b>) 2 × 2, four pick-up/drop-off locations (four pick-up/drop-off locations means there are 12 directed routes between pick-up/drop-off locations to be found); (<b>b</b>) 3 × 3, four pick-up/drop-off locations; (<b>c</b>) 4 × 4, four pick-up/drop-off locations. The transition between cells is only in directions up, down, left, and right).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The expected result.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>(<b>a</b>) Layout for the experiments and (<b>b</b>) the corresponding occupancy grid with the cell size of 1 m.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Physics-based simulation developed using Robot Operating System (ROS) and Gazebo simulator.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Simulation experiments for validation of the proposed method: (<b>a</b>) proposed approach; (<b>b</b>) baseline approach.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Other layouts: (<b>a</b>) four pick-up/drop-off locations, one wall, 12 × 12 m; (<b>b</b>) four pick-up/drop-off locations, multiple walls, 12 × 12 m; (<b>c</b>) eight pick-up/drop-off locations, 30 × 20 m; and (<b>d</b>) seventeen pick-up/drop-off locations, 30 × 20 m. Yellow circles are pick-up/drop-off locations, white represents the driving area, and black are the walls or other static obstacles.</p> "> Figure 7 Cont.
<p>Other layouts: (<b>a</b>) four pick-up/drop-off locations, one wall, 12 × 12 m; (<b>b</b>) four pick-up/drop-off locations, multiple walls, 12 × 12 m; (<b>c</b>) eight pick-up/drop-off locations, 30 × 20 m; and (<b>d</b>) seventeen pick-up/drop-off locations, 30 × 20 m. Yellow circles are pick-up/drop-off locations, white represents the driving area, and black are the walls or other static obstacles.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Episode reward during training the RL agent.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Routes generated by the trained RL agent. The coloured squares (blue, red, green, and yellow) indicate pick-up/drop-off locations, and the colour of the route indicates to which pick-up location the route belongs. All four locations (blue, red, green, and yellow squares) represent both pick-up as well as drop-off locations (robots may travel in both directions for any pair of these locations). When the robot needs to travel from a pick-up location to a drop-off location, it follows a route that is the same colour as the pick-up location.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Performances of the proposed and the baseline approach. Above: the performances calculated according to Equation (5). Below: the proportion of tests in which a multi-AMR system failed to finish given tasks due to severe conflicts between the robots.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Results on different layouts: (<b>a</b>) four pick-up/drop-off locations, one wall, 12 × 12 m; (<b>b</b>) four pick-up/drop-off locations, multiple walls, 12 × 12 m; (<b>c</b>) eight pick-up/drop-off locations, 30 × 20 m; and (<b>d</b>) seventeen pick-up/drop-off locations, 30 × 20 m. The coloured squares (blue, red, green, and yellow, etc.) indicate pick-up/drop-off locations, the colour of the route indicates which pick-up location the route belongs to, the walls/obstacles are represented in light grey, and the driving surface is coloured dark grey.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Episode reward during training and training times for different layouts. Tests were running on a mobile workstation with Intel Core i7–9750H Processor (12 × 2.6 GHz) and 32 GB RAM.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Typical failures in the shortest-path based (baseline) approach when having a large number of AMRs in the system.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Circular traffic in a counter-clockwise direction around the wall.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Reinforcement-Learning-Based Route Generation
3. Experimental Validation
3.1. Case Study Description
3.2. Reinforcement-Learning Parameters
3.3. Simulation, Baseline-Method, and other Parameters
- Right-of-way rule (since there may still be some intersections);
- Leave enough space in front of the robot (stop and reverse very slowly if another robot is closer than 2.7 m in front of the robot on the same route segment);
- Stop (and reverse slowly) if the front of the mobile robot gets too close to another mobile robot).
3.4. Different Layouts
4. Results
4.1. Generating Routes
4.2. Comparison of the Proposed to Baseline Approach
4.3. Different Layouts
5. Discussion
- automatic generation of routes;
- scalability in terms of the number of mobile robots (the number of vehicles in the system does not affect the difficulty and time of calculating routes/actions);
- in the generation of routes, the relative importance of each criterion can be adjusted for the specific application of the proposed method;
- a good system performance can be achieved with only a few simple traffic rules;
- the use of the proposed navigation method allows a more accurate (and easier) prediction of the future states of mobile robots (this property could also be exploited in the extension of the method by adding the functionality offered by state-of-the-art on-line path planning methods);
- a small number of possible ways how mobile robots can meet (e.g., at an intersection, on a straight line, or at a turn), this facilitates increasing the robustness of the system;
- additional communication between the robots is minimal (the robots only need to share their current location and orientation);
- compared to the baseline approach, the use of computational resources is minimal (in addition to following the route, the robot uses a simple algorithm to check only the current geometric relations with other mobile robots, i.e., relative position and orientation);
- the proposed method allows for a relatively simple decentralisation of a multi-AMR system.
- the relative importance of each route can be adjusted (some routes may be more important or frequent than others);
- the relative importance of each robot or task could be set by dynamically adjusting the traffic rules;
- the difficulty and time of route computation depends on the number of routes to be found;
- pick-up/drop-off locations must be determined in advance (e.g., if a pick-up/drop-off location later appears elsewhere, the default navigation system must be used to go to that location);
- routes found are static.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Example Layout | Total Nr. of Combinations of Routes | Estimated Time * |
2 × 2 (Figure 2a) | 4096 | ≈1 ms |
3 × 3 (Figure 2b) | 4.444945756 × 1012 | ≈13 years |
4 × 4 (Figure 2c) | 1.15513119 × 1027 | ≈4.4 × 1015 years |
Variable | Case 1 | Value in Case 1 | Case 2 | Value in Case 2 |
rstep | In each new step. | Rstep * | / | / |
rsp | Shortest path length decreased. | Rsp | Shortest path length increased. | −Rsp |
rposition | Agent hits the wall or other static obstacle, or at the wrong drop-off location. | −1 | Otherwise. | 0 |
rvisited | At the already visited location in current episode. | Rvisited | Otherwise. | 0 |
rvisit.c.r. | At the already visited location, it was in searching for the current route. | −1 | Otherwise. | 0 |
ropp | The just-generated part of the route is directed in the opposite direction as another part of the already existing routes in the current agent’s position. | −1 | Otherwise. | 0 |
rcross | Crossing another existing route. | ncross · Rcross | Otherwise. | 0 |
rturn | Making a turn. | Rturn | Otherwise. | 0 |
rmax.stp. | The number of steps for current route exceeded the predefined maximum allowed number of steps for single route. (nstp.c.r. > Nstp.max) | −1 | Otherwise. | 0 |
rdropoff | The agent arrives to drop-off location of current route. | 1 | Otherwise. | 0 |
Value Range |
−1 ≪ Rstep < 0 |
0 < Rsp ≪ 1 |
−1 ≪ Rvisited < 0 |
−1 ≪ Rcross < 0 |
−1 ≪ Rturn < 0 |
Parameter | Value |
Rstep | −0.001 |
Rsp | 0.05 |
Rvisited | −0.005 |
Rcross | −0.05 |
Rturn | −0.005 |
Method | Min. Route Length (m) | Max. Route Length (m) | Route Length Mean ± st. dev. (m) |
shortest-path-based | 9.02 | 20.44 | 13.84 ± 3.91 |
proposed (RL-based) | 12.00 | 29.00 | 18.83 ± 5.31 |
Layout | Total Nr. of Routes | Min. Route Length [m] | Max. Route Length [m] | Route Length Mean ± [m] | Nr. of Opposite Route Segments * |
four pick-up/drop-off locations, one wall, 12 × 12 m | 12 | 6.00 | 18.00 | 12.17 ± 4.84 | 0 |
four pick-up/drop-off locations, multiple walls, 12 × 12 m | 12 | 12.00 | 29.00 | 18.83 ± 5.31 | 0 |
eight pick-up/drop-off locations, 30 × 20 m | 56 | 5.00 | 48.00 | 25.07 ± 11.17 | 3 |
seventeen pick-up/drop-off locations, 30 × 20 m | 272 | 3.00 | 66.00 | 24.57 ± 10.83 | 8 |
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Kozjek, D.; Malus, A.; Vrabič, R. Reinforcement-Learning-Based Route Generation for Heavy-Traffic Autonomous Mobile Robot Systems. Sensors 2021, 21, 4809.
Kozjek D, Malus A, Vrabič R. Reinforcement-Learning-Based Route Generation for Heavy-Traffic Autonomous Mobile Robot Systems. Sensors. 2021; 21(14):4809.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKozjek, Dominik, Andreja Malus, and Rok Vrabič. 2021. "Reinforcement-Learning-Based Route Generation for Heavy-Traffic Autonomous Mobile Robot Systems" Sensors 21, no. 14: 4809.
APA StyleKozjek, D., Malus, A., & Vrabič, R. (2021). Reinforcement-Learning-Based Route Generation for Heavy-Traffic Autonomous Mobile Robot Systems. Sensors, 21(14), 4809.