RELIABLE: Resource Allocation Mechanism for 5G Network using Mobile Edge Computing
<p>Fifth-generation (5G) network environment considering Mobile Edge Computing (MEC).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Simulation results for Scenario 1.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Simulation lresults for Scenario 2.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Simulation results for Scenario 3.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We propose a mechanism to allocate resources in MEC infrastructure as a way to maximize the availability of resources which can be used when they are requested in MEC.
- We consider the combination of mobility prediction and the resources required, as well as the service time for proper decision making.
- We perform simulation experiments to introduce the impacts and benefits of RELIABLE, where the results show that RELIABLE can effectively mitigate the challenges related to resource allocation in MEC infrastructure in terms of the number of services served, the number of services blocked and the number of services denied for a different number of users requesting different services.
2. Related Works
3.1. Network Scenario
3.2. Allocation Decision
3.3. RELIABLE Operations
Algorithm 1 Abstraction of RELIABLE |
4. Performance Analysis
4.1. Scenario Description and Methodology
- The number of services served means the number of services that were allocated in an MEC device.
- The number of services blocked means the number of incorrect choices for service allocation due to the lack of resources available for allocation. Therefore, the service is blocked until RELIABLE finds an MEC device that can allocate the service.
- The number of services denied means the number of requests that, due to lack of resources, were not allocated by any MEC, and thus the number of services that were not actually allocated due to lack of resources by all MEC devices.
4.2. Results for Scenario 1
4.3. Results for Scenario 2
4.4. Results for Scenario 3
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Works | User Mobility | Mobility Prediction | Service Time | Method Complexity |
Song et al. [31] | high | no | no | high |
Lingen et al. [32] | low | no | no | high |
Yu et al. [33] | low | no | no | low |
Ali et al. [36] | low | no | no | low |
Peng and Shen [37] | low | no | no | high |
Agarwal et al. [40] | low | no | no | high |
Wang et al. [38] | low | no | no | high |
Kiani et al. [39] | low | no | no | high |
RELIABLE | high | yes | yes | low |
Term | Description |
Mobile node (user devices) | |
w | Maximum number of mobile nodes |
Maximum limit of connected users at an edge | |
Available resources in MEC k | |
o | Maximum number of MEC |
Service | |
q | Maximum number of services available from MEC |
Maximum service managed by MEC | |
Required resources | |
Mobility prediction | |
Service time | |
Bandwidth | |
Controller node | |
x | Vector of location based on time slot |
Location of the flow in the time slot t | |
t | Maximum number of time slots |
y | Joint Gaussian distribution of historical (random value) |
Gaussian process | |
Kernel function | |
Mean function to evaluate at the time location | |
Decision matrix | |
M | Normalized matrix |
Value | Degrees of Importance |
3 | The parameter is much more important than the others |
2 | The parameter is more important than another |
1 | Two parameters have the same importance |
1/2 | The parameter is less important than another |
1/3 | The parameter is much less important than the others |
Factor | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | |
1/2 | 1 | 3 | |
1/3 | 1/3 | 1 |
Parameter | Value |
Maps | Manhattan city |
Number of users | 327, 499, 596, 930 and 1088 |
Cellular Network | Four connected 5G cell towers |
User input and output in MEC | Pearson Type III distribution |
Services | Security and entertainment |
Security service time | 1 h |
Security service bandwidth consumption | 1% |
Security service memory consumption | 0.5% |
Security service processing consumption | 1.5% |
Entertainment service time | 2 h |
Entertainment service bandwidth consumption | 4% |
Entertainment service memory consumption | 2.5% |
Entertainment service processing consumption | 2.5% |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Pereira, R.S.; Lieira, D.D.; Silva, M.A.C.d.; Pimenta, A.H.M.; da Costa, J.B.D.; Rosário, D.; Villas, L.; Meneguette, R.I. RELIABLE: Resource Allocation Mechanism for 5G Network using Mobile Edge Computing. Sensors 2020, 20, 5449.
Pereira RS, Lieira DD, Silva MACd, Pimenta AHM, da Costa JBD, Rosário D, Villas L, Meneguette RI. RELIABLE: Resource Allocation Mechanism for 5G Network using Mobile Edge Computing. Sensors. 2020; 20(19):5449.
Chicago/Turabian StylePereira, Rickson S., Douglas D. Lieira, Marco A. C. da Silva, Adinovam H. M. Pimenta, Joahannes B. D. da Costa, Denis Rosário, Leandro Villas, and Rodolfo I. Meneguette. 2020. "RELIABLE: Resource Allocation Mechanism for 5G Network using Mobile Edge Computing" Sensors 20, no. 19: 5449.
APA StylePereira, R. S., Lieira, D. D., Silva, M. A. C. d., Pimenta, A. H. M., da Costa, J. B. D., Rosário, D., Villas, L., & Meneguette, R. I. (2020). RELIABLE: Resource Allocation Mechanism for 5G Network using Mobile Edge Computing. Sensors, 20(19), 5449.