Designing a Cyber-Physical System for Ambient Assisted Living: A Use-Case Analysis for Social Robot Navigation in Caregiving Centers
<p>General view of a Cyber-Physical System for caregiving center.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>General view of the CPS-AAL proposed.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>(<b>a</b>) Partial view of the physical world <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="double-struck">W</mi> </semantics></math> with an RGB camera with wired communication; and (<b>b</b>) image capture from the camera labeled as “1” in a).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>CPS-AAL architecture, which is built based on CORTEX cognitive architecture.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The cognitive architecture CORTEX and the multi-labeled graph DSR used in this paper as the basis of the cyber-world.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Unified representation as a multi-labeled directed graph. Edges labeled as has and is interacting denote logic predicates between nodes. Edges starting at room and end at senior and clinical staff are geometric relations and encode a rigid transformation <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>R</mi> <mi>T</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> between them.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Example of the shared representation (DSR) in CORTEX. The simulated caregiving center is shown on the top right. The scenario is composed of four rooms, with objects and people within it.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Two different everyday situations in caregiving centers: (<b>a</b>) left: a scenario where two people are interacting each other; right: red path is the only one accepted by people according to social conventions; (<b>b</b>) left: a scenario where the caregiver is interacting with the stretcher; right: red path shows the socially accepted route.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Partial view of the proposed CPS-AAL for caregiving centers.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Two use cases are used in this paper to validate the proposed CPS-AAL: (<b>a</b>) The robot acts as an assistant that warns the users (older adults) that the therapy is over, and (<b>b</b>) the robot acts as a virtual physical therapist that navigates to the user and proposes a physical activity. A more detailed description of the use cases is in <a href="#sensors-20-04005-t002" class="html-table">Table 2</a> and <a href="#sensors-20-04005-t003" class="html-table">Table 3</a>, respectively.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Overview of the social navigation framework within the CPS-AAL.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Six RGB images acquired by the caregiving center’s sensor network in different moments. The cameras are tagged to locate them in the environment used for the experiments.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>(<b>a,b</b>) Graph representation of the digital twin model <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="double-struck">C</mi> </semantics></math> corresponding to the physical world <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="double-struck">W</mi> </semantics></math> for the two use cases, respectively. The green node labeled as ’robot’ is the SAR location at the beginning of each test. This node, like the SAR in <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="double-struck">W</mi> </semantics></math>, moves through the graph. The blue node is the SAR location at the ending of each test.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>First use case: (<b>a</b>) 3D view of the simulated scenario; (<b>b</b>) social interaction spaces, both for people (the senior and the caregiver) and the objects in the CPS-AAL; (<b>c</b>) path planned by the robot in the CPS-AAL; and (<b>d</b>) SAR’s pose at the end of the first use case.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Second use case: (<b>a</b>) 3D view of the simulated scenario; (<b>b</b>) social interaction spaces, both for people (the seniors and the caregiver) and the objects in the CPS-AAL; (<b>c</b>) path planned by the robot in the CPS-AAL; and (<b>d</b>) SAR’s final pose at the end of the second use case.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Overview of Cyber-Physical Systems in Caregiving Environments
Cyber-Physical Systems and Healthcare Initiatives
3. Cyber-Physical System for Caregiving Centers
3.1. Designing the Physical World
3.1.1. Ambient Assisted Living
3.1.2. Socially Assistive Robot
3.2. Data Storage Subsystem
3.3. Designing the Cyber-World
Digital Twin Model
- Deep State Representation.Figure 6 shows a simple example of the DSR for a room and a person inside. The DSR is a directed graph , where the symbolic information states logic attributes related by predicates that, within the graph, are stored in nodes and edges, respectively. The clinical staff and senior nodes are geometrical entities, both linked to the room by rigid transformations (). Moreover, the senior has a particular health condition (i.e., an agent is updating this information in the graph) and both the senior and the clinical staff are interacting with each other (i.e., an agent is also annotating this situation in the graph), and each one has specific models (i.e., previous knowledge based on proxemics) of their personal spaces for decision making during social robot navigation.Formally, on the one hand, nodes N of the graph store information that can be symbolic, geometric, or a mix of both. Metric concepts are associated with any information associated with this node, such as temperature or humidity conditions, for example, which is directly related to the physical world . On the other hand, edges E represent relationships between symbols. Two nodes and may have several kinds of relationships , but only one of them can be geometric, which is expressed with a fixed label .
- CORTEX is cognitive architecture for robots and is described as a group of agents that cooperate using the DSR to achieve a particular goal. The agents at CORTEX are conceptual entities that are implemented with one or more software components. In CORTEX, the agents define classic Robotics functionalities, such as navigation, manipulation, person perception, object perception, conversation, reasoning, symbolic learning, or planning [18].In the proposed CPS-AAL, the network of sensors distributed in the environment enriches the DSR by enhancing the initial capabilities of the CORTEX agents. The agents also allow the implementation of actions that the CPS-AAL must carry out for elderly care: propose serious-games, notify the end of a session, or interact with the user. A brief description of the principal agents used is provided next:
- -
- Object recognition: The object recognition agent recognizes and estimates the position of objects in the environment. Each identified object is stored in the DSR, as a node. Its position and orientation are updated in the corresponding link.
- -
- Human recognition: Agent in charge of detecting and tracking people. This agent is in charge of detecting humans, including them in the DSR, generating the social interaction spaces, and keeping them in time. This information is used by the navigation agent, to warn the presence of humans on their route and make the necessary adjustments to try to move in a way more in line with our social norms.
- -
- Human-robot interaction: Agent in charge of human-robot interaction (HRI). This agent provides tools for collaboration and communication between humans and robots. The agent implements capabilities such as holding small conversations, detecting voice commands, or requesting information about unknown objects.
- -
- Planner (Executive): This agent is responsible for high-level planning, supervising the changes made in the DSR by the agents, and the correct execution of the plan. It integrates the AGGL planner [23] based on PDDL. The stages of the plan are completed through the collaboration of different agents. The DSR is updated and reflects the actions of each stage. This information allows the agent to use the current state of the DSR, the domain, the target, and the previous stage to update the running plan accordingly.
- -
- Navigation: The agent is in charge of navigating in compliance with the social rules. For this purpose, the agent is in charge of the social path-planning and SLAM. The location of the robot is updated and maintained in the DSR by this agent.
4. Use Case: Social Robot Navigation in Caregiving Center
4.1. Problem Statement
4.2. Use-Case Definition
4.3. Social Robot Navigation Framework Based on CPS-AAL
4.3.1. Social Mapping Based on Interaction Spaces
- Social mapping: people in the environment. Let be a set of n humans detected by the software agent, where is the pose of the i-th human in the environment. To model the personal space of each individual an asymmetric 2-D Gaussian curve is used [30]:
- Social mapping: Space Affordances and Activity Spaces. Let be the set of M objects with which humans interact in the environment. The position and type of these objects is information known to the CPS-AAL. Thus, each object stores the interaction space as an attribute, which is associated with the space required to interact with this object and also its poseDifferent objects in the environment have different interaction spaces . For example, the table for therapies has a smaller space compared to watching TV because the latter interaction can be done from a further distance.
4.3.2. Socially Acceptable Path-Planning Approach
- Graph-based grid mapping. Space is represented by a graph of n nodes, regularly distributed in the environment. Each node has two parameters: availability, , and cost, . The availability of a node is a Boolean variable whose value is 1 if the space is free, 0 otherwise. The cost, , indicates the traversal cost of a node, i.e., what it takes for the robot to visit that node (high values of indicates that the robot should avoid this path). Initially, all nodes have the same cost of 1 (see [32] for details).
- Social graph-based grid mapping. The space graph includes the social interaction spaces, both for individuals and groups of people, as for objects. The availability and the cost parameters of each node in these regions are modified accordingly (see [32] for details).
4.4. Experimental Results and Discussion
- Average distance to the closest human during navigation: A measure of the average distance from the robot pose, , to the closest human along the robot’s path , being N the number of points of the path planned by the agent.
- Distance traveled: length of the path planned by the navigation framework, in meters.
- Navigation time: time since the robot starts the navigation, , until it arrives to the target, .
- Cumulative Heading Changes (CHC): a measure to count the cumulative heading changes of the robot during navigation [38]. Angles are normalized between and .
- Personal space intrusions (): In this paper, four different areas are defined: Intimate (); Personal (); Social (); and Public (). This metric measures the percentage of the time spent in each area along the robot’s path as:
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AAL | Ambient Assisted Living |
CPS | Cyber-Physical System |
DSR | Deep State Representation |
IoT | Internet of Things |
SAR | Socially Assistive Robot |
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Category | Robotic Application | ||||
Type | Data | Purpose | Format | Assistive | Social |
Environmental | Temperature | Measure room temperature | Time series | x | |
Humidity | Measure room humidity | Time series | x | ||
CO | Measure room CO ppm | Time series | x | ||
People presence | Motion detection | Categorical | x | x | |
Personal | RGB/RGBD cameras | Monitoring and tracking, daily activity detection, … | Multimedia | x | x |
Microphone | Voice detection, HRI | Audio | x | x | |
Speakers | Alerts and instructions, HRI | Audio | x | x | |
Tactile TV/monitor | Visual information, HRI | Multimedia | x | x | |
sonar/laser | Robot navigation | Time series | x |
Actor | Action |
Caregiver | The caregiver keeps the therapy schedule updated on the center’s calendar |
Senior | The user performs his scheduled activity in the occupational therapy room |
Physical World | |
RGBD cameras | RGBD cameras collect the data of the caregiving center useful for navigation |
Microphones/speakers | The microphones/speakers of the robot and the environment are used in the phase of interaction with the users |
Communication | This data is sent via Ethernet |
Digital Twin Model | |
Object detection agent | The agent estimates the position of the objects, and if there have been changes, updates the DSR |
Person detection agent | The agent estimates the position of the users and updates the DSR |
Caregiving center management agent | When the time of the end of the activity is reached, the module triggers an alert service to the robot. |
SAR | Once the reminder is received, the robot launches its plan: to reach the occupational therapy room |
Social navigation agent | The agent plans a socially acceptable path and navigates it to its goal. |
HRI agent | The agent interacts with users to warn them of the end of the activity |
Senior | The user leaves the room |
Physical World | Physical devices corroborate that users leave the room |
Actor | Action |
Caregiver | The caregiver keeps the therapy schedule updated on the center’s calendar |
Senior | The user waits in the physical therapy room |
Physical World | |
RGBD cameras | RGBD cameras collect the data of the caregiving center useful for navigation |
Microphones/speakers | The microphones/speakers of the robot and the environment are used in the phase of interaction with the users |
Communication | This data is sent via Ethernet |
Digital Twin Model | |
Object detection agent | The agent estimates the position of the objects, and if there have been changes, updates the DSR |
Person detection agent | The agent estimates the position of the users and updates the DSR. |
Caregiving center management agent | When the time of the end of the activity is reached, the module triggers an alert service to the robot |
SAR | Once the reminder is received, the robot launches its plan: to reach the physical therapy room |
Social navigation agent | The agent plans a socially acceptable path and navigates it to its goal |
HRI agent | The agent interacts with users to warn them of the start of the activity |
Physical therapy agent | The agent interacts with users and launch the therapy |
Senior | The user performs the physical activity, interacting with the touch screen and by voice message |
Physical World | The physical devices corroborate that the users correctly perform the activity proposed by the robot |
Social Path-Planning | Classical Dijkstra’s Path-Planning | |
Parameter | Value | Value |
(m) | 15.01 | 12.21 |
τ (s) | 46.64 | 36.21 |
CHC | 7.42 (1.27) | 8.23 |
(m) | 2.88 | 1.23 |
(m) | 2.14 | 1.13 |
Ψ (Intimate) (%) | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Ψ (Personal)(%) | 0.0 | 11 |
Ψ (Social)(%) | 0.0 | 8 |
Ψ (Public)(%) | 100.0 | 81.0 |
Social Path-Planning | Classical Dijkstra’s Path-Planning | |
Parameter | Value | Value |
(m) | 16.27 | 12.54 |
τ (s) | 72.68 | 61.22 |
CHC | 1.52 (0.6) | 2.32 |
(m) | 4.13 | 3.35 |
(m) | 2.70 | 0.85 |
(m) | 1.125 | 3.45 |
(m) | 1.318 | 1.318 |
Ψ (Intimate) (%) | 0.0 | 2.23 |
Ψ (Personal)(%) | 1.31 | 6.36 |
Ψ (Social)(%) | 8.23 | 10.01 |
Ψ (Public)(%) | 90.46 | 81.04 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Calderita, L.V.; Vega, A.; Barroso-Ramírez, S.; Bustos, P.; Núñez, P. Designing a Cyber-Physical System for Ambient Assisted Living: A Use-Case Analysis for Social Robot Navigation in Caregiving Centers. Sensors 2020, 20, 4005.
Calderita LV, Vega A, Barroso-Ramírez S, Bustos P, Núñez P. Designing a Cyber-Physical System for Ambient Assisted Living: A Use-Case Analysis for Social Robot Navigation in Caregiving Centers. Sensors. 2020; 20(14):4005.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCalderita, Luis V., Araceli Vega, Sergio Barroso-Ramírez, Pablo Bustos, and Pedro Núñez. 2020. "Designing a Cyber-Physical System for Ambient Assisted Living: A Use-Case Analysis for Social Robot Navigation in Caregiving Centers" Sensors 20, no. 14: 4005.
APA StyleCalderita, L. V., Vega, A., Barroso-Ramírez, S., Bustos, P., & Núñez, P. (2020). Designing a Cyber-Physical System for Ambient Assisted Living: A Use-Case Analysis for Social Robot Navigation in Caregiving Centers. Sensors, 20(14), 4005.