Fixed-Time Global Sliding Mode Control for Parallel Robot Mobile Platform with Prescribed Performance
<p>Vehicle-type mobile platform structure.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Prescribed performance fixed-time global sliding mode control system structure diagram.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>(<b>a</b>) Performance boundaries. (<b>b</b>) Error transformation function mapping diagram.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Results of simulation comparison experiments between FnTGSMC and FxTGSMC. (<b>a</b>) Trajectory in the X direction. (<b>b</b>) Tracking error curve in the X direction. (<b>c</b>) Tracking error curve in the Y direction. (<b>d</b>) Angular error. (<b>e</b>) Line velocity error. (<b>f</b>) Angular velocity error. (<b>g</b>) Driving wheel torque.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Comparison results of simulation experiments between FxTGSMC and PPFxTGSMC. (<b>a</b>) Trajectory in the X direction. (<b>b</b>) Tracking error curve in the X direction. (<b>c</b>) Tracking error curve in the Y direction. (<b>d</b>) Angular error. (<b>e</b>) Line velocity error. (<b>f</b>) Angular velocity error. (<b>g</b>) Driving wheel torque.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Results of comparison of simulation experiments between FnTGSMC and FxTGSMC. (<b>a</b>) Trajectory in the X direction. (<b>b</b>) Tracking error curve in the X direction. (<b>c</b>) Tracking error curve in the Y direction. (<b>d</b>) Angular error. (<b>e</b>) Line velocity error. (<b>f</b>) Angular velocity error. (<b>g</b>) Driving wheel torque.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Results of comparison of simulation experiments between FxTGSMC and PPFxTGSMC. (<b>a</b>) Trajectory in the X direction. (<b>b</b>) Tracking error curve in the X direction. (<b>c</b>) Tracking error curve in the Y direction. (<b>d</b>) Angular error. (<b>e</b>) Line velocity error. (<b>f</b>) Angular velocity error. (<b>g</b>) Driving wheel torque.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- A fixed-time global sliding mode strategy is proposed for use in the inner loop of the system. The strategy eliminates the reaching stage of sliding mode control by adding an auxiliary function to the sliding mode variable, which improves the global robustness of the system, and the global sliding mode control combined with the fixed time theory enables the mobile platform system to converge in a fixed time, improving the system’s convergence performance.
- The prescribed performance control method is applied to constrain the error convergence characteristics of the inner loop controller and to reduce the overshoot of the tracking errors, which guarantees a good transient performance of the mobile platform system.
2. Problem Formulation and Preliminaries
2.1. Kinematic Model of the Mobile Platform of SDPR
2.2. Dynamic Model of the Mobile Platform of SDPR
3. Design of the Controllers
3.1. Kinematic Controller Design for the Mobile Platform of SDPR
3.2. Dynamic Controller Design for the Mobile Platform of SDPR
- (1)
- ;
- (2)
- ;
- (3)
- has the first-order derivative.
4. Discussion and Analysis of Simulation Results
- Finite-time global sliding mode control (FnTGSMC) is compared with fixed-time global sliding mode control (FxTGSMC).
- Fixed-time global sliding mode control (FxTGSMC) is compared with the prescribed performance fixed-time global sliding mode control (PPFxTGSMC).
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameters | Value |
mp/kg | 780 |
mω/kg | 5 |
Ip/kg·m2 | 9.45 |
Iω/kg·m2 | 0.017 |
r/m | 0.125 |
l/m | 1.23 |
b/m | 0.37 |
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Wang, A.; Gao, G.; Li, X. Fixed-Time Global Sliding Mode Control for Parallel Robot Mobile Platform with Prescribed Performance. Sensors 2025, 25, 1584.
Wang A, Gao G, Li X. Fixed-Time Global Sliding Mode Control for Parallel Robot Mobile Platform with Prescribed Performance. Sensors. 2025; 25(5):1584.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Aojie, Guoqin Gao, and Xue Li. 2025. "Fixed-Time Global Sliding Mode Control for Parallel Robot Mobile Platform with Prescribed Performance" Sensors 25, no. 5: 1584.
APA StyleWang, A., Gao, G., & Li, X. (2025). Fixed-Time Global Sliding Mode Control for Parallel Robot Mobile Platform with Prescribed Performance. Sensors, 25(5), 1584.