Drone Detection and Pose Estimation Using Relational Graph Networks
<p>Parrot Bebop-2 quadrotor and the definition of its eight keypoints.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The quadrotor and its keypoints detection framework. We validate three kinds of keypoints heads; see the text description for the details.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Solve the problem of <span class="html-italic">Z</span> axis in PnP. In two adjacent frames, <span class="html-italic">t</span> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>t</mi> <mo>+</mo> <mn>1</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math>, under similar circumstances, the <span class="html-italic">Z</span> axis of the frame <span class="html-italic">t</span> is vertical upward (<b>a</b>), and of the frame <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>t</mi> <mo>+</mo> <mn>1</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math> is downward (<b>b</b>). As the <span class="html-italic">Z</span> axis we defined is upward, our improved PnP algorithm can solve the problem by a test case (<b>c</b>,<b>d</b>); see the text for details.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The projection of the reference points and three constraints of 2-points.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Some examples of quadrotor simulation data. It can be seen that the order of the motor shaft must be deduced from the nose and tail.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Some keypoints annotation examples of our Parrot dataset.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The position estimation in the camera frame, compared with OptiTrack (as Ground-Truth).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The attitude estimation in the camera frame, compared with OptiTrack (as Ground-Truth).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The position estimation in the world frame, compared with OptiTrack.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>The velocity estimation in the world frame, compared with OptiTrack.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Representative results of quadrotor pose estimation by our relational graph keypoints detection model and PnP algorithm. It can be seen that the quadrotor pose can be estimated from a variety of observation angles.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. 6D Drone Pose Estimation
2.1. Relational Keypoints
2.2. Detection Framework
2.3. PnP Pose Estimation
Algorithm 1: Choosing the most suitable solution from possible solutions. |
3. Experiments
3.1. Implementation Details
3.2. Keypoints Detection on Simulation Dataset
3.3. Keypoints Detection on Parrot Dataset
3.4. Experiments on State Estimation
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Layer | Output Size | Kernel Size | Scale | Repeat | Output Channels |
Image | 224×224 | ||||
Conv1 | 112×112 | 3×3 | 2 | 1 | 24 |
Max Pool | 56×56 | 3×3 | 2 | ||
Conv2 | 28×28 | 2 | 1 | 144 | |
28×28 | 1 | 3 | 144 | ||
Conv3 | 14×14 | 2 | 1 | 288 | |
14×14 | 1 | 7 | 288 | ||
Conv4 | 7×7 | 2 | 1 | 576 | |
7×7 | 1 | 3 | 576 | ||
GAP | 1×1 | 7×7 | 576 | ||
FC | 1000 |
Model | |||
Lh-rcnn-k4 | 0.8176 | 0.8412 | 0.8001 |
Lh-rcnn-k8 | 0.8123 | 0.8397 | 0.7985 |
Lh-rcnn-k8-NL | 0.8189 | 0.8476 | 0.8091 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4 | 0.9083 | 0.9346 | 0.9055 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4-RG (ours) | 0.9366 | 0.9437 | 0.9212 |
Model | |||
Lh-rcnn-k4 | 0.8345 | 0.8551 | 0.8152 |
Lh-rcnn-k8 | 0.8252 | 0.8435 | 0.8124 |
Lh-rcnn-k8-NL | 0.8358 | 0.8576 | 0.8173 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4 | 0.9107 | 0.9407 | 0.9060 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4-RG (ours) | 0.9326 | 0.9523 | 0.9188 |
Model | |||
Lh-rcnn-k4 | 0.6453 | 0.8897 | 0.6811 |
Lh-rcnn-k8 | 0.6411 | 0.8804 | 0.6791 |
Lh-rcnn-k8-NL | 0.6481 | 0.8759 | 0.6940 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4 | 0.6891 | 0.9111 | 0.7446 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4-RG (ours) | 0.7415 | 0.9446 | 0.7908 |
Model | |||
Lh-rcnn-k4 | 0.7523 | 0.9297 | 0.7985 |
Lh-rcnn-k8 | 0.7473 | 0.9154 | 0.7896 |
Lh-rcnn-k8-NL | 0.7591 | 0.9213 | 0.8090 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4 | 0.7764 | 0.9346 | 0.8275 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4-RG (ours) | 0.8054 | 0.9473 | 0.8479 |
Model | |||
Lh-rcnn-k4 | 0.6124 | 0.8448 | 0.6571 |
Lh-rcnn-k8 | 0.6118 | 0.8492 | 0.6505 |
Lh-rcnn-k8-NL | 0.6251 | 0.8509 | 0.6692 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4 | 0.6743 | 0.8987 | 0.7205 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4-RG (ours) | 0.7298 | 0.9176 | 0.7754 |
Model | |||
Lh-rcnn-k4 | 0.7084 | 0.8965 | 0.7631 |
Lh-rcnn-k8 | 0.7023 | 0.9005 | 0.7592 |
Lh-rcnn-k8-NL | 0.7119 | 0.9056 | 0.7687 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4 | 0.7686 | 0.9189 | 0.8049 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4-RG (ours) | 0.7869 | 0.9234 | 0.8195 |
Method | Backbone | Input Size | Speed (fps) | AP [0.5:0.95] |
CMU-Pose [59] | VGG-19 | 654 × 368 | 20 | 0.5815 |
G-RMI [35] | Resnet50 | 1200 × 800 | 18 | 0.6446 |
Mask-RCNN [42] | Resnet50-FPN | 1200 × 800 | 10 | 0.6672 |
Lh-rcnn-k4 | xception* | 1200 × 800 | 90 | 0.6453 |
Lh-rcnn-k8 | xception* | 1200 × 800 | 89 | 0.6411 |
Lh-rcnn-k8-NL [41] | xception* | 1200 × 800 | 75 | 0.6481 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4 | xception* | 1200 × 800 | 85 | 0.6891 |
Lh-rcnn-k4-4-RG (ours) | xception* | 1200 × 800 | 71 | 0.7415 |
Position Tracking (m) | Velocity Tracking (m/s) | |||
Mean Error | Standard Deviation | Mean Error | Standard Deviation | |
NCA | 0.0757 | 0.1130 | 0.1228 | 0.2182 |
NCV | 0.0934 | 0.1384 | 0.2034 | 0.3221 |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Jin, R.; Jiang, J.; Qi, Y.; Lin, D.; Song, T. Drone Detection and Pose Estimation Using Relational Graph Networks. Sensors 2019, 19, 1479. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19061479
Jin R, Jiang J, Qi Y, Lin D, Song T. Drone Detection and Pose Estimation Using Relational Graph Networks. Sensors. 2019; 19(6):1479. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19061479
Chicago/Turabian StyleJin, Ren, Jiaqi Jiang, Yuhua Qi, Defu Lin, and Tao Song. 2019. "Drone Detection and Pose Estimation Using Relational Graph Networks" Sensors 19, no. 6: 1479. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19061479
APA StyleJin, R., Jiang, J., Qi, Y., Lin, D., & Song, T. (2019). Drone Detection and Pose Estimation Using Relational Graph Networks. Sensors, 19(6), 1479. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19061479