Challenges, Threats, Security Issues and New Trends of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
<p>Underwater wireless sensor network (UWSN) architecture.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Cluster UWSNs with autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs); (<b>a</b>) AUV joins Cluster3; (<b>b</b>) AUV joins Cluster1.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Threats and challenges in UWSNs.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Jamming attack.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Misdirection attack; (<b>a</b>) normal route; (<b>b</b>) misdirection route.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Black hole attack; (<b>a</b>) normal route; (<b>b</b>) black hole route.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Sinkhole attack.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Wormhole attack; (<b>a</b>) normal route; (<b>b</b>) wormhole route.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Two methods of wormhole attack; (<b>a</b>) using radio channel; (<b>b</b>) using wired channel.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Security architecture of UWSNs.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- In this article, the special particularities and constraints of UWSNs and underwater acoustic channels are presented and discussed in detail. Based on the analyses, we conclude that UWSNs are vulnerable to various threats and attacks and security issues should be discussed.
- Threats and attacks in UWSNs are classified and discussed in this article. In addition, denial of service (DoS) attacks and feasible countermeasures in each layer are analyzed in detail.
- Compared with WSNs, some especial security requirements of UWSNs are discussed and existing security mechanisms and specific protocols are presented.
2. Particularities and Constraints
2.1. Extremely Limited Resources
2.2. Unreliable Communication Channel
2.2.1. Long and Variable Propagation Delay
2.2.2. Limited Bandwidth and Low Data Rates
2.2.3. Ambient Noise
2.3. Transmission Loss
2.4. Multipath and Doppler Effect
2.5. Transmission Error
2.6. Dynamic Network Topology
2.7. Insecure Working Environment
2.8. Physical Vulnerability
3. Threats and Challenges in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs)
3.1. Passive Attacks
3.2. Active Attacks
- Node compromise attacks: a malicious attacker can tamper with underwater sensor nodes physically. As discussed in Section 2, in some specific fields of applications, underwater sensor nodes may be deployed in unattended and even worse hostile sea regions. Moreover, the network may consist of tens or hundreds of nodes deployed in large scales, which means that it is unable to ensure the safety of all nodes. An attacker can locate the nodes by monitoring the intensity of the acoustic signal and capture them. Worse, if there are no hardware hack-proof technique or other security mechanism, the attacker may easily crack and compromise them to read privacy data (e.g., secret key, encryption algorithm, trust value) and modify these data from internal memory. Moreover, the compromised node may be injected into the network as a legitimate node to monitor or cause continuous attacks. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, the node compromise attacks are combined with other active attacks to cause more severe damage to disturb communication and cooperation between sensor nodes. To prevent network from these attacks, hardware hack-proof techniques, re-configuring, and trust management mechanisms should be designed and used for UWSNs.
- Repudiation attacks: in repudiation attacks, malicious nodes deny having any involvement in particular action or communication with other nodes. This refers to the denial by a node involved in a communication of having participated in all or part of the communication, regardless whether that communication is malicious or not.
- Packet-oriented attacks: in packet-oriented attacks, the malicious adversary lunches attacks that aiming at disrupt packet transmission or destroy the data of the packet. There are some common active attacks including: interception attack, modification attack, and injection attack. An interception attack is to capture packets from an acoustic channel by intercepting. Moreover, the attacker can read and modify the content of the intercepted packets which is called a modification attack. An injection attack is to inject useless or harmful packets into the network to consume nodes’ energy or disrupt the network.
- Protocol-oriented attacks: the malicious adversary launches attacks that aiming at disrupt the function of some specific protocols. The main categories of this kind of attacks are: routing protocol attacks and media access control (MAC) protocol attacks. Routing protocol attacks can cause packets unable to be transferred to the destination node, and even disrupt the operation of the network. These types of attacks are mounted on the routing protocols, such as routing table overflow, routing table poisoning, packet replication, and rushing attacks. Through these malicious behaviors, attackers can attract packets and analyze or even drop packets at its will. MAC protocol attacks aimed at disrupting the mechanism that control nodes access to channel. Malicious attackers can continuously occupy the channel to deprive legitimate nodes’ chances of sending packets. Moreover, for the request to send/clear to send (RTS/CTS) handshake MAC protocol, continuously sending RTS packets would consume nodes’ battery which is a cheap and easy way to lunch attacks. To defend against these attacks, the feasible solution is using encryption, authentication and trust management mechanisms suitable for UWSNs.
- DoS attacks: DoS attacks attempt to make resources and services unavailable to the legitimate nodes. To achieve this goal, the attacker tried to prevent legitimate nodes to access services offered by the network. DoS attacks can be passive or active, and can be carried out in many different ways. Combined with other passive or active attacks, it is more difficult to detect and defend against these attacks.
3.3. DoS Attacks
3.3.1. Physical Layer
Eavesdropping Attack
Jamming Attack
3.3.2. Datalink Layer
Jamming Attack
Collision Attack
Exhaustion Attack
Denial-of-Sleep Attack
3.3.3. Network Layer
Replay Attack
Selective Forwarding Attack
Neglect and Greed
Misdirection Attack
Black Hole/Gray Hole Attack
Sinkhole Attack
Wormhole Attack
Sybil Attack
Hello Flooding Attack
Homing Attack
3.3.4. Transport Layer
Desynchronization Attack
Synchronization Flooding Attack
4. Security Issues of UWSNs
4.1. Security Requirements
4.2. Security Mechanisms
4.2.1. Key Management
4.2.2. Intrusion Detection
4.2.3. Trust Management
4.2.4. Localization Security
4.2.5. Synchronization Security
4.2.6. Routing Security
4.3. Security Systems
5. Discussion and Future Research Topics
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Long Range | Medium Range | Short Range | |
Communication Range | 20–2000 km | 1–10 km | <1 km |
Working Environment | Deep Water | Shallow Water | Deep Water |
Available Bandwidth | 500 Hz–10 kHz | 10–100 kHz | 100–500 kHz |
Data Rate | <10 kb/s | <50 kb/s | >100 kb/s |
Signal Source | Working Environment | Spreading Loss | |
Spherical Wave Loss Model | point source | deep water | proportional to the square of the distance |
Cylindrical Wave Loss Model | long line source | shallow water | proportional to the distance |
Long-Distance | Medium-Distance | Short-Distance | |
Spreading Loss Model | cylindrical wave | cylindrical wave and spherical wave | spherical wave |
Spreading Loss Factor | d = 1 | d = 1.5 | d = 2 |
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Yang, G.; Dai, L.; Wei, Z. Challenges, Threats, Security Issues and New Trends of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors 2018, 18, 3907.
Yang G, Dai L, Wei Z. Challenges, Threats, Security Issues and New Trends of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors. 2018; 18(11):3907.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYang, Guang, Lie Dai, and Zhiqiang Wei. 2018. "Challenges, Threats, Security Issues and New Trends of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks" Sensors 18, no. 11: 3907.
APA StyleYang, G., Dai, L., & Wei, Z. (2018). Challenges, Threats, Security Issues and New Trends of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 18(11), 3907.