Command Disaggregation Attack and Mitigation in Industrial Internet of Things
<p>The structure of IIoT control system.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>An example: explaining different attack modes.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Attack models based on wrong command allocation mode.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Attack model based on false command sequence mode.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The structure of detection framework.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The flowchart of correlation mining between a command and a sub-command.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The flowchart of correlation mining between two sub-commands.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The structure of a tank system.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The model of energy trading system in the smart grid.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Measurements from sensors under the normal situation of scenario 1.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Measurements from sensors under the normal situation of scenario 2.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Measurements from sensors under attack case 1.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Measurements from sensors under attack case 2.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Measurements from sensors under attack case 3.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Impact of attack case 4, attack case 5, and attack case 6.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Correlations between executed sub-commands. A link denotes two correlations between two nodes.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work and Our Contribution
2.1. Related Work
2.2. Our Contribution
- (i)
- We introduce two kinds of command disaggregation attack modes, namely, false command sequence and wrong command allocation.
- (ii)
- We describe three attack models to implement command disaggregation attacks in two modes. Attacks based on the three models can not be detected by the existing detection methods.
- (iii)
- We provide an effective detection framework based on correlations among two-tier command sequences. Detecting command disaggregation attacks with false feedback data injection is still an unexplored topic and our method is the first to effectively identify command disaggregation attacks before a disruption occurs.
3. Command Disaggregation Attack
3.1. System Model
- is a finite set of commands from the central controller. is the kth kind of command. indicates the commands issued by the central controller at time t.
- is a finite set of time series. A time series is the measured values of one sensor with the change of time. means the time series from the ith sensor. denotes the measurement of the ith sensor at time instant l. means the number of sensors.
- is a finite set of physical system states. denotes the jth kind of state and . Detectors and controllers can evaluate the system state at time k, , based on values of sensors, which can be computed by
- is a set of sub-commands executed by actuators. indicates the executed sub-commands by actuators when command from the central controller is and the system state is . Element defines the sub-command that will be executed by the kth actuator. N means the number of actuators. An actuator only executes a sub-command in unit time, and a sub-controller only disaggregates one command from the upper-tier sub-controller during once outflow of the central controller. denotes the executed sub-commands when the corresponding commands are issued from the central controller. is an element of AC(t) and denotes the sub-command executed by the ith actuator. The system state at time t, , is decided by and [14], which can be described as
- is a finite set of relationships among commands and system states. () indicates that the executed sub-commands are when the system state is and the command from the controller is .
- is a subset of set S. A disruption occurs when the system state is .
3.2. Two Kinds of Attack Modes and the Attack Models
3.2.1. Wrong Command Allocation
3.2.2. False Command Sequence
4. Detection Framework Based on Correlations among Two-Tier Command Sequences
4.1. Detection Framework
4.2. Correlation Mining and Exception Detection
4.2.1. Correlation between a Command and Sub-Commands
4.2.2. Correlation among Executed Sub-Commands
5. Case Study
5.1. Scenarios
5.1.1. Scenario 1:3-Tank System
5.1.2. Scenario 2: Energy Trading System in the Smart Grid
5.2. Attack Cases
5.3. Attack Impact
5.3.1. Case 1
5.3.2. Case 2
5.3.3. Case 3
5.3.4. Case 4–Case 6
5.4. Effectiveness of Our Detection Framework
6. Discussion of Detection Framework Enhancement
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Command/Time Series | Description |
P11o/P11f | Switch on/off Pump P11 |
P12o/P12f | Switch on/off Pump P12 |
P13o/P13f | Switch on/off Pump P13 |
P21o/P21f | Switch on/off Pump P21 |
P22o/P22f | Switch on/off Pump P22 |
P23o/P23f | Switch on/off Pump P23 |
V11o/V11c | Open/Close Valve V11 |
T11 | Measurements of Sensor S11 |
T12 | Measurements of Sensor S12 |
T13 | Measurements of Sensor S13 |
T21 | Measurements of Sensor S21 |
T22 | Measurements of Sensor S21 |
T23 | Measurements of Sensor S23 |
Tv1 | Measurements of Sensor Sv1 |
Command/Time Series | Description |
w1o/w1f | Turn on/off switch w1 |
w2o/w2f | Turn on/off switch w2 |
w3o/w3f | Turn on/off switch w3 |
w4o/w4f | Turn on/off switch w4 |
w5o/w5f | Turn on/off switch w5 |
w6o/w6f | Turn on/off switch w6 |
T11 | Measurements of Sensor Ss1 |
T12 | Measurements of Sensor Ss2 |
T13 | Measurements of Sensor Ss3 |
T21 | Measurements of Sensor Sc1 |
T22 | Measurements of Sensor Sc1 |
T23 | Measurements of Sensor Sc3 |
Command | Correlation | Scenario |
pao | , , | 1 |
pbo | , , | 1 |
pac | , , | 1 |
pbc | , , | 1 |
pvo | 1 | |
pvc | 1 | |
Ooute | , , | 2 |
Opute | , , | 2 |
Coute | , , | 2 |
Cpute | , , | 2 |
Attack Case | Alarm |
1 | , , at s |
2 | at t = 960 s |
3 | at t = 60 s |
4 | , , at s |
5 | s |
6 | s |
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Xun, P.; Zhu, P.-D.; Hu, Y.-F.; Cui, P.-S.; Zhang, Y. Command Disaggregation Attack and Mitigation in Industrial Internet of Things. Sensors 2017, 17, 2408.
Xun P, Zhu P-D, Hu Y-F, Cui P-S, Zhang Y. Command Disaggregation Attack and Mitigation in Industrial Internet of Things. Sensors. 2017; 17(10):2408.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXun, Peng, Pei-Dong Zhu, Yi-Fan Hu, Peng-Shuai Cui, and Yan Zhang. 2017. "Command Disaggregation Attack and Mitigation in Industrial Internet of Things" Sensors 17, no. 10: 2408.
APA StyleXun, P., Zhu, P.-D., Hu, Y.-F., Cui, P.-S., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Command Disaggregation Attack and Mitigation in Industrial Internet of Things. Sensors, 17(10), 2408.