Content-Based Multi-Channel Network Coding Algorithm in the Millimeter-Wave Sensor Network
<p>Different methods to transmit data with millimeter-wave technology. (<b>a</b>) Traditional transmission method with random channel assignment; (<b>b</b>) the transmission using the content-based multi-channel network coding (CMNC) algorithm.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Uncertainty representation of the information.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Example with a broadcast source and three receiver sensor nodes.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The round of the classification period and transmission period.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The error rate of the fusion-driven model based on Dempster–Shafer (D-S) evidence theory with different training set numbers.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The relationship between the throughput and the number of sensor nodes.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The relationship between the average transmission cost and the number of sensor nodes.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We design a fusion-driven model based on the D-S evidence theory to classify the sensor nodes according to the content of their data. By using this model, the sensor nodes with related data are classified for further processing to obtain more accurate data results and remove the redundant data during the data collection.
- We propose the CMNC algorithm, which combines the use of data fusion and network coding for multi-channel data transmission in the millimeter-wave sensor network. The obtained content relevance of the sensory data is adopted for channel assignment to fully utilize the functions of data fusion and network coding.
- We perform extensive simulations to evaluate the proposed CMNC algorithm by comparing to other algorithms under several performance criteria. Simulation results demonstrate that the CMNC algorithm achieves high performance for data transmission in the millimeter-wave sensor network.
2. Related Work
3. System Model and Problem Statement
3.1. System Model
3.2. Problem Statement
4. The Fusion-Driven Model Based on D-S Evidence Theory
4.1. Basic Mathematical Terminology of D-S Evidence Theory
4.2. Sensor Node Classification Based on D-S Evidence Theory
5. Content-Based Multi-Channel Network Coding Algorithm
5.1. Assumptions
- Each sensor node has a unique identification, which represents the logical address of the sensor node in the millimeter-wave sensor network, and it can be replaced by the MAC address.
- The millimeter-wave sensor network is fully connected, which means a sensor node can find a route to any other sensor node. There is no obstacle that the data transmitted in the network face. Each sensor node can be a sender and can receive data from all other sensor nodes when they use the same channel.
- Each sensor node has a label L to represent its class, and the change of the class depends on the data content. A sensor node only belongs to one class within a certain period.
- The millimeter-wave sensor network is a homogeneous network, such that the sensor node’s computing capacity, power consumption, communication cost, coding cost, transmission distance and propagation loss are all the same.
- Each sensor node has the ability to access multiple channels. However, the sensor node has one antenna, which means it can take up only one transmission channel in the corresponding time.
- The time that the sensor node occupies a channel is arranged according to the total length of the transmission data. However, in a unit of time, each sensor node can only send or receive a packet. The data that are not transmitted within the prescribed period need to wait until the next time.
- The sender knows the route in which the data were transmitted to the receiver, including through how many relays and which relay sensor node executes coding or forwarding of the data. A sensor node has a neighbor list to record the data packets obtained by their neighbor sensor nodes. A sensor node receives a packet that corresponds to the position value of one, otherwise it corresponds to zero.
- All sensor nodes in the network have the ability to process the data from senders or relays, which implies that each sensor node can encode or decode the data according to the transmission requirement.
5.2. Channel Assignment for the Sensor Nodes
5.3. Network Coding Mechanism in the Process of Transmission
5.4. Algorithm Description and Analysis
Algorithm 1 CMNC |
Input: |
data content δ, |
the channel set , |
the class set |
Output: |
the transmission strategy in the millimeter-meter network |
1: for the sensor node do |
2: for the sensor node data x do |
3: extract data content δ from the sensor node |
4: end for |
5: end for |
6: for the sensor node do |
7: for the data content δ do |
8: compare to the training set using Equations (18), (19), (20) |
9: end for |
10: end for |
11: calculate the combination of the BPA and the belief function of the sensor node by Equations (24), (25) |
12: for the sensor node do |
13: for the data content δ do |
14: get the maximize belief function as the basis of assigning class by Equation (28) |
15: end for |
16: end for |
17: get the class label by Equation (30) |
18: for the class set do |
19: for the channel set do |
20: compare the number of channels and classes |
21: if then |
22: running the high response priority assignment method |
23: calculate the of the class by using Equation (32) |
24: else |
25: sequentially assigned to channel |
26: end if |
27: end for |
28: end for |
29: assign the channel to the corresponding class |
30: for each class ω do |
31: for the sensor node D belongs to the same class do |
32: get the neighborList |
33: if neighborList[] = 1 then |
34: some data have been gotten |
35: else |
36: some data have not been gotten |
37: end if |
38: end for |
39: end for |
40: obtain the data to be transferred |
41: generate a random linear encoding package |
42: for each class ω do |
43: for the sensor node D belong to the same class do |
44: transmit the linear encoding package |
45: if the receiver gets enough then |
46: decoding package and gets the original data |
47: else |
48: continue to receive |
49: end if |
50: end for |
51: end for |
6. Simulations and Results
6.1. Performance of the Fusion-Driven Model Based on D-S Evidence Theory
6.2. Performance of the CMNC Algorithm
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Lin, K.; Wang, D.; Hu, L. Content-Based Multi-Channel Network Coding Algorithm in the Millimeter-Wave Sensor Network. Sensors 2016, 16, 1023.
Lin K, Wang D, Hu L. Content-Based Multi-Channel Network Coding Algorithm in the Millimeter-Wave Sensor Network. Sensors. 2016; 16(7):1023.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLin, Kai, Di Wang, and Long Hu. 2016. "Content-Based Multi-Channel Network Coding Algorithm in the Millimeter-Wave Sensor Network" Sensors 16, no. 7: 1023.
APA StyleLin, K., Wang, D., & Hu, L. (2016). Content-Based Multi-Channel Network Coding Algorithm in the Millimeter-Wave Sensor Network. Sensors, 16(7), 1023.