Evolution and Trends in Digital Wallet Research: A Bibliometric Analysis in Scopus and Web of Science
"> Figure 1
<p>PRISMA diagram.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Annual trend of scientific research on digital wallets (2000–2024) in WoS and Scopus, analyzed with R-Studio and bibliometrix.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Three-field diagram relating countries, affiliations, and keywords in WoS and Scopus using R-Studio and bibliometrix.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Leading publication sources in WoS and Scopus, analyzed using R-Studio and bibliometrix.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Geographic distribution of scientific production analyzed using R-Studio and bibliometrix in WoS and Scopus.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Temporal evolution of author production in the field of digital wallets.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Analysis of thematic evolution in WoS and Scopus using R-Studio and bibliometrix.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Thematic map of research in WoS and Scopus, analyzed with R-Studio and bibliometrix.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Detail of the co-occurrence keywords, using R-Studio and Bibliometrix.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Source clustering by coupling of publications on digital wallets using Biblioshiny.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Data Source, Data Extraction, and Study Selection
2.2. Search Strategy
2.3. Data Analysis and Visualization
3. Results
Bibliometric Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Author | Institution | Country | Number of Publications on the Subject in Both Databases | Number of Publications Scopus (S) WoS (W) | Number of Citations Scopus (S) WoS (W) | H-Indices Total Scopus (S) WoS (W) |
RAO H. | The University of Texas | USA | 8 | 320(S) 231(W) | 14.350(S) 9.505(W) | 54(S) 45(W) |
SEDLMEIR J. | University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | 8 | 36(S) 21(W) | 689(S) 360(W) | 14(S) 9(W) |
LOVING D. | Auburn University, Montgomery | USA | 7 | 80(S) 21(W) | 813(S) 307(W) | 12(S) 9(W) |
CHAWLA D. | Government Medical College and Hospital | India | 7 | 173(S) 21(W) | 1732(S) 360(W) | 23(S) 9(W) |
HASAN M. | Hashemite University | Jordan | 7 | 3(S) 2(W) | 0(S) 0(W) | 1(S) 0(W) |
JOSHI H. | Institute of Technology Roorkee | India | 7 | 63(S) 190(W) | 724(S) 3121(W) | 15(S) 29(W) |
SHARMA S. | Central Drug Research Institute, India | India | 7 | 56(S) 46(W) | 1415(S) 361(W) | 20(W) 10(W) |
SINGH A. | University of Delhi | India | 7 | 151(S) 3(W) | 6039(S) 36(W) | 41(S) 3(W) |
GOEL M. | Pomona College | USA | 6 | 4(S) 2(W) | 39(S) 1(W) | 3(S) 1(W) |
KAPOOR A. | University of Science & Technology | India | 6 | O(S) 5(W) | 0(S) 40(W) | 0(S) 3(W) |
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Pizzan-Tomanguillo, N.d.P.; Pereyra-Gonzales, T.V.; León-Ramírez, S.V.; Bautista-Fasabi, J.; Rosales-Bardalez, C.D.; Gómez-Apaza, R.D.; Pizzán-Tomanguillo, S.L. Evolution and Trends in Digital Wallet Research: A Bibliometric Analysis in Scopus and Web of Science. Publications 2024, 12, 34. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12040034
Pizzan-Tomanguillo NdP, Pereyra-Gonzales TV, León-Ramírez SV, Bautista-Fasabi J, Rosales-Bardalez CD, Gómez-Apaza RD, Pizzán-Tomanguillo SL. Evolution and Trends in Digital Wallet Research: A Bibliometric Analysis in Scopus and Web of Science. Publications. 2024; 12(4):34. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12040034
Chicago/Turabian StylePizzan-Tomanguillo, Nieves del Pilar, Tony Venancio Pereyra-Gonzales, Segundo Victor León-Ramírez, Jhon Bautista-Fasabi, Carlos Daniel Rosales-Bardalez, Roel Dante Gómez-Apaza, and Sandra Lucero Pizzán-Tomanguillo. 2024. "Evolution and Trends in Digital Wallet Research: A Bibliometric Analysis in Scopus and Web of Science" Publications 12, no. 4: 34. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12040034
APA StylePizzan-Tomanguillo, N. d. P., Pereyra-Gonzales, T. V., León-Ramírez, S. V., Bautista-Fasabi, J., Rosales-Bardalez, C. D., Gómez-Apaza, R. D., & Pizzán-Tomanguillo, S. L. (2024). Evolution and Trends in Digital Wallet Research: A Bibliometric Analysis in Scopus and Web of Science. Publications, 12(4), 34. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications12040034