Personal Wearable Thermal and Moisture Management Clothing: A Review on Its Recent Trends and Performance Evaluation Methods
<p>Association between work capacity and wet bulb temperature for different work intensities.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Personal thermal and moisture management [<a href="#B5-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">5</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Thermal transfer mechanism of clothing.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Moisture transfer mechanism of clothing.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>(<b>a</b>) Duct-type air-cooling clothing [<a href="#B23-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">23</a>]; (<b>b</b>) Fan-type hybrid dry ice and air-cooling clothing [<a href="#B25-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">25</a>].</p> "> Figure 6
<p>(<b>a</b>) Thermoelectric liquid-cooling clothing [<a href="#B17-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">17</a>]; (<b>b</b>) ice liquid-cooling clothing [<a href="#B30-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">30</a>].</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Phase-change cooling clothing [<a href="#B3-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">3</a>].</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Thermal-radiation cooling clothing [<a href="#B54-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">54</a>].</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Hybrid-cooling wearable clothing [<a href="#B66-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">66</a>].</p> "> Figure 10
<p>(<b>a</b>) Schematic diagram of evaporative cooling clothing; (<b>b</b>) heat and mass transfer processes involved in evaporative cooling [<a href="#B19-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">19</a>].</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Schematic representation of textiles with hierarchical nanofiber networks and Jannus wettability [<a href="#B85-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">85</a>].</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Schematic diagram of (<b>a</b>) PCM composite desiccant packages [<a href="#B89-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">89</a>] and (<b>b</b>) ACMR for clothing [<a href="#B72-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">72</a>].</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Flow diagram of a two−node model of the thermoregulatory system [<a href="#B113-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">113</a>].</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Comparison of the model segmentation, and the two-node and multinode models [<a href="#B115-processes-11-03063" class="html-bibr">115</a>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Thermal and Moisture Management Mechanism
2.1. Thermal Transfer Mechanism
2.2. Moisture Transfer Mechanism
3. Classification and Characteristics of Thermal Management Wearable Clothing
3.1. Thermal Convection Wearable Clothing
- (1)
- Air-cooling clothing
- (2)
- Liquid-cooling clothing
3.2. Thermal Transfer Wearable Clothing
3.3. Thermal Radiation Wearable Clothing
3.4. Hybrid-Cooling Wearable Clothing
3.5. Characterization of Thermal Management Wearable Clothing
4. Classification and Characteristics of Moisture Management Wearable Clothing
4.1. Moisture Management Materials
- (1)
- Water vapor regulation
- (2)
- Liquid vapor regulation
4.2. Moisture Management Clothing
5. Performance Evaluation Indicators of Personal Wearable Thermal and Moisture Management Clothing
5.1. Objective Evaluation Methods
5.2. Subjective Evaluation Methods
5.3. Thermal and Moisture Regulation Model
5.3.1. Human Thermoregulation Model
- (1)
- The two-node model
- (2)
- Multinode model
5.3.2. Evaluation of Thermal and Moisture Management Performance
6. Conclusions
- (1)
- Although current cooling methods are effective in regulating the surrounding temperature, condensation can result if the temperature of the cooling medium is below the dew point of the air.
- (2)
- Moisture removal from textiles is strongly influenced by the humidity of the surrounding environment. In addition, when a desiccant is used to absorb water vapor from around the body, the desiccant absorbs the water vapor, releasing latent heat and leading to an increase in body temperature.
- (3)
- Temperature and humidity regulation is a complex coupled process, and there are no generalized performance evaluation methods available to assess the performance of wearable systems in managing temperature and moisture.
- (4)
- Addressing the issues involved requires considering a combination of cooling and dehumidification factors, such as the use of intelligent control systems, which play a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance between effective dehumidification performance and optimal comfort.
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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References | Environmental Temperature | Environmental Humidity/% | Liquid Temperature/°C | Liquid Flow Rate/L·min−1 | Cooling Efficiency/W |
[21] | 30 °C | 40 | - | 3.8 | 300 |
[17] | 39.2 °C | 60 | 16 | 0.9 | 160.43 |
[33] | 30 °C | - | 15.7 | - | 340.4 |
[34] | 45 °C | - | - | 0.54 | 243.2 |
[25] | 34.0 ± 0.5 °C | 78 ± 5 | 5.3 | 0.5 | 169.2 |
[35] | 35 °C | 60 | 22 | - | 210 |
Description | Organic PCMs | Inorganic PCMs | Eutectic Material | ||
Materials | Fatty acids | Paraffinic | Metals | Hydrated salt | Mixtures |
Melting point | 30~70 °C | 40~70 °C | 20~100 °C | −20~100 °C | −20~100 °C |
Latent heat | 150~250 kJ/kg | 150~250 kJ/kg | 100~500 kJ/kg | 200~400 kJ/kg | 100~500 kJ/kg |
Advantages | Good stability, good reusability, well-defined phase-transition point [42] | Good stability, good reusability, adjustable melting point [43] | Good stability, good thermal conductivity, nontoxic and harmless [44] | High latent heat, good reusability, inexpensive [45] | High thermal conductivity, high latent heat, good stability, adjustable melting point [46] |
Drawbacks | Low melting point, low phase-transition temperature range, easily contaminated, toxic, and slightly corrosive | Corrosive to plastic containers. High volume change, volatile, flammable | High melting point, high weight, small phase-transition temperature range, more expensive | Corrosive and slightly toxic. Poor stability, susceptible to moisture, easily crystallized | Heavy weight and high cost |
References | Types | Materials | Results |
[51] | Radiation-cooled, infrared, transparent, visible, opaque fabric | Parallel-aligned polyethylene fibers with a low infrared absorbance | The infrared transmittance of the fiber is 0.972 |
[59] | Radiation-cooled fabrics are opaque, transparent to mid-infrared | Nanoporous polyethylene | It reduces skin temperature by up to 2.7 °C. |
[60] | Radiation-cooled fabrics are opaque, transparent to mid-infrared | Homogeneous and continuous nano-polyethylene | It reduces skin temperature by up to 2.3 °C. |
[61] | Cooling and heating of fabrics by mid-infrared emitted radiation | Polyethylene nanolayer | Maximum core temperature reduction up to 36.59 °C |
[62] | Mid-infrared solar reflective emission cooling textiles | Integrated solar reflectors and thermal emitters | 5 °C cooling in direct sunlight |
[63] | Mid-infrared solar reflective emission radiation heating and cooling of textiles | Photonic structure | Temperature difference of 20 °C for radiant textiles |
[64] | Low and medium infrared-emitting radiant fabrics | Silver nanowire composite coated on cotton | Average reflectivity is 66% higher than conventional fabrics |
Types | Cooling Method | Total Weight | Cooling Temperature | Mean Cooling Power (6 h) | Notice |
WCDS | Thermoelectric and blowers | 1.2 kg | 26.5∼28.8 °C | 51.7 W | - |
Air-cooling clothing | Ventilating fans | 0.7 kg | 32.5 °C | 9 W | - |
Liquid-cooling clothing | Ice water and water circulation tubing system | 4.3 kg | 11.1 °C | 37.1 W | Condensation water |
Ice-cooling clothing | Ice gel packs | 1.9 kg | 4.2 °C | 25.6 W | Condensation water |
Types | Principle | Dehumidification Effect | Drawback |
Moisture management materials | Surface evaporation | 140–160 g/m2/h [74] | Depending on ambient humidity |
Desiccant-dehumidification clothing | The adsorption capacity of the desiccant | Decrease from 21.23 g/kg to 19.74 g/kg [89] | Dehumidification process is exothermic |
Condensation-dehumidification clothing | Cold-surface condensation | 26.3 g/h [72] | High energy consumption, condensation |
References | The Dummy | Characterization |
[105] | Tore | Prewetted tight fabric skin applied to a dry thermal manikin |
[102] | Walter | Water-filled manikin with a waterproof but vapor permeable surface |
[104] | Coppelius | Manikin with an inner skin spreading water superficially and an outer vapor-permeable skin |
[106] | Newton | Manikin with a supply of water to a fabric skin by means of sweating outlets distributed over the manikin’s surface |
[104] | ADAM | Manikin with a porous metal surface with superficial sweating |
Scales | Thermal Sensation | Thermal Comfort | Thermal Satisfaction | Thermal Preference | Sweat Feeling | Cold Stimuli Sensation |
+4 | Very hot | Extremely uncomfortable | Very unsatisfied | Very strong cold stimuli sensation | ||
+3 | Hot | Very uncomfortable | Unsatisfied | Much warmer | The very strong feeling of sweating | Strong cold stimuli sensation |
+2 | Warm | Uncomfortable | Slightly unsatisfied | Warmer | The strong feeling of sweating | Medium cold stimuli sensation |
+1 | Slightly warm | Slightly uncomfortable | Satisfied | A little warmer | Slight feeling of sweating | A little cold stimuli sensation |
0 | Neutral | Comfortable | Very satisfied | No change | No feeling of sweating | No cold stimuli sensation |
−1 | Slightly cool | A little cooler | ||||
−2 | Cool | Cooler | ||||
−3 | Cold | Much cooler | ||||
−4 | Very cold |
Model Name | Model Classification | Model Characteristics |
Human thermoregulation model | Two-node model Multinode model | When there are large temperature differences in the human body, more accurate simulation results can be obtained by using multinode and multiunit models. |
Heat and moisture transfer modeling of clothing | Steady-state model Transient model | Simulate the heat and moisture transfer process of garments to derive the heat and moisture properties of garments. |
Human body–clothing–environment system model | - | The human body–clothing environment as a whole combines a model of human thermoregulation and a model of heat and moisture transfer from clothing. |
Thermal/Moisture Transfer | Thermal/Moisture Transfer | Indexes | Test Equipment |
Human body → environment | Heat transfer | Thermal resistance | Hot plate; thermal torso; thermal manikin |
Moisture transfer | Liquid-water transfer indexes | Moisture management tester | |
Coupled heat and moisture transfer | Evaporative resistance | Sweating hot plate; sweating torso; sweating thermal manikin | |
Environment → human body | Heat transfer | Water vapor transmission | Test dish, balance |
Absorbed thermal energy | Thermal protective performance; tester, radiant protective performance tester |
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Share and Cite
Zhou, J.; Zhao, J.; Guo, X.; Hu, Y.; Niu, X.; Wang, F. Personal Wearable Thermal and Moisture Management Clothing: A Review on Its Recent Trends and Performance Evaluation Methods. Processes 2023, 11, 3063.
Zhou J, Zhao J, Guo X, Hu Y, Niu X, Wang F. Personal Wearable Thermal and Moisture Management Clothing: A Review on Its Recent Trends and Performance Evaluation Methods. Processes. 2023; 11(11):3063.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhou, Junming, Jinming Zhao, Xiaolei Guo, Yuxing Hu, Xiaofeng Niu, and Faming Wang. 2023. "Personal Wearable Thermal and Moisture Management Clothing: A Review on Its Recent Trends and Performance Evaluation Methods" Processes 11, no. 11: 3063.
APA StyleZhou, J., Zhao, J., Guo, X., Hu, Y., Niu, X., & Wang, F. (2023). Personal Wearable Thermal and Moisture Management Clothing: A Review on Its Recent Trends and Performance Evaluation Methods. Processes, 11(11), 3063.