Smartphone User Identity Verification Using Gait Characteristics
<p>Context pyramid (adapted from [<a href="#B25-symmetry-08-00100" class="html-bibr">25</a>]).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Human activity recognition tasks.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Taxonomy of human activities.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>General scheme of gait-based user identity verification.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Recognition of valid user based on PDF estimate of feature value.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>(<b>a</b>) Mean and (<b>b</b>) standard deviation of FRR (cross-subject identification).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>(<b>a</b>) Mean and (<b>b</b>) standard deviation of FAR (cross-subject identification).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Mean accuracy of 1-vs.-all subject identification for specific activities (1, WF; 2, WL; 3, WR; 4, WU; 5, WD; 6, FR; 7, JU; 8, Si; 9, St; 10, Sl; 11, EU; and 12, ED).</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Mean accuracy of 1-vs.-all subject identification for specific activities (1, WF; 2, WL; 3, WR; 4, WU; 5, WD; 6, FR; 7, JU; 8, Si; 9, St; 10, Sl; 11, EU; and 12, ED).</p> "> Figure 10
<p>FAR of subject-vs.-subject identification using all activities.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>FRR of subject-vs.-subject identification using all activities.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Accuracy of subject-vs.-subject identification using all activities.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>ERR of 1-vs.-all subject identification for different subjects (S1–S14).</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Background
2.2. Tasks of HAR
- Sudden events can be defined as an abrupt, unintentional and unexpected change in the human body position that happens during a short period of observation, has not been observed before (i.e., was not present in the training dataset) and is unpredictable [33]. In the case of a home care assistance system, a sudden event refers specifically to a sudden fall by a patient or elderly person that requires immediate response. Detection and tracking of the position and movement of human body and parts thereof are useful features for early indication of a sudden fall event.
- Abnormal events are actions that are performed at an unusual location and at an unusual time [34]. This type of events can be characterized as temporal or spatial outliers, which deviate from normal events as represented in the training dataset or learned motion patterns and require a longer observation for identifying it.
2.3. Taxonomy of Human Activities
2.4. General Scheme of Gait-Based User Identity Verification
2.5. Description of the Method
3. Results
3.1. Dataset
3.2. Features
3.3. Evaluation Metrics
- False Accept Rate (FAR) is the probability (or a portion of recognition attempts) that the identity verification system incorrectly identifies the hijacker (impostor) as the genuine user. For a user, the FAR is a measure of system security.
- False Reject Rate (FRR) is the probability (or a portion of recognition attempts) that the identity verification system incorrectly rejects the genuine user. For a user, the FRR measures the user inconvenience level.
- Equal Error Rate (EER) is the rate at which both FAR and FRR are equal. The lower the value of ERR is, the higher is the accuracy of the biometric system.
- Accuracy (or a true positive rate, TPR) is a proportion of all recognition attempts where subjects were identified correctly.
3.4. Results
4. Evaluation
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Ref. | Features | Methods | Subjects | Results |
Wang et al. [9] | Domain specific (e.g., relative time in cycle or slope of straight line between two endpoints) | Maximum-based cycle extraction, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance | 24 | 5% (EER) |
Ailisto et al. [10] | Averaged x (forward), and z (vertical) acceleration signals | Template matching, cross-correlation | 36 | 6.4% (EER) |
Thang et al. [11] | Time and frequency domain features | Gait templates, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), Support Vector Machine (SVM) | 11 | DTW: 79.1%; SVM: 92.7% (accuracy) |
Rong et al. [12] | Acceleration | Zerocrossing-based cycle extraction, DTW | 21 | 5.6% (EER) |
Pan et al. [13] | Extrema in acceleration data space | Difference-of-Gaussian filtering, Nearest Neighbors | 30 | 96.7% (accuracy) |
Sprager [14] | Order 1–4 cumulants of acceleration data | Support Vector Machine (SVM) | 6 | 92.9% (accuracy) |
Bachlin et al. [15] | FFT coefficients | FFT, one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) | 5 | 2.8%–21.3% (EER) |
Trivino et al. [16] | Vertical acceleration, lateral acceleration, and acceleration in the progress direction. | Fuzzy Finite State Machine (FFSM), linguistic model | 11 | 3% (EER) |
Frank et al. [17] | acceleration data | time-delay embedding models, k Nearest Neighbors | 25 | Perfect classification |
Nickel et al. [18] | Mel- and Bark-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC, BFCC) | SVM classifier | 48 | 5.9% (FMR); 6.3% (FNMR) |
Kwapisz [7] | Average, average acceleration value, standard deviation, average absolute difference, average resultant acceleration, time between peaks, binned distribution | J48 and Neural Net classifiers | 36 | 82.1%–92.9% (positive authentication rate) |
Kobayashi et al. [19] | Cross-correlations of Fourier transform coefficients | Multi-class classification by nearest means in Fisher discriminant space and majority voting | 58 | 45%–50% (accuracy) |
Juefei-Xu et al. [20] | Accelerometer and gyroscope data | SVM, a time frequency spectrogram model and a cyclo-stationary model | 36 | 96.8%–99.4% (accuracy) |
Hoang et al. [21] | Magnitude of the acceleration forces acting on three directions (x, y and z) | Gait template matching | 38 | 3.5% (EER) |
Derawi and Bours [22] | Magnitude of the acceleration | Weighted moving average (WMA) filter, cycle detection, Manhattan distance metric, LibSVM | 10 | 99.6%—same subject, 87.6%—cross-subject (accuracy) |
Wolff [23] | Variance in acceleration and orientation across the three dimensions (x, y, and z) | Gaussian distribution model | 83% (accuracy) | |
Lu et al. [24] | Mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, energy, mean crossing rate, energy ratio between vertical & horizontal components, spectrum peak, spectral entropy, ratio between low and high frequency band energy, compressed sub-band cepstral coefficients, compressed sub-band cepstral coefficients of autocorrelation | Gaussian Mixture Model—Universal Background Model (GMM-UBM) | 47 | 14% (EER) |
Lin et al. [25] | Spectral energy diagrams of pitch, roll, acceleration X, acceleration Y, and acceleration Z | αβ filtering, Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Fourier Transform, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) | 10 | 90% (recognition rate) |
Johnston et al. [26] | Average sensor value, standard deviation, average absolute difference between the 200 values and the mean of these values, time between peaks (each axis), binned distribution, average resultant acceleration | Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Random Forest, Rotation Forest, and Naive Bayes | 59 | 2.6%–8.1% (EER) |
Rank | Feature | Description |
1 | Moving variance of 100 samples of gyroscope data along z-axis | , here |
2 | Moving variance of 100 samples of acceleration intensity data | , here |
3 | First eigenvalue of moving covariance of difference between acceleration and gyroscope data | |
4 | Moving energy of gyroscope data along z-axis | , here |
5 | Moving energy of difference between acceleration and gyroscope data along z-axis | , here , |
6 | Moving variance of 100 samples of acceleration data along x-axis | , here |
7 | First eigenvalue of moving covariance between acceleration data | |
8 | First eigenvalue of moving covariance between gyroscope data | |
9 | Moving energy of orientation vector of acceleration data | , here |
10 | Movement intensity of gyroscope data |
According to Jain et al. [4] | According to Wayman et al. [2] |
© 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license (
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Damaševičius, R.; Maskeliūnas, R.; Venčkauskas, A.; Woźniak, M. Smartphone User Identity Verification Using Gait Characteristics. Symmetry 2016, 8, 100.
Damaševičius R, Maskeliūnas R, Venčkauskas A, Woźniak M. Smartphone User Identity Verification Using Gait Characteristics. Symmetry. 2016; 8(10):100.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDamaševičius, Robertas, Rytis Maskeliūnas, Algimantas Venčkauskas, and Marcin Woźniak. 2016. "Smartphone User Identity Verification Using Gait Characteristics" Symmetry 8, no. 10: 100.
APA StyleDamaševičius, R., Maskeliūnas, R., Venčkauskas, A., & Woźniak, M. (2016). Smartphone User Identity Verification Using Gait Characteristics. Symmetry, 8(10), 100.