1. Introduction
Consider the general multiobjective optimization problem
where the functions
are real vector valued functions and
X is real Banach space.
Multiobjective optimization problem (MOP) arises when two or more objective functions are simultaneously optimized over a feasible region. The multiobjective optimization has been considerably analyzed and studied by many researchers, see for instance [
6]. Multiobjective optimization problems play a crucial role in various fields like economics, engineering, management sciences [
11], and many more places in daily life.
To deal with the multiobjective optimization problems, we have to find Pareto optimal solutions. These solutions are non-dominated by one another. A solution is called non-dominated or Pareto optimal if none of the objective functions can be improved in value without reducing one or more objective values. One of the best techniques to deal with multiobjective optimization problems is scalarization. Wendell and Lee [
12] developed the scalarization technique to deal with multiobjective optimization problems. Wendell and Lee [
12] generalized the results on efficient points for multiobjective optimization problems to nonlinear optimization problems. The multiobjective problem is converted into a single objective problem in the scalarization technique.
The saddle point optimality conditions are briefly explained in [
13], Rooyen et al. [
14] constructed a Langrangian function for the convex multiobjective problem and established a relationship between saddle point optimality conditions and Pareto optimal solutions. Cobos-Sànchez et al. [
15] proposed Pareto optimality conditions for multiobjective optimization problems of continuous linear operators. Recently, Treanta [
16] studied robust saddle point criterion in second order partial differential equations and partial differential inequations.
Rooyen et al. [
14] discussed necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for (MOP) without any constraint qualification in Euclidean space. Recently, Antczak and Abdulaleem [
17] studied optimality and duality results for E-differentiable functions. Barbu and Precupanu [
18] studied the saddle point optimality conditions of convex optimization problem for real Banach space. Valyi [
19] proposed the concept of approximate saddle point condition for convex multiobjective optimization problems. Further Rong and Wu [
20] generalized the results of Valyi [
19] with set valued maps.
Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions [
21] play a pivotal role to solve scalar optimization problem as well as multiobjective optimization problems. Recently Lai et al. [
3] discussed unconstrained multiobjective optimization problems. Further, Guu et al. [
22] studied strong KKT type sufficient optimality conditions for semi-infinite programming problems.
Motivated by the work of Barbu and Precupanu [
18], Rooyen et al. [
14] and Wendell and Lee [
12], we extend the results related to saddle point optimality conditions and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions from single objective function to multiobjective function with the help of Slater’s constraint qualifications [
13]. We also present some illustrative examples to support the theory.
The organization of this paper is as follows: In
Section 2, we recall some preliminaries and basic results. In
Section 3, results on saddle point and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker necessary optimality conditions for multiobjective optimization problems are extended. Further, we establish the relationship between the Pareto solution and the saddle point for the Lagrange function using Slater’s constraint qualification. The last section is dedicated to conclusions and future remarks.
2. Preliminaries
In this section, we recall some notions and preliminary results which will be used in this paper.
denotes the set of real numbers. Let
X be real Banach Space and
be its dual space. Let
then following inequalities represent their meaning as follows:
We denote the feasible region as
To deal with the multiobjective optimization problems (MOP), we require some basic definitions.
Definition 1 (Ref. [
A decision vector is global Pareto optimal solution (global efficient solution) if there does not exist another decision vector such that Consider the following scalarized multiobjective optimization problem (SMOP) corresponding to (
Now, we recall the result from [
2], which relate the solution of (
MOP) and (
Theorem 1 (Ref. [
A feasible point is a Pareto optimal solution of the (MOP) if and only if is an optimal solution of the (SMOP). Definition 2 (Ref. [
A subset of the linear space X is said to be convex if for every distinct pair x and y of subset, it contains . Definition 3 (Ref. [
A function f is said to be convex on X if the inequality holds for all and for every Definition 4 (Ref. [
The function is said to be proper convex if and if f is not the constant function then (that is, ).If f is a convex function, denotes the effective domain of which is as follows:If f is proper, then is finite. Conversely, if A is a nonempty convex subset of X and f is a finite and convex function on A, then one can obtain a proper convex function on X by setting if Definition 5 (Ref. [
The function is called lower semi continuous at if Corollary 1 (Ref. [
If are two non-empty disjoint convex sets of , there exist a non zero element such that Definition 6 (Ref. [
Given the proper convex function the subdifferential of such a function is the mapping defined bywhere is dual of X and denote the canonical pairing between X and The element called subgradient of f at Corollary 2 (Ref. [
If f is a proper convex function on X, then the minimum (global) of f over X is attained at the point if and only if Theorem 2 (Ref. [
If the functions and are finite at a point in which at least one is continuous then Definition 7. Slater’s constraint qualification
- (1)
There exists a point and
- (2)
The equality constraints satisfy interiority conditions, if
3. Saddle Point and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker Optimality Conditions
In this section, we established saddle point and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker type optimality conditions for considered (MOP) in Banach space.
Theorem 3. Let be proper convex functions and be affine functions. If is a Pareto optimal solution of the (MOP). Then, there exist real numbers not all zero and have the properties: Proof. Let
be an Pareto optimal solution of the consistent problem (MOP). Then, from Theorem 1
is an optimal solution of the problem
Now, we consider the subset
It is easy to see that the set
B does not contain origin as well as it is a non-void convex subset of
. Since origin is a nonempty convex set, then from Corollary 1 there exist a homogeneous hyperplane, that is there exist
real numbers not all zero
such that
Again taking
we get
Thus, relation (
4) becomes
is feasible, therefore
in inequality (
5), we get
Now, from (
6) and (
7) we have
which completes the proof. □
Example 1. and
Therefore, feasible region and common effective domain Since, is a Pareto optimal solution, then for , the following inequality satisfiesHence, result is verified. Thus, it is natural to call the function
Remark 1. The necessary conditions (2) with are equivalent to the fact that the point is a saddle point for the Lagrange function (8) on , with respect to minimization on and maximization on that is,and for every Remark 2. The necessary optimality conditions (2) with are also sufficient for to be a Pareto optimal solution to (MOP). If then optimality conditions concern only the constraints functions, without giving any piece of information from the function which is minimized. Theorem 4. Let be proper convex functions and let be affine functions such that Slater’s constraint qualification satisfied at a feasible point of (MOP). Then, the point is a Pareto optimal solution for (MOP) if and only if there exist real numbers such that Proof. Let
be a Pareto optimal solution of (MOP). Then, from above Theorem 3, there exist
not all zero such that (
2) hold. If we suppose
then from (
2) we get
we must have
therefore from (
2) we have
and all components of
are not zero, which is contradiction of the interiority conditions of Slater’s constraint qualification. Hence
that is, we can take some components of
are greater than zero.
Conversely, suppose
is not Pareto optimal solution of (MOP), then there exist
which is a Pareto optimal solution for (MOP), that is
Now, from relation (
10) for
we have
which is contradiction of inequality (
11). Hence,
is a Pareto optimal solution for (MOP). Since
is a proper convex function, then
is necessarily finite. □
Theorem 5. Under the assumptions of Theorem 4, is a Pareto optimal solution of (MOP) if and only if there exist such that is a saddle point for the Lagrange function on , that isfor all Proof. Thus, the proof is obvious from Theorem 4. □
Now, we establish optimality conditions where differentiability of all functions is essential. The following result extends the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker theorem for the lower-semicontinuous multiobjective functions.
Theorem 6. Under the hypothesis of Theorem 4, if we suppose that the function is lower-semicontinuous and are continuous real functions, then the optimality conditions for is equivalent to the conditions Proof. From Equation (
10), if
is the minimum point of the function, then
Then, inequality (
13) takes the form
Now, from Corollary 2, the minimum point of Lagrange function is solution of the equation
Making use of previous results and additive property of subdifferential, we get
We know that
be an affine function, then
Hence, we get the required result. □
Example 2. Consider the following problemwhere, Since,
is a Pareto optimal solution for the considered problem as well as satisfying Slater’s constraints qualification because
Now from the definition of subdifferential, we get
which implies that
Hence, the result is verified.
Remark 3. Since are affine, then there exist a continuous linear functional and a real number such that , therefore we have and above condition becomes Now, if we consider only the case of the constraint given by inequalities, that is,
Then, Slater’s constraints qualification is as follows:
There exist a point such that
Theorem 7. Let be a proper convex lower-semicontinuous function and be real convex continuous functions satisfying the Slater’s constraint qualification (7) at a feasible point . Then, the point is a Pareto optimal solution for (MOP) if and only if there exists such that Proof. Suppose
is a Pareto optimal solution of problem (MOP) then, from equation
By Slater’s constraint qualification there exists
such that
Now from Corollary (2) the minimum point of the Langrange function is the solutuon of the relation
Using the additive property of subdifferential, we get
Conversely, suppose
is not pareto optimal solution of (MOP), then there exists
which is Pareto optimal solution for MOP that is
Now, from relation (
10) for
which is contradiction to inequality (
18). Hence
is a pareto optimal solution for MOP. Since
x) is a proper convex function, therefore
x) is necessarily finite. □
Corollary 3. Let be real convex and differentiable functions on X which satisfy (1). Then, a feasible point is a Pareto solution of problem (MOP) with given by (15) if and only if there exist real numbers such that 4. Conclusions
In this paper, we have established saddle point optimality conditions for a convex MOP in real Banach space. We recall Slater’s constraint qualification from [
18] and derive saddle point necessary and sufficient Pareto optimality condition for the considered problem where multipliers of objective functions never vanished simultaneously. We have deduced Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions from saddle point optimality conditions for the subdifferentiable case and present some examples to verify our results. We have characterized saddle point optimality conditions for Pareto points to convex MOPs in real Banach space which is more general as well as proofing technique is different from Ehrgott and Wiecek [
23]. Further, we have concluded Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions for smooth and nonsmooth cases from saddle point optimality conditions that is a new thing as compared to Ehrgott and Wiecek. Our derived Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions are the same as in Miettinen [
2] and Haeser and Ramos [
24]. That is why our paper includes novelty from Ehrgott and Wiecek [
23] in some senses. Further, these results can be extended for convex semi-infinite programming problems [
26]. In the future, we can extend these results to interval-valued optimality conditions and can deduce some applications motivated by the recent article by Treanta [
27]. Further, we can extend these results on vector equilibrium on Hadamard manifolds motivated by Ruiz-Garzòn et al. [