Digital Transformation as a Driver of Sustainability Performance—A Study from Freight and Logistics Industry
:1. Introduction
2. A Review of the Literature
2.1. Theoretical Background
2.2. Hypotheses
2.2.1. Relationship between Digital Adaptability and Sustainability Innovation Balance
2.2.2. Relationship between Strategy Alignment and Sustainability Innovation Balance
2.2.3. Effect of Digital Competence on Sustainability Innovation Balance
2.2.4. Effect of Sustainability Innovation Exploitation on ESP
2.2.5. Effect of Sustainability Innovation Exploration on ESP
3. Methodology
3.1. Survey Development
3.2. Sample and Data Collection
3.3. Bias Mitigation
3.4. Ethical Considerations
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Confirmatory Factor Analysis
4.2. Structural Model Analysis
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- Digital competence. This was found to have the strongest positive relationship with the exploitation element of sustainability innovation and the second strongest on the exploration element. These findings support H5 and H6, suggesting that digital competence engenders a wide range of business advantages, from increased efficiency and productivity to improved customer experiences and competitive advantages. It also optimises the market alignment of existing products and services, in addition to providing opportunities for new product/service development [37,46,75];
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- Strategy alignment. This was found to have the second strongest impact on sustainability innovation and the greatest impact on exploration. These positive relationships support H3 and H4 because strategy alignment ensures effective collaboration in the development of information processing capability [48,51]. The difference in the impact of the construct on exploitation and exploration is an important point. In the former case (exploitation), the strong relationship is because the achievement of business goals depends critically on a clear understanding of these goals by IT management. In the second case, the situation is more nuanced. Innovation exploration can involve less well-defined goals and can require closer alignment for those goals to be understood, agreed upon, and achieved [109,110];
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- Digital adaptability. Although still positive, the relationship between this construct is with both sustainability innovation exploitation and innovation. However, the positive association supports H1 and H2, as digital adaptability provides the ability to adapt to change, enhance customer engagement, and build a resilient and agile business that is prepared for the challenges and opportunities of a dynamic business environment [49,63]. Although digital adaptability is less significant than the other independent variables in the model, it remains an important influence on sustainability innovation balance.
5. Conclusions
6. Limitations and Future Research
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Construct/Items | Loading | |
Digital Adaptability | ||
How easy is it for your organisation to upgrade or otherwise modify its digital infrastructure? | 0.786 | |
To what extent does your organisation adopt open standards in system development? | 0.851 | |
To what extent are your employees empowered to explore new ideas, take calculated risks, and adapt to changing circumstances in a dynamic digital environment? | 0.884 | |
Strategy Alignment | ||
How closely are the digital and business strategies of your organisation integrated? | 0.815 | |
How critical is the role of digital technology in your organisation’s overall mission? | 0.912 | |
To what extent do departments in your organisation collaborate to ensure digital systems meet business goals? | 0.803 | |
How critical are DT and analytics to your business managers in their decision-making? | 0.765 | |
Digital Competency | ||
To what extent does your digital infrastructure allow stakeholders to benefit from your systems and processes? | 0.913 | |
How effective is your organisation in collecting, analysing, and internally sharing market data to enable rapid adaption to market dynamics? | 0.930 | |
How appropriate is your organisation’s digital application portfolio to current and emerging needs? | 0.723 | |
How effective are your staff in meeting technical briefs, being creative, using initiative and achieving targets? | 0.915 | |
Sustainability Innovation Exploration | ||
How frequently does your organisation update products and services to improve environmental and social impact? | 0.886 | |
How often does your organisation completely redesign and re-engineer a product/service to leverage the environmental benefits of the latest technology? | 0.893 | |
To what extent is your organisation committed to identifying and implementing new ways of reducing carbon footprint? | 0.869 | |
To what extent does your organisation support staff in professional development to ensure they are up to date with the latest innovations in sustainable technology and practices? | 0.887 | |
Sustainability Innovation Exploitation | ||
To what extent does your organisation react positively to sustainability issues raised by external third parties? | 0.782 | |
How often does your organisation formally review its environmental policy and position in the context of current national and global sustainability issues? | 0.724 | |
To what extent are key stakeholders, such as customers, involved in the product/service development cycle? | 0.876 | |
To what extent are innovative sustainable processes integrated into your organisation’s vision and philosophy? | 0.863 | |
ESP | ||
To what extent has your organisation improved in terms of cost-efficiency over the past 5 years? | 0.708 | |
To what extent has your organisation seen a return on (green) investment over the past 5 years? | 0.723 | |
To what extent has your organisation cut waste across all departments? | 0.759 | |
To what extent has your organisation improved its compliance with international environmental standards? | 0.810 | |
To what extent have innovative green solutions helped your organisation increase revenue? | 0.743 |
Demographic Profile (Organisation/Participant) | Percentage of Respondents | |
Position of Participant | Manager | 84 |
Director and above | 16 | |
Responsibility of Participant | Innovation | 11 |
ESG | 24 | |
Performance Management | 25 | |
IT | 33 | |
CSR | 10 | |
Age of organisation (years) | 0–10 | 39 |
11–20 | 41 | |
21+ | 20 | |
Number of Employees in the Company | 1–100 | 54 |
101–200 | 35 | |
201+ | 11 |
Fit Measure Category | Fit Measure | Result | Meets Recommended Criteria? |
Absolute fit measures | Chi-Square (χ2/DF) | 2.95 | Yes (<3.0) |
SRMR | 0.819 | Yes (>0.80) | |
GFI | 0.916 | Yes (>0.90) | |
RMSEA | 0.033 | Yes (<0.05) | |
Parsimonious fit measures | PGFI | 0.614 | Yes (<0.05) |
PNFI | 0.682 | Yes (<0.05) | |
Incremental fit measures | AGFI | 0.933 | Yes (>0.90) |
IFI | 0.913 | Yes (>0.90) | |
NFI | 0.934 | Yes (>0.90) | |
CFI | 0.915 | Yes (>0.90) |
Construct/Factor | CA | CR | AVE | Correlations | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ||||
Digital Adaptability | 0.85 | 0.81 | 0.64 | 0.88 | |||||
Strategy Alignment | 0.81 | 0.85 | 0.65 | 0.61 | 0.81 | ||||
Digital Competence | 0.84 | 0.86 | 0.72 | 0.68 | 0.69 | 0.85 | |||
Sustainability Innovation Exploitation | 0.82 | 0.78 | 0.69 | 0.56 | 0.64 | 0.67 | 0.83 | ||
Sustainability Innovation Exploration | 0.83 | 0.72 | 0.74 | 0.57 | 0.68 | 0.61 | 0.56 | 0.86 | |
ESP | 0.81 | 0.83 | 0.62 | 0.55 | 0.66 | 0.62 | 0.61 | 0.53 | 0.79 |
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Share and Cite
Mutambik, I. Digital Transformation as a Driver of Sustainability Performance—A Study from Freight and Logistics Industry. Sustainability 2024, 16, 4310.
Mutambik I. Digital Transformation as a Driver of Sustainability Performance—A Study from Freight and Logistics Industry. Sustainability. 2024; 16(10):4310.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMutambik, Ibrahim. 2024. "Digital Transformation as a Driver of Sustainability Performance—A Study from Freight and Logistics Industry" Sustainability 16, no. 10: 4310.
APA StyleMutambik, I. (2024). Digital Transformation as a Driver of Sustainability Performance—A Study from Freight and Logistics Industry. Sustainability, 16(10), 4310.