An Efficient Optimization Method for Large-Solution Space Electromagnetic Automatic Design
<p>Random lattice electromagnetic super-surface.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Process design of IDPGA.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Traditional immigration operator.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Design of the second immigration operator.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Process of modifying CP and updating Q-table.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Difference between traditional crossover method and improved method. (<b>a</b>) Legacy crossover operation (<b>b</b>) Improved crossover operation.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Structure of random lattice electromagnetic super-surface. (<b>a</b>) Honeycomb structure (<b>b</b>) Block structure (<b>c</b>) Supersurface side view.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The flow of parallel computing.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Performance comparison between IDPGA and traditional GA under 7 × 7 structure. (<b>a</b>) Fitness curve (<b>b</b>) Average fitness curve (<b>c</b>) Standard deviation curve.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Optimization results of 7 × 7 structure by ID PGA and traditional GA. (<b>a</b>) IDPGA results (<b>b</b>) Traditional GA result 1 (<b>c</b>) Traditional GA result 2 (<b>d</b>) IDPGA bandwidth (<b>e</b>) Traditional GA bandwidth 1 (<b>f</b>) Traditional GA bandwidth 2.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Performance comparison between IDPGA and traditional GA under 5 × 5 structure. (<b>a</b>) Fitness curve (<b>b</b>) Average fitness curve (<b>c</b>) Standard deviation curve.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Optimization results of 5 × 5 structure by IDPGA and traditional GA. (<b>a</b>) IDPGA results (<b>b</b>) Traditional GA result 1 (<b>c</b>) Traditional GA result 2 (<b>d</b>) IDPGA bandwidth (<b>e</b>) Traditional GA bandwidth 1 (<b>f</b>) Traditional GA bandwidth 2.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Performance differences in each multi-population algorithm. (<b>a</b>) Fitness curve (<b>b</b>) Standard deviation curve.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Optimization results obtained by different multi-population algorithms. (<b>a</b>) SLFA results (<b>b</b>) SA results (<b>c</b>) MPDEA results. (<b>d</b>) SLFA bandwidth. (<b>e</b>) SA bandwidth. (<b>f</b>) MPDEA bandwidth.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- A population-based method based on reinforcement learning is proposed to achieve more stable exploration of large solution spaces, thereby enhancing the global search capability of the optimization algorithm and avoiding local optima.
- A leadership-dominant mechanism for the population is introduced, where the optimal solution is mimicked multiple times by other solutions in the population. This improves the exploration speed of large solution spaces and reduces the number of iterations.
- By combining the above-two points, an efficient optimization method is designed and implemented to address large-solution space optimization problems in the electromagnetic field. Additionally, this method is applicable to other engineering fields and demonstrates certain general applicability.
2. Advantages of Double Population Algorithm
3. Process Design of IDPGA
4. Design of Migration Operator
4.1. Analysis of Traditional Immigration Operator
4.2. Design of Improved Immigration Operator
- Immigration operator 1: This immigration operator differs from the traditional method in that, when exchanging the best individuals between populations, the individuals removed are not the worst but those most similar to the best individual of the opposite population. This approach ensures the exchange of high-quality genes while avoiding disruption to the population structure. To identify individuals with the highest similarity, it is necessary to calculate the similarity between two individuals, as shown in Equation (1). Here, G(i, j) represents the value of the jth design variable for the ith individual in the current population, while Gbest(j) is the value of the jth design variable for the best individual in the other population, and N is the number of design variables.
- 2.
- Immigration operator 2: When the best fitness values of the two populations do not change over several iterations, the immigration operator 2 is triggered, as depicted in Figure 4. Essentially, this operator involves swapping certain design variables of all individuals (except for the best individuals) between Population A and Population B. The purpose of designing this operator is to enable the algorithm to escape local optima.
5. Population Based on Reinforcement Learning Mechanism
5.1. Modular Design of Reinforcement Learning Mechanism
- Agent: The agent is responsible for adjusting the CP within population A, taking over the role traditionally filled by adaptive formulas. When population A executes the crossover operator, the agent modifies the CP.
- State Space: The state space is a collection of all possible values of CP, assuming Cmin and Cmax are the lower and upper bounds of CP, respectively, and StepS is the step size for changing CP. The size of the state space is 1 + (Cmax − Cmin)/StepS, meaning it is a set of [Cmin, Cmin + 1 × StepS, Cmin + 2 × StepS, …, Cmax]. The step size StepS of the state space can be determined by Equation (2), where SizeS represents the size of the state space.
- 3.
- Action Space: The action space is a collection of all possible directions of change for the CP. As CP is a floating-point number, it can only change in three ways: increase, remain the same, or decrease. Thus, the size of the action space is 3, comprising the set: [Increase CP, Keep CP constant, Decrease CP].
- 4.
- Reward Mechanism: The reward mechanism provides feedback to the agent. After the agent modifies the CP, the environment provides a score to the agent through the reward mechanism, indicating the appropriateness of the agent’s decision-making. The reward is calculated using three indices from population A: the best fitness value (Bv), the average fitness value (Av), and the standard deviation of fitness values (Sv) as shown in Table 1. For instance, if Bv increases, Av remains constant, and Sv decreases, then the total reward for the agent is 5 + 0 − 3 = 2.
- 5.
- Q-table: The Q-table is a summary of the agent’s experience, updated with each reward the agent receives, making it progressively more intelligent. Typically, the action space constitutes the rows of the Q-table, while the state space forms its columns. Each cell in the Q-table represents the estimated reward (or Q-value) that the agent might receive for a certain action in a given state, as depicted in Table 2.
5.2. Updating Method of Q-Table
5.3. The Process of Adjusting CP and Updating Q-Table
6. Design of Population Based on Leadership Dominance Mechanism
6.1. Cross Method Based on Leadership Dominance Mechanism
6.2. Adjustment of Adaptive Crossover Probability
7. Case Introduction
7.1. Introduction of Electromagnetic Supersurface
7.2. Design of Fitness Function
8. Experimental Analysis
8.1. Experimental Method, Experimental Index, and Experimental Configuration
8.2. Optimization Results of 7 × 7 Random Lattice
8.3. Optimization Results of 5 × 5 Random Lattice
8.4. Performance Comparison Between IDPGA and Other Multi-Group Algorithms
9. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Indicator | Bv | Av | Sv |
Increase | +5 | +1 | +3 |
Unchanged | +0 | +0 | +0 |
Decrease | −5 | −1 | −3 |
CP Is Increased | CP Remains Unchanged | CP Is Decreased | |
CP = Cmin | Q(1, 1) | Q(1, 2) | Q(1, 3) |
…… | Q(m, 1) | Q(m, 2) | Q(m, 3) |
…… | Q(n, 1) | Q(n, 2) | Q(n, 3) |
CP = Cmax | Q(k, 1) | Q(k, 2) | Q(k, 3) |
Name | Range/mm | Description |
ls | 1.92 | Random lattice side length |
h | 0.48 | Random lattice height |
lx | 0.08~0.16 | Main block side length |
a | 0.1~0.4 | Side length ratio |
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He, L.; Peng, F.; Chen, X. An Efficient Optimization Method for Large-Solution Space Electromagnetic Automatic Design. Materials 2025, 18, 1159.
He L, Peng F, Chen X. An Efficient Optimization Method for Large-Solution Space Electromagnetic Automatic Design. Materials. 2025; 18(5):1159.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHe, Lingyan, Fengling Peng, and Xing Chen. 2025. "An Efficient Optimization Method for Large-Solution Space Electromagnetic Automatic Design" Materials 18, no. 5: 1159.
APA StyleHe, L., Peng, F., & Chen, X. (2025). An Efficient Optimization Method for Large-Solution Space Electromagnetic Automatic Design. Materials, 18(5), 1159.