Potential Effects of Biochar Application for Improving Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Growth and Soil Biochemical Properties under Drought Stress Conditions
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Site and Design
2.2. Soil Sampling
2.3. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Month | Temperature (°C) | Humidity (%) |
November | 20 | 61 |
December | 14 | 70 |
January | 13 | 73 |
February | 15 | 68 |
March | 21 | 61 |
April | 29 | 48 |
Biochar Property | Values |
pH | 10.1 |
Electric conductivity (μS cm−1) | 938 |
TC (%) | 67.2 |
TN (%) | 0.65 |
Dichromate oxidizable organic C | 4.54 |
Water Soluble Carbon | 152 |
Water Soluble Nitrogen | 94.23 |
Ash content (%) | 3.31 |
Carbonates content (% CaCO3) | 11.45 |
CEC (cmolc kg−1) | 34.21 |
NH4-N sorption (mg NH4-N g−1) | 2.12 |
NO3-N sorption (mg NO3-N g−1) | N.S. |
Treatments | Plant Height (cm) | Spike Length (cm) | Number of Spikelets per Spike | Number of Grains per Spike | 1000-Grain Weight (g) | Grain Yield per Plant (g) |
D0 | 97 A (±0.912) | 10.45 A (±0.144) | 24.33 A (±0.120) | 46 A (±0.353) | 35 A (±0.359) | 1.48 A (±0.009) |
D1 | 87 C (±0.938) | 08.88 C (±0.074) | 22.24 B (±0.087) | 40 B (±0.678) | 32 B (±0.359) | 0.90 B (±0.015) |
D2 | 93 B (±0.408) | 09.55 B (±0.165) | 19.43 C (±0.038) | 37 C (±0.912) | 28 C (±0.156) | 0.50 C (±0.029) |
B0 | 90 C (±0.707) | 10.11 C (±0.047) | 21.24 C (±0.010) | 39 C (±0.496) | 30 C (±0.370) | 1.21 C (±0.013) |
B1 | 95 B (±0.407) | 11.23 B (±0.086) | 23.35 B (±0.015) | 43 B (±0.912) | 33 B (±0.389) | 1.34 B (±0.017) |
B2 | 99 A (±0.410) | 12.02 A (±0.062) | 25.42 A (±0.019) | 47 A (±0.577) | 36 A (±0.131) | 1.48 A (±0.007) |
D × B | ||||||
D0B0 | 96.12 c (±1.037) | 10.27 c (±0.073) | 22.33 c (±0.043) | 43 c (±0.408) | 34.33 c (±0.134) | 1.25 c (±0.014) |
D0B1 | 98.32 b (±1.178) | 11.23 b (±0.062) | 24.25 b (±0.055) | 46 b (±0.341) | 36.34 b (±0.073) | 1.30 b (±0.012) |
D0B2 | 99.85 a (±0.828) | 12.02 a (±0.259) | 26.47 a (±0.090) | 48 a (±0.375) | 38.23 a (±0.112) | 1.46 a (±0.014) |
D1B0 | 86.15 h (±0.582) | 07.23 h (±0.089) | 19.13 f (±0.062) | 39 f (±0.408) | 30.43 f (±0.212) | 0.89 f (±0.004) |
D1B1 | 88.53 g (±1.167) | 08.25 g (±0.179) | 20.54 e (±0.131) | 41 e (±0.177) | 31.34 e (±0.027) | 1.02 e (±0.007) |
D1B2 | 90.23 f (±0.256) | 09.01 ef (±0.072) | 21.43 d (±0.046) | 42 d (±0.108) | 33.31 d (±0.191) | 1.11 d (±0.010) |
D2B0 | 93.14 e (±0.402) | 09.12 de (±0.046) | 16.33 I (±0.032) | 30 I (±0.361) | 24.24 I (±0.088) | 0.56 I (±0.012) |
D2B1 | 95.16 d (±0.665) | 09.98 d (±0.014) | 17.23 h (±0.030) | 33 h (±0.093) | 26.22 h (±0.106) | 0.67 h (±0.015) |
D2B2 | 96.03 c (±0.724) | 10.24 c (±0.172) | 18.21 g (±0.009) | 34 f (±0.410) | 28.32 g (±0.080) | 0.80 g (±0.009) |
Treatments | Soil pH | Mineral N (mg kg−1) | Bray P | Exchangeable-K |
D0 | 7.01 A (±0.018) | 83.53 A (±0.086) | 7.82 A (±0.013) | 173.53 A (±0.115) |
D1 | 6.85 B (±0.088) | 80.17 B (±0.049) | 7.43 B (±0.016) | 155.14 B (±0.073) |
D2 | 6.78 C (±0.067) | 76.48 C (±0.015) | 6.98 C (±0.028) | 141.16 C (±0.083) |
B0 | 6.72 C (±0.061) | 66.81 C (±0.039) | 6.45 C (±0.209) | 105.79 C (±7.228) |
B1 | 6.87 B (±0.070) | 84.53 B (±0.088) | 7.21 B (±0.414) | 179.88 B (±8.461) |
B2 | 7.05 A (±0.079) | 88.84 A (±0.047) | 8.56 A (±0.128) | 193.17 A (±7.007) |
D × B | ||||
D0B0 | 6.82 d (±0.011) | 70.15 f (±0.092) | 6.82 e (±0.014) | 120.14 g (±0.093) |
D0B1 | 7.01 b (±0.003) | 88.30 b (±0.153) | 7.82 c (±0.014) | 196.26 b (±0.135) |
D0B2 | 7.23 a (±0.017) | 92.16 a (±0.080) | 8.82 a (±0.014) | 204.22 a (±0.124) |
D1B0 | 6.72 e (±0.014) | 67.18 g (±0.097) | 6.43 f (±0.023) | 100.11 h (±0.066) |
D1B1 | 6.81 d (±0.009) | 85.18 d (±0.096) | 7.41 d (±0.008) | 170.18 e (±0.095) |
D1B2 | 7.02 b (±0.012) | 88.14 b (±0.093) | 8.44 b (±0.023) | 195.11 c (±0.060) |
D2B0 | 6.61 f (±0.008) | 63.11 h (±0.061) | 6.10 f (±0.052) | 97.11 i (±0.066) |
D2B1 | 6.81 d (±0.007) | 80.11 e (±0.060) | 6.42 ef (±0.014) | 146.18 f (±0.092) |
D2B2 | 6.92 c (±0.011) | 86.23 c (±0.115) | 8.43 b (±0.020) | 180.18 d (±0.092) |
Treatments | SOC (g kg−1) | DOC (µg g−1) | DON (µg g−1) | NMIN | SR |
D0 | 1.34 A (±0.0016) | 143.83 A (±0.083) | 21.85 A (±0.093) | 77.52 A (±0.098) | 23.86 A (±0.018) |
D1 | 1.30 B (±0.0017) | 138.48 B (±0.078) | 19.81 B (±0.079) | 65.14 B (±0.076) | 22.38 B (±0.220) |
D2 | 1.31 C (±0.0009) | 133.56 C (±0.127) | 15.81 C (±0.076) | 51.85 C (±0.094) | 21.24 C (±0.005) |
B0 | 0.96 C (±0.0058) | 129.48 C (±2.299) | 16.46 C (±1.773) | 53.53 C (±6.027) | 20.85 C (±0.585) |
B1 | 1.48 B (±0.0177) | 135.17 B (±2.906) | 19.48 B (±1.761) | 65.16 B (±8.667) | 22.42 B (±0.929) |
B2 | 1.52 A (±0.0122) | 151.21 A (±3.749) | 21.53 A (±1.782) | 75.82 A (±8.072) | 23.85 A (±0.821) |
D × B | |||||
D0B0 | 0.97 d (±0.0011) | 133.11 ef (±0.060) | 19.16 d (±0.080) | 65.24 c (±0.121) | 22.14 b (±0.012) |
D0B1 | 1.52 ab (±0.0017) | 140.18 d (±0.097) | 22.19 b (±0.083) | 80.18 b (±0.094) | 24.25 ab (±0.014) |
D0B2 | 1.54 a (±0.0021) | 158.18 a (±0.093) | 24.23 a (±0.116) | 87.15 a (±0.078) | 25.18 a (±0.031) |
D1B0 | 0.96 de (±0.0012) | 130.11 f (±0.066) | 17.11 f (±0.066) | 50.16 e (±0.105) | 21.34 cd (±0.008) |
D1B1 | 1.46 cd (±0.0024) | 135.19 e (±0.102) | 20.11 c (±0.068) | 65.14 c (±0.073) | 21.77 c (±0.665) |
D1B2 | 1.52 ab (±0.0023) | 150.11 b (±0.066) | 22.18 b (±0.105) | 80.12 b (±0.062) | 24.03 b (±0.003) |
D2B0 | 0.95 e (±0.0008) | 125.22 g (±0.124) | 13.12 h (±0.069) | 45.19 f (±0.105) | 20.13 e (±0.005) |
D2B1 | 1.48 c (±0.0007) | 130.12 f (±0.069) | 16.16 g (±0.081) | 50.16 e (±0.080) | 21.23 d (±0.006) |
D2B2 | 1.50 b (±0.0011) | 145.33 c (±0.187) | 18.16 e (±0.084) | 60.20 d (±0.102) | 22.35 c (±0.003) |
Treatments | DH (nmol TPF g−1 soil h−1) | UR (µmol NH3-N g−1 h−1) | AcP (µmol p-Nitrophenol g−1 h−1) | βG (µmol p-Nitrophenol g−1 h−1) |
D0 | 70 A (±0.816) | 15.34 A (±0.278) | 26.33 A (±0.247) | 6.65 A (±0.064) |
D1 | 35 C (±1.080) | 09.32 C (±0.123) | 17.45 C (±0.170) | 2.45 C (±0.090) |
D2 | 67 B (±0.912) | 12.34 B (±0.108) | 21.67 B (±0.141) | 4.53 B (±0.067) |
B0 | 67 C (±1.354) | 16.12 C (±0.021) | 24.54 C (±0.272) | 5.25 C (±0.322) |
B1 | 76 B (±1.020) | 17.33 B (±0.086) | 28.34 B (±0.236) | 6.43 B (±0.237) |
B2 | 82 A (±0.790) | 21.35 A (±0.027) | 32.23 A (±0.453) | 6.90 A (±0.279) |
D × B | ||||
D0B0 | 65 c (±0.912) | 13.23 c (±0.099) | 23.43 c (±0.113) | 6.12 c (±0.094) |
D0B1 | 70 b (±1.080) | 16.34 b (±0.128) | 27.76 b (±0.540) | 6.86 b (±0.199) |
D0B2 | 75 a (±0.912) | 18.31a (±0.257) | 31.33 a (±0.235) | 7.02 a (±0.366) |
D1B0 | 31 h (±1.354) | 04.43 g (±0.257) | 14.56 g (±0.536) | 2.04 h (±0.138) |
D1B1 | 35 gh (±0.707) | 06.12 f (±0.069) | 16.23 fg (±0.468) | 3.12 gh (±0.042) |
D1B2 | 39 g (±0.790) | 08.34 ef (±0.057) | 17.34 f (±0.703) | 3.65 f (±0.165) |
D2B0 | 61 f (±0.540) | 09.45 e (±0.101) | 17.43 f (±0.592) | 3.89 e (±0.067) |
D2B1 | 65 e (±0.472) | 11.62 d (±0.099) | 19.21 e (±0.459) | 4.12 de (±0.131) |
D2B2 | 70 d (±0.965) | 12.77 c (±0.170) | 21.65 d (±0.788) | 4.67 d (±0.118) |
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© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Zaheer, M.S.; Ali, H.H.; Soufan, W.; Iqbal, R.; Habib-ur-Rahman, M.; Iqbal, J.; Israr, M.; El Sabagh, A. Potential Effects of Biochar Application for Improving Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Growth and Soil Biochemical Properties under Drought Stress Conditions. Land 2021, 10, 1125. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10111125
Zaheer MS, Ali HH, Soufan W, Iqbal R, Habib-ur-Rahman M, Iqbal J, Israr M, El Sabagh A. Potential Effects of Biochar Application for Improving Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Growth and Soil Biochemical Properties under Drought Stress Conditions. Land. 2021; 10(11):1125. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10111125
Chicago/Turabian StyleZaheer, Muhammad Saqlain, Hafiz Haider Ali, Walid Soufan, Rashid Iqbal, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rahman, Javaid Iqbal, Muhammad Israr, and Ayman El Sabagh. 2021. "Potential Effects of Biochar Application for Improving Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Growth and Soil Biochemical Properties under Drought Stress Conditions" Land 10, no. 11: 1125. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10111125
APA StyleZaheer, M. S., Ali, H. H., Soufan, W., Iqbal, R., Habib-ur-Rahman, M., Iqbal, J., Israr, M., & El Sabagh, A. (2021). Potential Effects of Biochar Application for Improving Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Growth and Soil Biochemical Properties under Drought Stress Conditions. Land, 10(11), 1125. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10111125