A Citizen-Sensing-Based Digital Service for the Analysis of On-Site Post-Earthquake Messages
<p>The <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>a</mi> <mi>p</mi> <mi>p</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> template.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Architecture of the implemented <span class="html-italic">Service</span>. SDBMS stands for Spatial Database Management System.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The initial screen of the TwittEarth mobile app.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>A close look at the TwittEarth app.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Functional architecture of the TwitterBridgeApplication.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The INGV page about recent earthquakes (<a href="http://cnt.rm.ingv.it/" target="_blank">http://cnt.rm.ingv.it/</a>).</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The Geo-DB tables and their relationships.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The (JSON) record about the hospital of L’Aquila.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The steps to be computed.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>The JSON keys composing the attribute <tt>text</tt> of table <tt>georeports</tt>.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>An instance of the three JSON keys.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>The (JSONB) value about the hospital of L’Aquila.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Geographical location of damaged assets.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>The municipalities of the Abruzzo region.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>The census of damaged municipalities (within the first hour).</p> "> Figure 16
<p>The ranking of the municipalities according to the number of retrieved <span class="html-italic">GeoReports</span> (within the first hour).</p> "> Figure 17
<p>The census of the damaged municipalities (between the first two hours).</p> "> Figure 18
<p>The ranking of the municipalities according to the number of retrieved <span class="html-italic">GeoReports</span> (in the first two hours).</p> "> Figure 19
<p>The ranking of the top 11 municipalities hit by the earthquake.</p> "> Figure 20
<p>The ranking of damaged targets inside the municipality of L’Aquila.</p> "> Figure 21
<p>All targets in the municipality of L’Aquila damaged by the earthquake.</p> "> Figure 22
<p>All dwellings in the municipality of L’Aquila damaged by the earthquake.</p> "> Figure 23
<p>All targets in the municipality of L’Aquila damaged by the earthquake.</p> "> Figure 24
<p>The damaged targets inside the municipality of L’Aquila and their geographical coordinates.</p> "> Figure 25
<p>The location of few damaged buildings in the city of L’Aquila on top of an OpenStreetMap.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Definitions and Notations
- (Territory of interest) denotes a geographic area, while () denotes its internal administrative subdivisions. Italy, for instance, is structured at three different levels: municipalities, provinces, and regions (moving from the bottom to the top).
- is either an asset or an infrastructure located inside . and denote, respectively, the set of assets and the set of infrastructures in . Relevant assets are dwellings and public buildings (as, for instance, schools, hospitals, banks, government offices, post office, police stations, malls, etc.). Relevant infrastructures include roads, highways, bridges, and railways. Each target is defined by the tuple , being an identifying code.
- GeoReport is a warning about a serious damage caused by the earthquake to a specific Target, issued by a user of the Service we are going to present. To each GeoReport is associated a latitude and longitude pair of coordinates. R denotes the set of all GeoReports with the same hashtag (#defaultHashtag). In the following, the string defaultHashtag is called the default hashtag.
- The score of subdivision is the integer that denotes the number of reports issued from within ; while the score of a generic target in is the integer denoting the number of GeoReports regarding the target.
- Thesaurus is a rich collection of synonyms and common abbreviations about the targets in .
3.2. The App Template
3.3. Architecture of the Software Service
3.3.1. EarthquakeDataParser
3.3.2. TwittEarth
- The reliability of the communications network is vital especially during severe events. Often, during large events, the network fails because of high traffic. Of course, Twitter is not an exception, but its downtime tends to zero because its infrastructure and software are very robust;
- Twitter has a public set of robust APIs that developers can reach by means of HTTP requests. These APIs allow the retrieval and manipulation of tweets stored in the social network repository, as well as sending new messages. Moreover, the APIs support the formulation of advanced queries based on text, hashtag, location, or specific people. These services promise high performance. Twitter requires that any Twitter app authenticates first.
- Read and Write grant: in order to be able to post GeoReports;
- Location: needed to access the last known position of the device (GPS, WiFi, or cellular) in order to geolocalize the GeoReport;
- Write to External Storage: needed to store the pictures.
3.3.3. TwitterBridgeApplication
3.3.4. Spatial Database Management System
- carrying out the census of all administrative subdivisions that suffered severe damages from the earthquake, thus delimiting the boundary of the damage area;
- building interactive maps that show the targets for which a severe damage has been reported;
- building the ranking of the various administrative units with respect to the damages they suffered;
- computing the ranking of which categories of assets (e.g., public buildings or churches) and which infrastructures (e.g., highways instead of roads) have suffered the greatest damages;
- returning tables about the ranking of targets for which severe damages have been reported and others that specify the geographical position (in terms of latitude and longitude) of these targets.
3.4. The Computation Steps
- extraction of the string linked to the JSON key Comment of column text of table georeports. The PostgreSQL query is: SELECT to_jsonb(text ->> ‘Comment’) AS assetByCitizen FROM georeports. With regard to the warning of Figure 11, such a query returns the following (JSONB) value: “San Salvatore hospital, Columbus Square, L’Aquila”;
- access to table thesaurus; (a) extraction of the values linked to the JSON keys AssetName and AssetAddress (PostgreSQL operator: ‘->’); (b) transformation of those strings in the JSONB format (PostgreSQL function: ‘to_jsonb()’); (c) concatenation of those two strings (PostgreSQL operator: ‘||’; available only on JSONB data). Steps (a), (b), and (c) are repeated for all the “name-address” alternative descriptions listed in the thesaurus. With regard to the example of Figure 8, the alternatives are 4 × 3; Figure 12 shows the SQL query that returns one of those strings;
- computation of the “similarity” of the values of the strings assetByCitizen and assetFromThesaurus (i.e., “San Salvatore hospital, Columbus Square, L’Aquila” vs. “San Salvatore hospital”, “Columbus Square, 67100 L’Aquila”) by means of equation: , proposed by Chen and Lim [41] to measure the similarity of pairs of tweets (n is the total number of words in the two tweets, while m is the number of identical words of tweets). In [41], two tweets are recognized as nearly identical when S exceeds the threshold of 0.9 (in the case of the example, S = 2 × 6/13 = 0.92). Our UDF adopts the same threshold.
- It standardizes (by accessing the thesaurus) the name of the target mentioned in the message;
- It retrieves the tuple about the target at hand from table infrastructure. The geometry (of type line and stored in the geom field) characterizes an infrastructure. The length of a line can range from a few kilometers to hundreds of kilometers (this is the case, for example, of the highways). In order to facilitate the work of disaster responders, it is necessary to provide them with information about the stretch of the line (briefly hotspot) that has been damaged. The algorithm for calculating the hotspots along an infrastructure consists of the following steps:
- −
- Trace the straight line passing through the point that denotes the position of the citizen (who sent the message) and that is orthogonal to the geometry of the infrastructure at hand;
- −
- Calculate the geographical coordinates of the point (say H) in which the straight line intersects the infrastructure. This point is at the minimum distance from the person who wrote the message;
- −
- Return a buffer centered on point H and lying along the geometry of the infrastructure.
- GeoReport 1: Asset; Dwelling; Road Alessandro Magno, 10, 00130 Rome
- GeoReport 2: Asset; Dwelling; Road Alessandro Magno, 21, 00130 Rome
- . Therefore, the two warnings are correctly kept.
- GeoReport 3: Asset; Dwelling; Road Alessandro Magno, 00130 Rome
- GeoReport 4: Asset; Dwelling; Road Alessandro Magno, 00130 Rome
- . Therefore, GeoReport 4 is considered a duplicate, and accordingly, it has to be tagged as redundant.
4. A Case Study
4.1. Input Data
- the Abruzzo administrative subdivisions. The source of the territorial data (in the shapefile format) used in the study is the Archive of administrative unit boundaries for statistical purposes provided by the Italian Institute of Statistics. The geometry of Abruzzo’s municipalities and provinces was stored in the subdivisions table;
- data about assets and infrastructures inside the region. The assets that were examined in the study concerned: hospitals, schools, universities, public offices, dwellings, churches, banks, and malls; while the infrastructures that were taken into account concerned: roads, highways, and bridges. These data were extracted from OpenStreetMap Data (GIS Format Free shapefiles, SRS WGS84, Version 2017-03-02, available for free at http://download.geofabrik.de/). Assets and infrastructures were stored in the homonymous tables of the Geo-DB.
- Refresh your knowledge about the name of sensitive assets and infrastructures in the town where you live. In case of a severe event, it is likely you will be there;
- Refresh your knowledge about the names of streets, roads, highways, and bridges that link the town where you live to the “world”;
- Install TwittEarth on your smartphone;
- Become confident in the use of TwittEarth;
- Use the #defaultHashtag when sending a report about a damage;
- Send GeoReports about collapsed targets, only;
- When sending GeoReports about damaged targets, remember to activate the GPS option;
- Write and send your reports when you are as close as possible to the (hypothetically) damaged target;
- Refrain from sending multiple reports about the same target. Once is the best choice;
- Attach a photo of the target;
- Write the name of the target and its address (if any). Pay attention about these things, because only correct data will give rise to correct information.
4.2. The Views
4.3. Discussion and Recommendations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Definition | Entity |
GeoReports | |
Subdivisions | |
Assets | |
Infrastructures | |
Thesaurus | |
Earthquakes |
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Share and Cite
Di Felice, P.; Iessi, M. A Citizen-Sensing-Based Digital Service for the Analysis of On-Site Post-Earthquake Messages. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8, 136. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi8030136
Di Felice P, Iessi M. A Citizen-Sensing-Based Digital Service for the Analysis of On-Site Post-Earthquake Messages. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2019; 8(3):136. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi8030136
Chicago/Turabian StyleDi Felice, Paolino, and Michele Iessi. 2019. "A Citizen-Sensing-Based Digital Service for the Analysis of On-Site Post-Earthquake Messages" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8, no. 3: 136. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi8030136
APA StyleDi Felice, P., & Iessi, M. (2019). A Citizen-Sensing-Based Digital Service for the Analysis of On-Site Post-Earthquake Messages. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(3), 136. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi8030136