Design and Development of an Internet of Smart Cameras Solution for Complex Event Detection in COVID-19 Risk Behaviour Recognition
<p>The designed integrated architecture for complex event detection (DB: DataBase).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Event matching steps in the cloud.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Implementation diagram of the developed architecture (IoT: internet of things, STA: SensorThing API, MQTT: message queuing telemetry transport, AWS: Amazon web services).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Proposed data model based on SensorThings API.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Logical model for the cloud database.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Spatial, temporal, and object relationships graph for risky behaviours.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Object detection results of YOu Look at Once (YOLO) architecture.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Object detection results of Masked regional convolutional neural network <b>(</b>Mask-RCNN) architecture.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Complex event values: (<b>a</b>) Recall; (<b>b</b>) precision.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Event matching F-score results for the integrated architecture with multi-cameras, Camera1, and Camera2 for three events.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Relative latency values comparison of offline, edge, and the integrated architecture.</p> "> Figure A1
<p>Event matching results. (<b>a</b>) The integrated designed architecture event detection results. (<b>b</b>) The single-camera edge-based architecture results for Camera1. (<b>c</b>) The single-camera edge-based architecture results for Camera2. Event 1 is coughing into hands and touching the door handle; Event 2 is coughing into arms and touching the door handle; Event 3 is coughing into hands, and/or arms, and touching the door handle.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- -
- To design and develop an integrated edge and cloud computing architecture for complex event detection using the interoperable Internet of smart cameras. This flexible architecture enables us to detect objects from single cameras and integrate them into a complex event in the cloud computing part.
- -
- To implement the integrated cloud and edge computing architecture of the IoSC to detect risk behaviours carried out by people that might lead to possible COVID-19 spread. Risk behaviours are considered complex events and are detected using the architecture model and reported to the cloud network in real-time.
- -
- To demonstrate how much the object detection model influences the number of missing events, we compared region- and regression-based object detection models for simple events.
2. Background
3. Complex Event Detection Methodology
3.1. Object Detection and Tracking
3.2. Event Matching with Edge
3.3. Event Matching Using Cloud Computing
4. Implementation
4.1. Implemented Architecture
4.2. STA Model
4.3. Data and Object Detection Model
5. Experimental Results
5.1. Object Detection Accuracy
5.2. Online Event Matching Accuracy
5.3. Online Event Detection Speed
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
- Definition 1 (Event Vector).An event stored in the event database is considered a vector with the following elements:
- O = The array of detected object classes;
- Sr = Spatial relationship vector which includes the spatial relationship expression and involved object classes;
- Tr = Temporal relationship vector which includes the temporal relationship expression and involved spatial relationships;
- Rt = An array (the root vector) of vectors including relationships between Tr. For example, an Rt looks like this:
- Rt = [R1(Tr1,Tr2,relationship_expression1), …, Rn(Trn−1,Trn,relationship_expressionn)]
- Definition 2 (Detection Object Vector).The detected object in every frame which includes the following elements:
- Bbox = The rectangle of object bounding boxes is an array: [xmin, ymin, width, height];
- Class = The class name of the detected object;
- Confidence = The probability confidence value of the detected object.
- Trackid = The ID assigned to every object when the tracking module is run.
Pseudocode 1—Event Matching Process begin c = captureFrame() spatial_rel=[] temporal_rel=[] while c t = captureTime() det_obj = objectDetector(c) if det_obj.siz>0 do for each event from eventPatterns do object_event = [] for each obj_pattern from event.object do if det_obj in obj_pattern do object_event.add(det_obj) end end if object_event.size() > 1 do for each sr from event.Sr do object1 = find(sr.object1.class,object_event) object2 = find(sr.object2.class,object_event) r = spatialRelation(object1,object2) if r is True do s = (sr,obj1,obj2,t) spatial_rel.add(s) end end for each temporal_rel from event.Tr do sr1 = find(temporal_rel.s1,spatial_rel) sr2 = find(temporal_rel.s2,spatial_rel) event_detected = temporalRelation(sr1.t,sr2.t) if event_detected is True do T = (sr,obj1,obj2,t) temporal_rel.add(T) end end for each root_vector from event.Rt do R1 = find(root_vector.T1,temporal_rel) R2 = find(root_vector.T2,temporal_rel) R = root_relationship(R1,R2) if R is False do skipFrame() end end return event end end end end end |
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Item | Spatial | Temporal |
Relation | Direction-Based Spatial Relation (FORS) = (left,right,front,back) | SEQ → E1.t1 < E2.t2 where t1 < t2 |
Relation | Topology-Based Spatial Relation = 9Intersection Matrix | EQ → E1.t1 = E2.t2 |
Relation | Geometric Representation for Spatial Object (O) = e.g., Overlay Area of Bbox | CONJ → E1 and E2DISJ → E1 or E2 |
VEQL Query Examples | SELECT intersection (Object1, Object2) FROM Camera1 WHERE Object1.label = ‘hand’ AND Object2.label = ‘door handle’ AND WITHIN TIMEFRAME_WINDOW(10) WITH_CONFIDENCE > 0.5 | SELECT SEQ (sr1, sr2) FROM Camera1 WHERE sr1.label = ‘coughing’ AND sr2.label = ‘door touching’ WITHIN TIMEFRAME_WINDOW(3600) WITH_CONFIDENCE > 0.5 |
Model | Speed (Jetson Xavier) | Speed (Laptop) | Missing Objects | mAP | Average Recall |
YOLOv3 | 4 (fps) | 25 (fps) | 23% | 59% | 34% |
Mask-RCNN | 0.6 (fps) | 6 (fps) | 37% | 62% | 47% |
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Honarparvar, S.; Saeedi, S.; Liang, S.; Squires, J. Design and Development of an Internet of Smart Cameras Solution for Complex Event Detection in COVID-19 Risk Behaviour Recognition. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 81.
Honarparvar S, Saeedi S, Liang S, Squires J. Design and Development of an Internet of Smart Cameras Solution for Complex Event Detection in COVID-19 Risk Behaviour Recognition. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021; 10(2):81.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHonarparvar, Sepehr, Sara Saeedi, Steve Liang, and Jeremy Squires. 2021. "Design and Development of an Internet of Smart Cameras Solution for Complex Event Detection in COVID-19 Risk Behaviour Recognition" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10, no. 2: 81.
APA StyleHonarparvar, S., Saeedi, S., Liang, S., & Squires, J. (2021). Design and Development of an Internet of Smart Cameras Solution for Complex Event Detection in COVID-19 Risk Behaviour Recognition. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(2), 81.