Investigating Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing Techniques Applied for Predicting Depression Disorder from Online Support Forums: A Systematic Literature Review
<p>PRISMA Flowchart Diagram.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Distribution of Selected Domain areas.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Analysis of textual features used on selected studies.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Distribution of classification algorithms on selected studies.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- To review the existing problems and solutions in Depression Identification in OSF using computational techniques and comparison between them.
- To assess the strengths and limitations of existing techniques and discussion of emerging computational techniques for online social media text analytics.
- To discuss about the main open issues faced by the research community when dealing with health-related textual information and the computational approaches available.
2. Methods
2.1. Search Strategy
2.2. Study Selection Criteria
2.3. Data Extraction
3. Results
3.1. How Are Online Mental Support Forums Getting Involved with Depression Disorder?
3.2. How Have Depression-Related Textual Clues Been Extracted from Forum Data?
3.3. What Kind of Machine Learning Approaches Have Been Considered in Order to Classify Depression Disorder from Forum Data?
4. Discussion
4.1. Open Issues and Limitations
- Post validation: most of the time, without having much knowledge on depression disorder, forum users are often confronted with misleading information or misdiagnose themselves. Therefore, to easily identify relevant symptoms from online forum data available as textual representations, we need a good quality analyser able to identify variations in behavioural and emotional patterns.
- Semantics-based understanding of the post: since forum posts are lengthy in nature, some consist of contradictory semantics, which misleads the extraction of the overall meaning of the post, making it hard for machines to understand depression disorder accurately.
- Severity assessments: since depression disorder has different severity levels, treatments vary accordingly requiring the need to identify unique textual characteristics for each stage. Only after identifying the degree of severity can a forum moderator or clinician provide reliable recommendations.
- Anomalous vs. normal user identification: due to social stigma, most depressed users of OSF try to be anonymous. Being able to access linked data to their other social media profiles would enable the more accurate diagnosis of their depression.
- Technological barrier: This review focuses only on the questions asked in OSF which requires by definition that only those who have access to the internet and satisfy the technological requirements are covered. There still are many people who suffer from depression who do not have any access to such technology platforms.
- Cultural and language barrier: In different cultures, different languages are used by people to communicate with each other. As a result, people try to express their emotions, symptoms of disease and sensitive information through unique terms and expressions that belong to their own language and cultures.
4.2. Implication of Future Research
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dataset | Authors and Year | Post/User Counts | Types of Features | NLP Methods |
CLPsych 2016 | Arman Cohan, Sydney Young and Nazli Goharian (2016) [43] | 1188 posts | Linguistic, Contextual Features, Textual Statistics | LIWC, BOW, N-gram, LDA |
CLPsych 2017 | Anu Shrestha, Francesca Spezzano (2019) [12] | 147,619 posts | Linguistic Features, Punctuation features, Summary features, Network Features, Reciprocity, Clustering Coefficient, post embedding | TF-IDF, LIWC, WD |
CLEF eRisk 2017 | Esteban A. Ríssola, David E. Losada, Fabio Crestani (2019) [21] | 531,453 forum posts | Semantic Proximity | LSA |
Alan A. Faras-Anzaldua, Manuel Montes-Gomez, A. Pastor Lopez-Monroy, Luis C. Gonz_alez-Gurrola (2017) [56] | Post level features, User Level features | N-grams, BOW | ||
Chenlu Meng (2020) [57] | Linguistic features | BOW, TF-IDF, WD, LIWC | ||
Maxim Stankevich, Andrey Latyshev, Evgenia Kuminskaya, Ivan Smirnov, and Oleg Grigoriev (2018) [58] | Linguistic features, Stylometric features (text length, lexicon size), Morphological features | TF-IDF, GloVe, N gram, POS tags | ||
Marcel Trotzek, Sven Koitka, and Christoph M. Friedrich (2018) [59] | Word and Grammar Usage, Readability, Emotions and Sentiment, Metadata Feature Summary | LIWC, GloVe, fastText | ||
Guozheng Rao,Yue Zhang, Li Zhang, Qing Cong And Zhiyong Feng (2020) [60] | Post-level operation, User-level operation | BOW, TFIDF, LIWC, WD | ||
Sergio G. Burdissoa,b, Marcelo Errecaldea, Manuel Montes-y-G’omezc (2019) [61] | Linguistic features | WD | ||
CLEF eRisk 2018 | Sayanta Paul, Jandhyala Sree Kalyani? and Tanmay Basu (2018) [62] | 1,076,582 posts | Linguistic features | BOW, UML |
CLEF eRisk 2019 | Sergio G. Burdissoa,b, Marcelo Errecaldea, Manuel Montes-y-G´omezc (2019) [61] | 531,453 posts | Word polarity, Mutual information, Semantic Similarity | LIWC, GloVe |
Faisal Muhammad Shah, Farzad Ahmed, Sajib Kumar Saha Joy, Sifat Ahmed, Samir Sadek, Md. Hasanul Kabir (2020) [63] | word embedding techniques, metadata features | GloVe, fastText, Word2Vec | ||
CLEF eRisk 2020 | Amina Madani, Fatima Boumahdi, Anfel Boukenaoui, Mohamed Chaouki Kritli, And Hamza Hentabli (2020) [35] | 35,562 posts | Linguistic features | WD |
CLEF eRisk 2021 | Diego Maupomé, Maxime D. Armstrong, Fanny Rancourt, Thomas Soulas and Marie-Jean Meurs (2021) [64] | 2348 users | Topic Modelling, Authorship decision | WD |
Reddit dataset | Minjoo Yoo, Sangwon Lee, Taehyun Ha (2018) [44] | 5409 posts | Word class, emotions, Speech features | LIWC, TF-IDF |
JT Wolohan, Misato Hiraga, Atreyee Mukherjee, Zeeshan Ali Sayyed (2018) [45] | 23,583 posts | Linguistic features, Sentiment features | LIWC, N gram, TF-IDF | |
Michael M. Tadesse, Hongfei Lin, Bo Xu, And Liang Yang (2019) [38] | 10,000 posts | Linguistic features | LIWC, LDA, N gram | |
Fidel Cacheda, Diego Fernandez, Francisco J Novoa, Victor Carneiro (2019) [47] | 500,000 posts | Semantic Similarity Features, Writing Features, Textual Similarity Features, Subject Behaviour | LSA, LIWC | |
Inna Pirina, Çağrı Çöltekin (2018) [37] | 10,000 posts | Linguistic features | N-gram | |
Manas Gaur, Ugur Kursuncu Amanuel Alambo Jyotishman Pathak (2018) [48] | 8043 users | Statistical Characteristics, Topical Analysis, Entropy Analysis | WD, TF-IDF | |
Amrat Mali, RR Sedamkar (2020) [65] | 13,321 posts | Psycholinguistic features | TF-IDF, BOW, LIWC | |
Molly E. Ireland, Jonathan Schler & Gilad Gecht, Kate G. Niederhoffer (2020) [66] | 303,649 posts | Linguistic features | BOW, N-gram, LIWC, POS tags | |
Rida Zainab, Rajarathnam Chandramouli (2020) [67] | 20,000 posts | Linguistic features | BOW, TFIDF, TTR, BI, HS | |
Alina Trifan, Rui Antunes, S´ergio Matos, and Jose Lu´ıs Oliveira (2020) [68] | 9210 users | Absolutist Words, Analysis of Lexical Categories, Self-related Speech, Posts Length | TF-IDF, WD | |
Iram Fatima Burhan Ud Din Abbasi Sharifullah Khan Majed Al-Saeed Hafiz Farooq Ahmad Rafia Mumtaz (2019) [69] | 1588 posts | Linguistic features | LIWC | |
Raymond Chionga, Gregorius Satia Budhi, Sandeep Dhakal and Fabian Chiong (2021) [70] | 50,000 posts | Linguistic features | BOW, POS tags | |
MedHelp dataset | Thomas Zhang, Jason H.D. Cho, Chengxiang Zhai (2014) [71] | 1200 posts | Word Features, Pattern Features, | TF-IDF, POS tags |
eDisease dataset | Jorge Carrillo-de-Albornoz, Ahmet Aker, Emina Kurtic, Laura PlazaID (2019) [72] | 1029 posts | Lexical, Syntactic, Network-based, Sentiment-based, Semantic feature | TF-IDF, BOW, Word2Vec |
Online forum dataset (,, (accessed on 7 October 2021) | Minna Lyons, Nazli Deniz Aksayli, & Gayle Brewer [16] | 463 Posts | Linguistic analysis | LIWC |
Author & Year | Dataset (Type) | Algorithms Used | Findings |
Arman Cohan, Sydney Young and Nazli Goharian (2016) [43] | CLPsych 2016 | SVM, RF, AB, LR | Model for identifying depression and self-harm posts on ReachOut forum based on Lexical, contextual, Topic and statistical features. |
Esteban A. Ríssola, David E. Losada, Fabio Crestani (2019) [21] | CLEF eRisk 2017 | SVM | Model to measure the semantic proximity between textual posts and a set of words with topical relevance to depression. |
Minjoo Yoo, Sangwon Lee, Taehyun Ha (2018) [44] | Reddit data | Semantic network analysis | Word usage of posts and comments in online communities for bipolar and depressive disorder to understand how people perceived these mental disorders and shared their experiences. |
JT Wolohan, Misato Hiraga, Atreyee Mukherjee, Zeeshan Ali Sayyed (2018) [45] | SVM | Linguistic patterns of depressed Reddit users are consistent with popular depression batteries. | |
Michael M. Tadesse, Hongfei Lin, Bo Xu, And Liang Yang (2019) [20] | SVM, MLP | Model to detect any factors that may reveal the depression attitudes of relevant online users in Reddit users’ posts. | |
Fidel Cacheda, Diego Fernandez, Francisco J Novoa, Victor Carneiro (2019) [47] | RF | Model to detect depressed subjects and nondepressed subjects based on features defined from textual, semantic, and writing similarities. | |
Thomas Zhang, Jason H.D. Cho, Chengxiang Zhai (2014) [71] | MedHelp | SVM | Machine learning approach to identifying user intents from original thread posts from online health forums related to depression. |
Anu Shrestha, Francesca Spezzano (2019) [12] | CLPsych 2017 | KNN, LR | Model to detect depressed users in online forums using network features and linguistic features. |
Jorge Carrillo-de-Albornoz, Ahmet Aker, Emina Kurtic, Laura PlazaID (2019) [72] | eDiseases dataset | SVM | Automatic classifier to predict patient-generated contents based on lexical, syntactic, semantic, network-based and emotional properties of texts related to depression. |
Inna Pirina, Çağrı Çöltekin (2018) [37] | SVM | Identify sources for successful detection of depression from social media text (by employing different datasets) | |
Sayanta Paul, Jandhyala Sree Kalyani and Tanmay Basu (2018) [62] | CLEF eRisk 2018 | AB, LR, RF, SVM, RNN | Frameworks to early identify anorexia or depression of the individual documents using state-of-the-art classifiers. |
Manas Gaur, Ugur Kursuncu Amanuel Alambo Jyotishman Pathak (2018) [48] | RF | Algorithm on analysing subreddits to utilise the curated medical knowledge bases to quantify relationship to DSM-V categories. | |
Alan A. Faras-Anzaldua, Manuel Montes-Gomez, A. Pastor Lopez-Monroy, Luis C. Gonz_alez-Gurrola (2017) [56] | eRisk2017 | NB | Approach to identify depression through online publications, which is based on individual posts to characterise users’ behaviour and analyse users from a higher point of view. |
Diego Maupomé, Maxime D. Armstrong, Fanny Rancourt, Thomas Soulas and Marie-Jean Meurs (2021) [64] | CLEF eRisk 2021 | NN | Task 3 was designed to measure the Severity of the Signs of Depression through BDI scores based on similarity measurement. |
Amrat Mali, RR Sedamkar (2020) [65] | NB, KNN | Building a topic model to identify hidden topics that act as a depression triggering points. | |
Minna Lyons, Nazli Deniz Aksayli, & Gayle Brewer [16] | Online forums | Statistical Analysis | Model to identify distinctive linguistic patterns displayed by those experiencing mental health and difficulties interactive online communication |
Molly E. Ireland, Jonathan Schler & Gilad Gecht, Kate G. Niederhoffer (2020) [66] | CNN | Implemented an array of machine learning and regression models to classify posts from neutral Reddit forums as written by depressed users (self-identified) or random controls. | |
Amina Madani, Fatima Boumahdi, Anfel Boukenaoui, Mohamed Chaouki Kritli, And Hamza Hentabli (2020) [35] | eRisk 2020 | CNN, Bi-LSTM | Model to measure the severity of the signs of depression from a thread of user post. |
Sergio G. Burdisso, Marcelo Errecalde, and Manuel Montes-y-G´omez (2021) [50] | CLEF eRisk 2019 | SVM, GPT | Machine learning model to demonstrate that language usage can provide strong evidence in detecting depressive people, connecting with the severity level of depression. |
Chenlu Meng (2020) [57] | CLEF eRisk 2017 | LR, SVM | Supervised classifier to act as a preliminary screening method before depression diagnosis. |
Maxim Stankevich, Andrey Latyshev, Evgenia Kuminskaya, Ivan Smirnov, and Oleg Grigoriev (2018) [58] | CLEF eRisk 2017 | SVM, CNN | Automatic detection of depression signs from textual messages of Russian social network VKontakte user |
Marcel Trotzek, Sven Koitka, Christoph M. Friedrich(2018) [59] | CLEF eRisk 2017 | LR | Model on early detection of depression using machine learning and based on messages on a social platform. |
Raymond Chionga, Gregorius Satia Budhi, Sandeep Dhakal and Fabian Chiong (2021) [70] | Reddit, Twitter, Victoria’s diary | AB, RF, GB, BP | Generalised approaches using ML methods and social media texts can be effectively used to detect signs of depression. |
Rida Zainab, Rajarathnam Chandramouli (2020) [67] | LR, RF | Machine learning and Explainable AI analysis of depression and non-depression reddit text data in English and Urdu language. | |
Faisal Muhammad Shah, Farzad Ahmed, Sajib Kumar Saha Joy, Sifat Ahmed, Samir Sadek, Md. Hasanul Kabir (2020) [63] | CLEF eRisk 2019 | Bi-LSTM | Model to classify depressed users but also to reduce the amount of time to predict the state of the users |
Guozheng Rao,Yue Zhang, Li Zhang, Qing Cong And Zhiyong Feng (2020) [60] | Reddit and CLEF eRisk 2017 | MGL CNN, SVM, MNB, LSTM | Posts representations models for identifying depressed individuals, which was more accurate and efficient than general early depression detection models. |
Alina Trifan, Rui Antunes, S´ergio Matos, and Jose Lu´ıs Oliveira (2020) [68] | SVM, PAC, MNB, SGD | A model based on hand-crafted psycholinguistic features as possible improvements to standard classification approaches of depressed online personas. | |
Iram Fatima Burhan Ud Din Abbasi Sharifullah Khan Majed Al-Saeed Hafiz Farooq Ahmad Rafia Mumtaz (2019) [69] | MLP, SVM, LR | A model that combines the text-based features and machine learning techniques to classify depressive and non-depressive posts and then further identify posts representing characteristics of postpartum depression | |
Sergio G. Burdisso, Marcelo Errecaldea, Manuel Montes-y-G´omezc (2019) [61] | CLEF eRisk2017 | KNN, LR, SVM, NB | SS3 (incremental, early classification and explain-ability), a novel text classifier that can be used as a framework to build systems for early risk detection ERD |
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Nanomi Arachchige, I.A.; Sandanapitchai, P.; Weerasinghe, R. Investigating Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing Techniques Applied for Predicting Depression Disorder from Online Support Forums: A Systematic Literature Review. Information 2021, 12, 444.
Nanomi Arachchige IA, Sandanapitchai P, Weerasinghe R. Investigating Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing Techniques Applied for Predicting Depression Disorder from Online Support Forums: A Systematic Literature Review. Information. 2021; 12(11):444.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNanomi Arachchige, Isuri Anuradha, Priyadharshany Sandanapitchai, and Ruvan Weerasinghe. 2021. "Investigating Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing Techniques Applied for Predicting Depression Disorder from Online Support Forums: A Systematic Literature Review" Information 12, no. 11: 444.
APA StyleNanomi Arachchige, I. A., Sandanapitchai, P., & Weerasinghe, R. (2021). Investigating Machine Learning & Natural Language Processing Techniques Applied for Predicting Depression Disorder from Online Support Forums: A Systematic Literature Review. Information, 12(11), 444.