Delta: A Modular Ontology Evaluation System
<p>The high-level architecture of the Delta framework.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The graphical user interface.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The size of the ontologies under examination.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Appropriateness of module size for the ontologies under examination.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Attribute richness for the ontologies under examination.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Class/relations ratio for the ontologies under examination.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Average population for the ontologies under examination.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Equivalence ratio for the ontologies under examination.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. System Architecture
3.1. The Graphical User Interface
3.2. The Backend
3.2.1. Ontology Statistics
3.2.2. Ontology Metrics
3.2.3. Pitfalls
- Critical—the most severe;
- Important;
- Minor—with the lowest impact.
- Missing Annotations: This pitfall detects an ontology element that fails to provide human-readable annotations often attached to it. Consequently, ontology elements lack annotation properties that label them or define them;
- Creating Unconnected Ontology Elements: This pitfall identifies ontology elements (classes, object properties, and datatype properties) that are created isolated, with no relation to the rest of the ontology.
3.2.4. Extensibility
3.3. Data Storage
4. Application of Our Framework on Ontology Evaluation
- ○
- Pizza Ontology (PO): Pizza ontology is a well-known ontology focusing on pizzas and their topics. It includes 100 classes and 20 properties;
- ○
- Music Ontology (MO): The Music Ontology provides a model for publishing structured music-related data. It contains 54 classes and 153 properties;
- ○
- Friend of a Friend (FOAF): FOAF ontology describes persons, their activities, and their relations to other people and objects. It consists of 22 classes and more than 80 properties;
- ○
- Dublin Core (DC): Dublin Core is a set of fifteen core elements for describing resources. It has been formally standardized as an ISO and can be used for multiple purposes, from simple resource description, to combining metadata vocabularies of different metadata standards, to providing interoperability for metadata vocabularies in the linked data cloud and Semantic Web implementations. It consists of 24 classes and 86 properties;
- ○
- CIDOC-CRM: CIDOC-CRM v6.2 is a theoretical and practical tool for information integration in the field of cultural heritage. It is the outcome of over 20 years of development and maintenance work, of a working group, and is currently an ISO standard. It consists of 84 classes and more than 270 properties;
- ○
- Basic Formal Ontology (BFO). The Basic Formal Ontology is the upper-level ontology upon which OBO Foundry ontologies are built. It consists of 36 classes with only 24 annotation properties as usually is used with the Relations Ontology (RO) that includes the properties;
- ○
- Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI). The ontology for Biomedical Investigations is an integrated ontology for the description of life-science and clinical investigations and is available at the OBO foundry. It consists of 4319 classes and more than 170 properties.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Evaluation Metrics | |
1 | Size |
2 | Appropriateness of module size |
Shema Metrics | |
3 | Attribute richness |
4 | Class/Relation Ratio (CRR) |
5 | Equivalence Ratio (ER) |
Graph Metrics | |
6 | Average population (AP) |
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Kondylakis, H.; Nikolaos, A.; Dimitra, P.; Anastasios, K.; Emmanouel, K.; Kyriakos, K.; Iraklis, S.; Stylianos, K.; Papadakis, N. Delta: A Modular Ontology Evaluation System. Information 2021, 12, 301.
Kondylakis H, Nikolaos A, Dimitra P, Anastasios K, Emmanouel K, Kyriakos K, Iraklis S, Stylianos K, Papadakis N. Delta: A Modular Ontology Evaluation System. Information. 2021; 12(8):301.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKondylakis, Haridimos, Astyrakakis Nikolaos, Papatsaroucha Dimitra, Koumarelis Anastasios, Kritikakis Emmanouel, Kalkanis Kyriakos, Skepasianos Iraklis, Klados Stylianos, and Nikos Papadakis. 2021. "Delta: A Modular Ontology Evaluation System" Information 12, no. 8: 301.
APA StyleKondylakis, H., Nikolaos, A., Dimitra, P., Anastasios, K., Emmanouel, K., Kyriakos, K., Iraklis, S., Stylianos, K., & Papadakis, N. (2021). Delta: A Modular Ontology Evaluation System. Information, 12(8), 301.