Adapted Diffusion for Energy-Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
<p>Setting up the search for the event and return to sink.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Repeat search for data.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>NetLogo interface.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Adapted diffusion network with distances.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Average energy of directed diffusion vs. adapted diffusion. Energy to search 2 units, and energy to return 4 units. Energy to search 6 units, and energy to return 12 units. The vertical lines are the spread, calculated as standard deviation of the values recorded in each case. The length of each line indicates the standard deviation observed.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Energy-Efficient WSN Algorithms
1.2. Contribution of This Paper
- The source has sensors that collect information about either their own condition, or their surroundings.
- The sink can request information that is available at the source.
- Each node can select one of its neighbors for transmitting or receiving data based on the conditions we introduce.
1.3. Comparison with Directed Diffusion
1.4. The Main Characteristics of NetLogo
- A fully programmable simulator;
- A grid of stationary agents allowing mobile agents to interact;
- Links are created between the agents to allow formation of a network;
- Multiple agents and variables are allowed to create the simulations;
- A wide vocabulary for a programmable primitive language;
- Unlimited number of variables and agents are used in the simulation;
- Complex dynamic systems can be simulated with NetLogo.
2. Wireless Sensor Networks and Routing—Background/Survey
2.1. Literature Survey
2.2. Introduction to Complex Adaptive Systems (CASs)
- Many simple agents or items compared to the entire system.
- Nonlinear exchange among components—communication.
- No central control.
- Emergent behaviors;
- (a)
- Hierarchical organization;
- (b)
- Data processing—computation;
- (c)
- Dynamic—changing behavior;
- (d)
- Evolution and learning—adapting frequently;
- (e)
- Uncertainty;
- (f)
- Unordered.
- Dynamic environment: Complex systems exist in dynamic environments where the conditions are the continually changing structures and behaviors of systems. Adaptation is essential for a system to cope with these changes effectively. The environment can include both external factors, such as climate or market conditions and stock prices, and internal factors, such as the behavior of other agents within the system. Examples include the study of planetary dynamics.
- Learning and memory: Adaptation often involves learning from experience and the ability to retain information over time. Agents within a complex system may adjust their behavior based on past outcomes, forming a kind of “memory” that allows them to make more informed decisions in the future.
- Feedback mechanisms: Feedback loops play a crucial role in adaptation. Positive feedback loops can reinforce successful strategies or behaviors, leading to adaptation and evolution. On the other hand, negative feedback loops can function as stabilizing forces, helping to regulate and maintain the system within certain bounds.
- Variation and diversity: Adaptation is facilitated by the presence of variation and diversity within the system. In a population of agents, having diverse strategies or traits increases the likelihood that at least some individuals will be well suited to changing conditions. This diversity provides the raw material for natural selection and adaptation.
- Robustness and resilience: Adaptive systems tend to be robust and resilient, meaning functionality can be maintained and recovery achieved from disturbances. The ability to adapt allows a system to absorb shocks, navigate uncertainties, and continue functioning in the face of changing circumstances.
- Evolutionary processes: Adaptation in complex systems often involves evolutionary processes. Over time, successful strategies or traits may become more prevalent in the system, while less successful ones may decline. This process of “survival of the fittest” is a fundamental mechanism of adaptation and evolution.
- Decentralised nature: In many complex systems, adaptation is a decentralised process. Individual agents or components within the system often have the autonomy to adapt based on local information and feedback. The collective behaviour of these adaptive agents then gives rise to emergent system-level patterns.
2.3. Why Our System Is a CAS
2.4. Measures of Complexity Include the Algorithm’s Complexity
- Disorganized complexity includes large numbers of variables and uses statistical data.
- Organized complexity has a moderate number of variables and involves dealing simultaneously with many interrelated factors in a whole.
- The NetLogo software V6.3.0 is used to study complexity.
- We may regard the present state of the universe as an effect of its past and the cause of its future.
- We set up a base station we call a sink. The sink can request information. The node network has source information.
3. What We Have Investigated
3.1. The Simulation
- A sink needs some specified information, called an interest. A diffusion is initiated into the network of requests for that interest.
- A source that can satisfy a received interest, starts a process of transmitting that interest back to the sink.
3.2. Proposed Methods
3.3. Simulation/Test Environment
3.4. Comparison to DD
Algorithm 1: Setting up the world. |
Algorithm 2: Run the model once. |
Algorithm 3: Start a new search and repeat. |
3.5. Directed Diffusion
3.6. Adapted Diffusion
4. Results
- A gradient is formed from the source, identifying the distance from the source (So).
- A gradient is formed from the sink, identifying the distance from the sink (Si).
- The sink searches the source using the distance from the source.
- When the source is reached the source sends the message to the sink by using the distance from the sink.
- When the sink is reached, the average energy is recorded as well as the run number.
- The model is run till the energy level is too low to receive or transmit data.
5. Discussion
- Energy to search 2 units for interest movement and 4 units for event packet, energy to return source data;
- Energy to search 6 units for interest movement and 12 units for event packets, energy to return source data.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Model | DD: Average Energy per Node | AD: Average Energy per Node |
After 10 runs, search 2 energy units, return 4 energy units | 80.1 | 96.4 |
After 10 runs, search 6 energy units, return 12 energy units | 43.7 @ 9, Fail @ 10 | 90.9 |
After 20 runs, search 2 energy units, return 4 energy units | 57.9 | 92.4 |
After 19 runs, search 6 energy units, return 12 energy units | Fail | 81.1 |
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Hakim, G.; Braun, R.; Lipman, J. Adapted Diffusion for Energy-Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. Electronics 2024, 13, 2072.
Hakim G, Braun R, Lipman J. Adapted Diffusion for Energy-Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. Electronics. 2024; 13(11):2072.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHakim, Gad, Robin Braun, and Justin Lipman. 2024. "Adapted Diffusion for Energy-Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks" Electronics 13, no. 11: 2072.
APA StyleHakim, G., Braun, R., & Lipman, J. (2024). Adapted Diffusion for Energy-Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. Electronics, 13(11), 2072.