Preserving Privacy of Classified Authentic Satellite Lane Imagery Using Proxy Re-Encryption and UAV Technologies
<p>Proposed architecture.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>ANN network model.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>U-Net Model System Architecture.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Fake image.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Authentic image.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Proxy re-encryption-based cipher image.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Lane-predicted image.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Parameters used in the ANN model.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Confusion matrix of ANN model.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Loss curves.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Training gist curves.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Comparison of encryption times.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Comparison analysis for various image formats.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Problem Statement and Motivation
1.2. Research Contributions in the Proposed Work
- Provided an overview of the security mechanisms and challenges faced in securing satellite lane images.
- Performed a literature survey on various security mechanisms such as proxy re-encryption techniques for securing the data.
- Reviewing the state-of-the-art, we have identified that proxy re-encryption has not been implemented practically, which points out the novelty in our paper.
- Identified that the proxy re-encryption technique has better performance and can survive various security threats.
- Researched many classification algorithms and compared those classification algorithms with the proposed classification algorithm (ANN).
- Various models, and security mechanisms are analyzed and the key features of the proposed methodology are compared against them.
1.3. Outline of the Paper
2. Related Works
3. Proposed Methodology
3.1. Demonstration of ANN Model
3.1.1. Datasets and Requirement Analysis
3.1.2. Data Acquisition and Processing
- Step 1: Reading the input lane image = read
- Step 2: Resizing the image data / 255.0
- Step 3: Conversion of image data to array data is described as follows:
3.1.3. Performance of Error Level Analysis (ELA)
- Step 1: Assigning input image to ELA for the functioning of ELA:
- Step 2: The difference between the original and RGB image is computed as follows:
- Step 3: Common range for the above image data is generated as follows:
- Step 4: Enhancement of image with the help of ELA is performed as follows:
3.1.4. Generation of ANN Model
- Step 1: The model consists of many convergent, max pool layers for extracting features model.add(Conv, Maxpool)
- Step 2: 80% of train and 20% of test dataset is passed through the model:
- Step 3: The model consists of output layers whose sigmoid function is as below:
- Step 4: Confidence for the above model is computed as follows:
3.2. Lane Detection Using U-Net Model
3.2.1. Construction of U-Net Model
- Step 1: The number of filters considered for the U-Net model is defined as follows:
- Step 2: The Conv2D in the encoder path is applied as follows for every value in :and
- Step 3: TFor each increment the max pooling is applied as follows:y = MaxPooling2D((2,2))(x) and y=DropOut( )(x)
- Step 4: The Conv2DTranspose is applied on the layers obtained from the encoder path in decreasing order of the filters which eventually gives the original size of an image.
- If , are the previous layers in which the transpose function is performed, concatenate function is applied as follows:and z=Dropout( )(z)
3.2.2. Predicting Lanes Using Constructed Model
- The input image is resized as follows: Img=read(imagepath),shape = and
- The image is reshaped into shape as shown below:
- The image is transformed into a numerical array using the NumPy module and lanes are detected as follows:
3.3. Secure Fog Computation with Proxy Re-Encryption Technique
3.3.1. RSA-Based Encryption and Hash Generation
- Step 1: RSA key generation is done by performing operations after generating two random prime numbers p, q as follows:
- Step 2: The is formed by encoding the lane-detected authentic image into ASCII format. Encryption of image using RSA algorithm is performed as below:
- Step 3: The hash value of the original image is generated using the SHA-256 algorithm as:
3.3.2. Proxy Re-Encryption and Integrity Verification
- Step 1: is decrypted on the proxy-side using
- Step 2: New hash value is generated using SHA-256 to the image obtained after decryption using the RSA algorithm.
- Step 3: Verify integrity by comparing values. If both values are equal integrity is verified otherwise, is tampered with before reaching proxy.
- Step 4: After integrity checking, the is re-encrypted using ECC algorithm.
- Step 5: Generally, an elliptic curve is represented as and elliptic curve with parameters and where q is a prime number. G is a point on an elliptic curve.
- Step 6: The public key and Secret key .
- Step 7: Encryption is performed after encoding as follows:
3.3.3. ECC Decryption and Integrity Verification on Receiver’s Side
- Step 1: ECC-based decryption is performed as follows:
- Step 2: New hash value is generated using SHA-256 to the image obtained after decryption using the ECC algorithm.
- Verify integrity by comparing and values. If both values are equal integrity is verified otherwise, is tampered with before reaching the receiver.
3.3.4. Secure Communication with Fog Authentication
- User A request authentication from AS:
- Authentication of User A by AS:
- Secure transfer of encrypted data from User A to proxy server
- User B request authentication from AS:
- Authentication of User B by AS:
- Verification and decryption of the message
4. Results and Analysis
4.1. Predictions of ANN Model
Outcome of U-Net Model
4.2. Performance Analysis
4.2.1. Confusion Matrix/Error Matrix
4.2.2. Accuracy and Precision
4.2.3. Training and Validation Curves
4.2.4. Comparison of Relevant Models
4.2.5. Analysis of RSME Test
4.2.6. Encryption Time Analysis
4.3. Security Audit
4.3.1. Cipher Text Only Attacks
4.3.2. Brute Force Attacks
4.3.3. Timing Attacks
5. Conclusion
6. Future Work
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Sample Availability
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Ref | Model | Security Approach | Integrity Check | Proxy Re-Encryption | Storage | Application |
[21] | GAN model | Hashing mechanism | Yes | Not applicable | Not specific | General image data |
[22] | Support vector Machine (SVM) | Digital Watermark | Yes | Not applicable | Not specific | Social media image data |
[23] | Not applicable | ECC | Yes | Applicable | Fog | IoT data |
[24] | CNN model | Not applicable | No | Not applicable | Not specific | General image data |
[25] | Not applicable | Ex-OR encryption | Yes | Applicable | Cloud | Cloud data |
[26,27,28,29,30,31] | FPGA based dual-stage lane detection (DSLD) | Not applicable | No | Not applicable | Cloud | Lane line image data |
Acronym | Illustartion |
p, q | Random prime numbers |
Private key generated by RSA algorithm | |
Public key generated by RSA algorithm | |
Original bona fide lane detected image | |
Cipher bona fide lane detected image on sender’s side | |
Public key generated by ECC algorithm | |
Private key generated by ECC algorithm | |
Secret key generated by ECC algorithm | |
Cipher bona fide lane detected image on proxy side | |
AS | Authentication server |
Public key of user A | |
Proxy re-encryption technique | |
Time stamp between User A and AS | |
Auth. key between AS and User A | |
Identity of User B | |
Time stamp between AS and User A | |
Encrypted message | |
Time stamp between AS and User A | |
Secret key of User A | |
Time stamp between User B and AS | |
Auth. key between AS and User B | |
Conversion of Secret key of User A to B |
Actual Values (Positive (+)) | Actual Values (Negative (−)) | |
Predicted Values (Positive (+)) | True Positives (TP) TPR = 92% | False Positives (FP) FPR = 7% |
Predicted Values (Negative (−)) | False Negatives (FN) FNR = 9% | True Negatives (TN) TNR = 92.43% |
[35,36,37,38,39,40] | [7,25,41] | [32,35] | [36,42,43] | Proposed Methodology | |
Model used | Multi-modal | N/A | N/A | CNN | ANN, U-Net |
Accuracy | 85.3% | N/A | N/A | 91% | 93% |
Encryption algorithm | N/A | Decisional Bilinear Diffie–Hellman | (RLWE) key switching | N/A | RSA, ECC |
Throughput | N/A | N/A | 6809.95 Kbps | N/A | 3240 Kbps |
Time complexity | N/A | O(T1+3T2) | N/A | N/A | O(log(n)) |
Processing time | N/A | 14 ms/frame | 12.74 ms/frame | N/A | 7 ms/frame |
S. No. | Size of Input Image (KB/MB) | Results Inferred from RMSE |
1. | 200 KB | 0.0 |
2. | 500 KB | 0.0 |
3. | 1 MB | 0.0 |
4. | 10 MB | 0.0 |
5. | 20 MB | 0.0 |
S. No. | Image Size (JPG) | Encryption Time for RSA (sec) | Encryption Time for ECC (sec) |
1. | 500 KB | 0.338 | 0.124 |
2. | 51 MB | 1.102 | 0.231 |
3. | 3 MB | 2.346 | 1.983 |
4. | 5 MB | 4.795 | 3.901 |
5. | 10 MB | 11.097 | 10.257 |
S. No. | Image Format (2 MB) | Encryption Time for RSA (sec) | Encryption Time for ECC (sec) |
1. | JPG | 2.578 | 1.924 |
2. | PNG | 2.193 | 1.873 |
3. | TIFF | 2.515 | 1.846 |
4. | BMP | 2.829 | 2.013 |
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Share and Cite
Nagasree, Y.; Rupa, C.; Akshitha, P.; Srivastava, G.; Gadekallu, T.R.; Lakshmanna, K. Preserving Privacy of Classified Authentic Satellite Lane Imagery Using Proxy Re-Encryption and UAV Technologies. Drones 2023, 7, 53.
Nagasree Y, Rupa C, Akshitha P, Srivastava G, Gadekallu TR, Lakshmanna K. Preserving Privacy of Classified Authentic Satellite Lane Imagery Using Proxy Re-Encryption and UAV Technologies. Drones. 2023; 7(1):53.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNagasree, Yarajarla, Chiramdasu Rupa, Ponugumati Akshitha, Gautam Srivastava, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, and Kuruva Lakshmanna. 2023. "Preserving Privacy of Classified Authentic Satellite Lane Imagery Using Proxy Re-Encryption and UAV Technologies" Drones 7, no. 1: 53.
APA StyleNagasree, Y., Rupa, C., Akshitha, P., Srivastava, G., Gadekallu, T. R., & Lakshmanna, K. (2023). Preserving Privacy of Classified Authentic Satellite Lane Imagery Using Proxy Re-Encryption and UAV Technologies. Drones, 7(1), 53.