A Review of the Role of Critical Parameters in the Design and Operation of Biogas Production Plants
"> Figure 1
<p>Methane content in biogas between conventional and optimum anaerobic digestion (AD).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Simple schematic representation of anaerobic digestion steps.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Primary feedstock pretreatment categories—modified from Ref. [<a href="#B65-applsci-09-01915" class="html-bibr">65</a>].</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Example of two novel anaerobic reactor types—reproduced with permission from the original authors [<a href="#B7-applsci-09-01915" class="html-bibr">7</a>,<a href="#B161-applsci-09-01915" class="html-bibr">161</a>].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Two novel configurations (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) of airlifting bioreactor agitating sludge without having an installed mixer—reproduced with permission from the original authors [<a href="#B175-applsci-09-01915" class="html-bibr">175</a>,<a href="#B176-applsci-09-01915" class="html-bibr">176</a>]. (<b>a</b>) biogas-lift reactor (BLR): right upward arrow- first biogas lift included with sludge and water; middle downward arrow—flow of sludge and water; left upward arrow—second biogas lift with separation of sludge and water. (<b>b</b>) gas-lift membrane bioreactor: the flow directions of materials are indicated with the arrows and texts in the body of the figure.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Higher energy generation from a two-stage thermophilic-mesophilic digestion compared to a single stage mesophilic or thermophilic digestion alone—modified from Puchajda et al. [<a href="#B189-applsci-09-01915" class="html-bibr">189</a>].</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Interaction of degradation pathways and the formation of products influencing pH.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Innovative vacuum thermal stripping–acid absorption process for ammonia recovery—reproduced with permission from the original authors [<a href="#B239-applsci-09-01915" class="html-bibr">239</a>].</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Anaerobic Digestion Process and Microbial Communities
3. Process Parameters Involved in a Biogas Production Plant
3.1. Feedstock
3.1.1. Substrate
3.1.2. Inoculum
3.1.3. Pretreatment
- logRo: the severity factor as a function of treatment time;
- T: the temperature in °C;
- t: is the residence time in (min); and
- 14.75: the activation energy where the process obeys first-order kinetics and the Arrhenius temperature dependence
3.1.4. Codigestion
3.2. Reactor
3.2.1. Configuration
3.2.2. Mixing
3.3. Temperature
3.4. pH
3.5. HRT
3.6. Ammonia
3.7. VFA
3.8. OLR
3.9. Pressure
4. Conclusions
- (1)
- Feedstock physical and chemical compositions substantially affect biogas production. Among the various types of feedstock materials, animal manure is still the dominant substrate or cosubstrate for biogas production because of its operational advantages of pH buffering and C:N ratio optimization. Lignin-rich substrates are found to be recalcitrant, while lipids are expected to have a high potential to boost methane. Nevertheless, LCFA inhibition from lignin remains to be of concern. Low or no lignin feedstock such as algae is an interesting biogas yield promoter. However, LCFA inhibition, increased pH level, and ammonia inhibition are highlighted as some of the barriers. For counteracting feedstock induced operational problems, codigestion, pretreatment, and use of additives are utilized in current R&D and real-life applications.
- (2)
- Enhancing feedstock accessibility allows accelerated biological degradation and consequently high AD efficiency. Pretreatment and codigestion are broadly used options promoting feedstock accessibility. However, the choice of the pretreatment method is feedstock-dependent and often is a compromise between cost and energy. For pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass (e.g., animal manure), by overcoming the recalcitrant lignin or crystalline cellulose barrier, the biogas production can be enhanced where approaches like steam explosion, enzyme addition, and sonication at present are widespread. For substrates with high-fat content, saponification is preferably used, while for algae-like substrates, thermal pretreatment is considered an option. Despite this, almost all the conventional pretreatment methods have both success and failure, as some pretreatment options are easily amenable, while others have side-effects that counteract their positive effects. Within the novel pretreatment approaches, a combination of various pretreatment methods has been examined, and the obtained results are reported to be promising. Additionally, as for future studies, exploiting genomic sequencing as a means of understanding feedstock degradation prior to anaerobic digestion is suggested.
- (3)
- Manipulating reactor designs for achieving an optimum AD process performance has been emphasized, revealing many innovative approaches currently in practice. In terms of continuous operation, staged reactors give substantial increases in methane yields due to the establishment of appropriate microbiological conditions at different anaerobic digestion phases. Consequently, three-staged reactor configurations have been developed and reported to be an attractive option in optimizing methane production. Moreover, an anaerobic membrane reactor, internal circulation reactor, and super-high-rate reactor are some of the novel configurations shown to facilitate efficient high solid substrate treatment by increasing bacterial cells containment and separating simultaneous removal of gases, solids, and liquids. Therefore, these reactor approaches are becoming increasingly popular.
- (4)
- Among the various operational temperature regimes (psychrophilic, mesophilic, and thermophilic), the choice of an appropriate regime is largely investment and geographic specific. Thermophilic temperature enhances methane conversion rate and controls pathogens in the digestate liquids. However, the high heat requirement makes its application expensive. The recent investigations towards an optimum temperature system suggest that multitemperature, staged-digesters offer suitable conditions for diverse microbial activities, and hence give high biogas production efficiencies. By employing high-temperature post-treatment of digestate, further improvement in methane production has already been demonstrated.
- (5)
- The pH affects the degree of conversion at different AD steps and the quality of the residual digestate. Optimal methanogenesis and biogas production occurs at around pH 7. A host of factors, such as ammonium formation, bicarbonate decomposition, mineralization and reduction of multivalent ions, and struvite formation result in digestate pH fluctuations. To enable pH controlling to the desired value, adding acid or basic solutions are traditionally the major options. Moreover, online pH monitoring and alert systems are also implemented in modern day applications.
- (6)
- HRT is directly linked to the size of the anaerobic reactor, and a low HRT usually allows investment reduction. Among the all bacteria and archaea, methanogens grow slowly, and for these microorganisms, a higher HRT is required. Both feed rate and feed type influence the HRT. Consequently, the feedstock OLR regulation is a usual approach for HRT optimization. SRT, another term intertwined with HRT, represents the microbial culture and biomass retention in an operating digester. SRT is often optimized by incorporating OLR variation. A recent achievement suggests that a deliberate SRT variation can result in a shift in bacterial culture, causing a change in reaction pattern from one group to the other.
- (7)
- Ammonia is produced via the degradation of proteins and nitrogen in the feedstock. Among the two forms of ammonia (free ammonia and ionized ammonia), free ammonia is very toxic to methanogens and is a strong function of combined pH and temperature. Lowering the generation of ammonia during AD has been targeted in a variety of approaches (see Section 3.6), among which, using ammonia tolerant microorganisms (or bio-augmentation) or combined thermal stripping and absorption process are some of the novel techniques receiving constant attention.
- (8)
- VFAs are the intermediate products required for conversion to methane. Some of the VFA components are more sensitive than the others to methanogens, e.g., propionate. Unutilized VFAs accumulate, and in the worst case halt the production of biogas. To achieve increased VFA utilization and as such improved methane yield, regulation of AD process parameters such as temperature, OLR, pH, and H2 partial pressure is critical. Moreover, many additives and trace metals of various origins have been suggested to have an improved utilization of VFAs.
- (9)
- OLR refers to the amount of feedstock treated by a reactor on a daily basis. OLR variation allows the optimization of HRT, pH, VFA, ammonia, and methane production. High operational OLR enables reducing the size of the reactor and accordingly the investment cost. However, as a result of high OLR, implications such as bacteria wash out, VFA accumulation, or methane yield reduction can be experienced. In recent applications, OLR control has been used to suppress ammonia inhibition. Furthermore, a novel three-stage reactor configuration has been shown to successfully achieve high OLR treatment without compromising the production of biogas.
- (10)
- Anaerobic digestion operates typically at atmospheric pressure, but recent investigations have identified that high-pressure systems are also possible. High pressure allows the increase of dissolved CO2 in the liquid phase and consequently increased methane composition in the biogas. The other aspects of anaerobic digester pressure, such as partial pressure of headspace gas components and variation of hydrostatic pressure levels, were mentioned as potential causes of fluctuation in the production of methane.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Primary Substrate Components | Hydrolyzed Products | Bacterial Group |
Carbohydrates | Soluble sugars | Clostridium, Acitovibrio celluliticus, Staphylococcus, Bacteriodes |
Lipids | Higher fatty acids or alcohols and glycerol | Clostridium, Staphylococcus, Micrococcus |
Proteins | Soluble peptides and amino acids | Clostridium, Proteus vulgaris, Peptococcus, Bacteriods, Bacillus, Vibrio |
Feedstock | Methane Formation Stoichiometry | Methane Concentration, % |
Carbohydrate | 50 | |
Lipid | 69.5 | |
Protein | 68.8 |
Additive | Element or Compound | Benefit | Adverse Effect |
Macro-nutrients | P, N and S | Methane production improvement and enhanced process stability | Methane or biomass inhibition by overdosing |
Micro-nutrients, heavy metals | Cu2+, Zn2+, Cr3+, Cd, Ni, Pb4+ and Hg2+ | Promoting various enzymatic reactions | Inhibition to the acetogens |
Micro-nutrients, light metals | Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and Al3+ | Enhancing microbial growth | Restricting production of double cells (Mg2+), Inhibition of acetoclastic methanogens (Na+), Destabilizing buffering system (Ca2+), etc. |
Iron | Zero valent iron, Clean scrap, rusty scrap and iron additives | Sulfide fixation, biomass stimulation, etc. | Precipitation and clogging risk |
Ash | Bottom ash and fly ash | ||
Inorganic absorbent materials | MgCl2, MgCl2.6H2O, MgPO4.3H2O | Ammonia sequestration through struvite formation | |
Inorganic nitrogen | Availability of nitrogen as nutrient | Inhibition of methane producing enzymes, VFA accumulation | |
Nano particles | Ag, Au, Fe, Al2O3, SiO2, TiO, ZnO | Methane production improvement | Inhibition of hydrolytic and methanogenic biomass |
Biological additives (bioaugmentation and enzyme) | Compost, C. proteolyticus, SAO co-culture and Methanoculleus bourgensis MS2 | Increased methanogenic activity, increased hydrolytic activity | Cost, process control |
Others | Biochar, activated carbon, sand, zeolite, Ni-Zeo, Co-Zeo, Mg-Zeo, rockwool, membrane, molecular sieve, polyurethane foam and loofah | Biomass immobilization, buffering agents, enhanced VFA degradation |
Reactor Configuration | Application | Operational Parameters (Reactor Size, Feedstock Type, Reactor Temperature, pH, OLR and HRT) | Results | Reference |
ABSR | Biohydrogen production | 3 L, Sucrose, 37 °C, 5.5 ± 0.2 (adjusted), 10–30 gCOD/L, 8 h | HPR: 10.9 ± 1.5 L/L-d, HY: 1.7 ± 0.2 mol/mol-sucrose | [129] |
ACP | Methane production | 10 L, Olive mill waste water and urea, 35 °C, 7.5 (adjusted), 2 gCOD/L/d, 15 days | MY: 0.15 L-CH4/gCOD removed | [130] |
AF | Pre-treatment & process performance | 60 L, Domestic sewage, 13 °C, N/G, 234 mgCOD/L, 4 h | MC: 70.7 ± 2.9%; MC in AF was found higher than that of AH | [131] |
AFBR | Biohydrogen production and waste water treatment | ca 4 L, Synthetic waste water, 37 °C, 4 (adjusted), 10 g/L, 0.5 to 4 h | Max. HPR: 2.36 L/L-h, Max. HY: 1.16 mol/mol-glucose | [132] |
AGSB | Biohydrogen production | ca 0.9 L, Glucose, 40 °C, 6.5, 20 gCOD/L, 4, 2, 1 and 0.5 h | HC: 36–41%, HY: 1.4 to 31.5 mol/mol-glucose | [133] |
AH | Pre-treatment & process performance of sewage treatment plant | 88 L, Domestic sewage, 13 °C, N/G, 340 mgCOD/L, 4 h | MC: 58.9 ± 3.2% (see also AF, given above) | [131] |
AnMBR | Biogas generation | 2-phase (7 L & 20 L), Cheese whey, 37 ± 2 °C (both phases), 6.5 at start (acidogenic), Max. 19.78 gCOD/L-d (methanogenic), 1 d & 4 d | MC: Max. 70% (methanogenic); biogas production exceeded 10 times reactor volume increased with OLR | [134] |
AMBR | Methane production & waste water treatment | 12 L, Sucrose base synthetic wastewater, 35 ± 1 °C, 6.5 (adjusted), 30 g/L/d, 12 h | MPR: 6.5 L/L/d with 62.2% average methane based COD removal efficiency | [136] |
ASBR | Biogas generation | N/A, Swine waste, 25 °C, 6.8 to 7.4, 0.9 to 5.5 g/L/d, 2 to 6 days | Biogas production rate: 0.9 to 1.8 L/L/d | [135] |
BSAR | Biogas generation | 1 L (5 units, equal volume), Pig manure (PM) and grass silage (GS), 35 °C, 6.5 to 8.0, 5 PM:GS (1:1, 1:3, 3:1, 1:0, 0:1), 90 days | Max. MY: 304.2 mL/gVS (at OLR 3:1 for PM:GS) Max. cumulative MY: 8517 L (at OLR 3:1 for PM:GS) | [137] |
CIGBR | Biohydrogen production & waste water treatment | ca 1 L, Sucrose base waste water, 35 °C, 3 (adjusted), 2.5 to 5 gCOD/L/h, 4 to 8 h | Max. HPR: ~7.3 L/L-h, Max. HY: 3.03 mol/mol-sucrose | [138] |
CSAB | Biohydrogen production | ca 1 L, Sucrose, inoculum heat shock, 40 °C, 6.6 ± 0.2, 30 to 40 gCOD/L/h, 0.5 to 6 h | Max. HPR: 15 L/L-h, Optimal HY: 3.5 mol/mol-sucrose | [139] |
CSTR | Methane production | 5 L, CM and Laminaria digitata, 35 ± 2 °C & 50 ± 1 °C, 8.0 ± 0.3, 2.5 to 2.9 gVS/L/d, 22 days | MY avg.: ca 225 L/kg VS (meso), ca 170 L/kg VS (thermo) | [118] |
EGSB | Biogas generation | 1 L, Potato-juice, 37 °C, 8 (adjusted to 4, 5, 6 & 7), 2.5 to 4.2 gCOD/L-d, 6 to 10 days | MY avg.: 385 mLCH4/gVS; MPR avg.: 1496 mLCH4/L-d | [140] |
FBR | Biogas generation and biomass development | 86 L, Skim milk, whole milk and oleate (variable feeding in 3 periods), 35 °C, 7 to 7.2 (adjusted), 12 g/L (2.4 - 4.15 g oleate/L skim. milk), 426 days | Max. MPR: 33 and 46 mLCH4/gVS-d | [141] |
PFR | Biogas generation | ca 5 m3 (field scale plant), Terrestrial weeds and leafy biomass, 25 to 35 °C, N/D, 50 to 100 kg leafy biomass/day, 35 to 70 days | Average biogas yield: 50 L/kg fresh biomass (at OLR: 50 kg/day); 30 to 45 L/kg fresh biomass (at OLR: 100 kg/day) | [142] |
SAnMBRs | Biogas generation & waste water treatment | 6 L (3 units), Synthetic low strength waste water, 25 to 30 °C, 7.0 ± 0.5 (adjusted), 1.1 to 1.65 kg COD/m3/day, 8 to 12 h | Max. MPR avg.: ca 2.9 L/d (HRT: 8, SRT: infinitive), Max. MY average: 0.29 L/gCOD (HRT: 8, SRT: infinitive), Max. specific MY: 0.068 L/MLVSS/d (HRT: 12, SRT: infinitive) | [143] |
TPAD | Biogas generation and performance analysis | 30 L (meso) & 20 L (thermo), CM, 38 °C (meso) and 58 °C (thermo), 7.00 to 7.75, 2 to 8 gVS/L/d, 14 days | MY: 0.21 to 0.22 L/gVS fed (thermo); 0.15 L/gVS (meso) | [145] |
TR | Biogas generation | 18 L (4 units), Fruit and vegetable waste, 35 ± 1 °C, 6.8 to 7.6, 2 to 8 gVS/L/d, 12 to 20 days | Max. biogas production rate: 2.62 L/L/d, Max. biogas yield: 707 L/kgVS fed, Max. MC: 65% | [146] |
USMAR | Methane production | 85 L (3 equal cylinders), Synthetic waste & dry milk, 35 °C, 4.5 to 7.2, 1 to 12 gCOD/L/d, 0.5 to 2 days | MY: 0.1 to 0.2 L/gVS fed with 5 to 13% increase in MC as a result of OLR at 10 gCOD/L/d | [147] |
UASB | Hydrogen and methane production | 24 L, Cassava waste water, 37 °C, 5.5 (with control), 10 to 30 kg/m3-d (biohydrogen reactor) & 2 to 10 kg/m3-d (methane reactor, Short (N/G) | Max. HPR: 0.39 L/L-d (at OLR: 25 kg/m3-d), Max. HY: 39.83 L/kgCOD fed (at OLR: 25 kg/m3-d), Max. MPR: 0.91 L/L-d (at OLR: 8 kg/m3-d), Max. MY: 115.23 L/kgCOD (at OLR: 8 kg/m3-d) | [148] |
OLR | CH4 Yield | Aim | Feedstock | Reference |
0.4 to 3.1 kg COD/m3 | Maximum (0.46 LCH4/gCODremoved) at OLR of 2.5 kg COD/m3 | Co-digestion | Rice straw and pig manure | [257] |
1 to 4 gVS/L/d for methane reactor; 3 to 12 gVS/L/d for H2 reactor | Methane production maximized at OLR of 2 gVS/L/d and thereafter decreased. H2 production maximized at OLR of 6 gVS/L/d | Co-production of H2 and CH4 | Macro-algae Laminaria digitata and micro-algae Arthrospira plantensis | [258] |
30, 60 and 90 gVS/L | Methane yield for all the co-digestion types maximized at OLR of 30 gvs/l and 60 gVS/L | Co-digestion performance | Sweet potato vine and animal manure | [259] |
2.5 to 27.7 gVS/L | Ammonia inhibition at OLR > 20 gVS/L | Ammonia inhibition | Tannery fleshing, municipal solid waste, chrome shaving and others | [260] |
0.4 to 0.7 gCOD/L/d | Methane yield decreased with increased OLR | Pilot scale two stage AD | Slaughter house waste | [261] |
1.5 to 4.3 g/L/d | Maximum methane yield at OLR of 3.5 g/L/d | Methane production by ammonium tolerant microorganisms | Protein rich fish silage | [262] |
1, 2 & 3 gVS/L/d | 70% and 73% reduction of SMY and SCOD for OLR increment from 1 to 3 gVS/L/d | Semi-continuous AD at different psychrophilic range | Food waste | [263] |
Various | Specific gas production (0.88 m3biogas/kgvs)at two stage reactor was found higher than that of (0.75 m3 biogas/kgvs)single stage reactor for an optimum OLR of 3.5 kgvs/m3/d | Comparison between single and two stage reactor performance | Food waste | [264] |
2.4 and 3.6 gCOD/d | Higher OLR led to reactor’s acidification problem and hence affected methane yield | Performance and metagenomics analyses of single and two stage thermophilic anaerobic digestion | Cheese wastes | [265] |
4.6 and 8.6 kgCOD/m3/d | The maximum methane productivity peaked to 2.78 L/L/d at OLR of 8.6 kgCOD/m3/d, but the system was unstable | Effect of feeding with or without dilution | Food waste | [266] |
2.0 to 6.0 gVS/L/d | Methane yield decreased as OLR increased for both two-stage and co-digestion reactors | Comparison between two-stage and co.digestion AD | Food waste and horticulture waste | [267] |
1.53 to 5.04 gVS/L | 0.44 LCH4/gVS at OLR of 5.04 gVS/L | Determination of kinetics constant | Co-digestion of cattle manure and municipal food waste | [268] |
Reactor ASBR: 0.93–25.0 gCOD/L.d Reactor AMBR: 1.04–19.65 gCOD/L.d | Maximum biogas yield at OLR of 10.08 gCOD/L.d, Biogas production decreased for OLR > 18.52 gCOD/L.d | Effect of OLR and series reactor AD | Composting leachate | [269] |
0.5, 1.5 and 2.0 VS/Lsludge/d | H2 uptake by homoacetogens increased at higher OLR resulting acetate accumulation | Acetate concentration during in situ methane upgradation | Sludge and H2; fluromethane as inhibitor | [270] |
1.12 to 3.88 kgCOD/m3/d | Methane yield continued to increase up to OLR of 2 kgCOD/m3/d. Methane production inhibited at OLR > 3.8 kgCOD/m3/d | Co-digestion | Beverage waste and sewage sludge | [271] |
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Sarker, S.; Lamb, J.J.; Hjelme, D.R.; Lien, K.M. A Review of the Role of Critical Parameters in the Design and Operation of Biogas Production Plants. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 1915. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9091915
Sarker S, Lamb JJ, Hjelme DR, Lien KM. A Review of the Role of Critical Parameters in the Design and Operation of Biogas Production Plants. Applied Sciences. 2019; 9(9):1915. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9091915
Chicago/Turabian StyleSarker, Shiplu, Jacob J. Lamb, Dag R. Hjelme, and Kristian M. Lien. 2019. "A Review of the Role of Critical Parameters in the Design and Operation of Biogas Production Plants" Applied Sciences 9, no. 9: 1915. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9091915
APA StyleSarker, S., Lamb, J. J., Hjelme, D. R., & Lien, K. M. (2019). A Review of the Role of Critical Parameters in the Design and Operation of Biogas Production Plants. Applied Sciences, 9(9), 1915. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9091915