A Framework to Quantify the Quality of Source Code Obfuscation
<p>Example 2 of a control flow graph.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Overview of a framework for quantifying obfuscation quality.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Obfuscation quality quantification experiment for commercial and open-source obfuscation tools.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Potency measurement results.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Resilience measurement results.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Cost measurement results.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We are the first to implement a framework that can quantitatively evaluate the quality of obfuscation techniques.
- We define the challenges associated with analyzing and executing obfuscated programs to quantify Potency, Resilience, and Cost and establish 12 measurement indicators based on these definitions.
- Our proposed framework for quantifying obfuscation quality integrates the techniques into the LLVM compiler so that all quantification values can be measured during compilation.
- We conducted extensive quantitative measurement experiments using well-known obfuscation tools and successfully demonstrated our framework’s effectiveness in this paper.
2. Background
2.1. Source Code Obfuscation
2.1.1. Layout Obfuscation
2.1.2. Data Obfuscation
2.1.3. Control Flow Obfuscation
2.2. Source Code Obfuscator
2.3. Dataset for Evaluating Source Code Obfuscation
3. Threat Model
4. Approach
4.1. Potency
4.2. Resilience
4.3. Cost
5. Framework
6. Experiment
6.1. Experimental Process
6.1.1. Experimental Design
- Selection of Dataset: we used 130 C/C++ source codes from the NIST Juliet Test Suite and the Obfuscation-Benchmarks dataset. These datasets were selected to ensure a diverse range of code characteristics.
- Configuration of Obfuscation Tools: four obfuscation tools were used:
- Stunnix C/C++ Obfuscator
- Semantic Designs C-GCC4 Obfuscator
- Tigress Obfuscator (with three levels of obfuscation: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3)
- Obfuscator LLVM
Each tool was configured with specific options to apply distinct obfuscation techniques. - Application of Obfuscation Techniques: the selected datasets were obfuscated using the configured tools. Each obfuscated code was then used to generate the required binaries for analysis.
- Measurement of Metrics: the following metrics were measured:
- Potency: McCabe cyclomatic complexity, control flow graph size, control flow depth, program length, and instruction count.
- Resilience: symbolic execution time, code coverage, static analysis time, and code optimization.
- Cost: time overhead, space overhead, and file size.
- Analysis and Comparison: the measured metrics from the obfuscated codes were compared against the baseline (non-obfuscated) codes to evaluate the impact of each obfuscation technique.
6.1.2. Detailed Protocol
- Experimental Environment:
- Hardware: Intel i9-13900K @ 5.80 GHz CPU, 64 GB RAM, 32 cores
- Software: LLVM version 13.0.0 compiler, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Kernel version 5.15.0
- Obfuscation Tool Configuration:
- Stunnix C/C++ Obfuscator: applied formatting changes and comment removal.
- Semantic Designs C-GCC4 Obfuscator: applied identifier scrambling, formatting changes, comment removal, and data encoding.
- Tigress Obfuscator:
- -
- Level 1: Mixed Boolean Arithmetic
- -
- Level 2: Mixed Boolean Arithmetic + Opaque Predicates
- -
- Level 3: Mixed Boolean Arithmetic + Opaque Predicates + Control Flow Flattening
- Obfuscator LLVM: applied control flow flattening, instruction substitution, and bogus control flows.
- Data Collection:
- Potency Metrics: calculated using CFG Analyzer integrated with LLVM.
- Resilience Metrics: measured using the KLEE symbolic execution tool, Clang static analyzer, and LLVM opt optimizer.
- Cost Metrics: assessed using Binary Analyzer developed to measure runtime overhead, memory usage, and binary file size.
- Analysis:
- The results were analyzed to identify the impact of each obfuscation technique on the selected metrics. Comparative analysis was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of different techniques.
6.2. Potency Measurement Results
6.3. Resilience Measurement Results
6.4. Cost Measurement Results
7. Discussion
8. Related Works
9. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Categories | Obfuscation Techniques | Description |
Scramble Identifiers | Mangles symbols such as function names and variable names | |
Layout Obfuscation | Change Formatting | Changes the format of source code by deleting or adding white space, newline characters, etc. |
Remove Comments | Deletes comments written by programmers | |
Data Encoding | Transforms strings, values, and similar elements to obscure recognition | |
Data Obfuscation | Instruction Substitution | Complicates the structure of instruction calculation expressions such as add, sub, etc. |
Mixed Boolean Arithmetic | Uses formulas that combine Boolean algebra and arithmetic operations | |
Bogus Control Flows | Complicates the code by inserting dummy code, thus affecting the control flow graph | |
Control Obfuscation | Opaque Predicates | Creates a conditional statement that executes in one direction and inserts garbage code in the part that does not execute |
Control Flow Flattening | Puts all control flows, such as loop and conditional branches, into one huge switch statement to move all other blocks from just one block |
Obfuscators | Options | Obfuscation Techniques | Obfuscator Type |
Stunnix C/C++ Obfuscator | protect everything but leave symbol names as is | Change Formatting | Commercial |
Remove Comments | |||
Instruction Substitution | |||
Semantic Designs C-GCC4 Obfuscator | +PrintAsis +Obfuscate +ObfuscateLiterals | Scramble Identifiers | Commercial |
Change Formatting | |||
Remove Comments | |||
Data Encoding | |||
Tigress Obfuscator | Level 1: Enc.Arithmetic | Mixed Boolean Arithmetic | Open-source |
Level 2: Enc.Arithmetic and Add Opaque | Mixed Boolean Arithmetic | ||
Opaque Predicates | |||
Level 3: Enc.Arithmetic and Add Opaque and Flatten | Mixed Boolean Arithmetic | ||
Opaque Predicates | |||
Control Flow Flattening | |||
Obfuscator LLVM | Control Flow Flattening and Instruction Substitution and Bogus Control Flows | Instruction Substitution | Open-source |
Bogus Control Flows | |||
Control Flow Flattening |
Categories | Measurement Indicators | Description |
Potency | McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity | {Number of Edges} − {Number of Nodes} + 2 |
Control Flow Graph Size | Number of Nodes | |
Control Flow Depth | The maximum number of Edges it takes to get from one Node to another Node | |
Program Length | Lines of Code (LoC) in source code | |
Instruction Count | Number of Instructions | |
Resilience | Symbolic Execution Time | Time taken by the Symbolic Execution tool to complete the analysis |
Code Coverage | Percentage of instructions for which the Symbolic Execution tool performed analysis among all instructions | |
Static Analysis Time | Analysis time of Static Analysis tools | |
Code Optimization | Percentage of instructions optimized by Code Optimization tools | |
Cost | Time Overhead | Run time of compiled binary |
Space Overhead | Process memory usage, including .data sections, .text sections, etc. | |
File Size | Size of binary file |
Tools | Potency (Num) | |||||
McCabe | CFG Size | CF Depth | Program Length | Instruction Count | ||
Baseline | Average | 6.60 | 14.00 | 5.20 | 94.08 | 79.17 |
Stunnix C/C++ Obfuscator | Average | 6.60 | 14.00 | 5.20 | 33.32 | 79.17 |
Growth Rate | 0% | 0% | 0% | −64.54% | 0% | |
Semantic Designs C Obfuscator | Average | 6.60 | 14.00 | 5.20 | 116.89 | 79.17 |
Growth Rate | 0% | 0% | 0% | 24.77% | 0% | |
Obfuscator LLVM | Average | 43.71 | 111.86 | 5.78 | 723.14 | 1311.50 |
Growth Rate | 530.50% | 735.44% | 78.25% | 674.41% | 1529.57% | |
Tigress C Obfuscator (Level 1) | Average | 7.28 | 13.95 | 4.37 | 119.48 | 126.70 |
Growth Rate | 12.77% | 7.51% | −6.26% | 27.55% | 59.02% | |
Tigress C Obfuscator (Level 2) | Average | 12.87 | 24.78 | 5.61 | 343.41 | 363.35 |
Growth Rate | 103.42% | 116.41% | 44.82% | 264.23% | 359.91% | |
Tigress C Obfuscator (Level 3) | Average | 49.59 | 69.50 | 5.00 | 654.50 | 502.63 |
Growth Rate | 679.42% | 533.65% | 57.86% | 595.34% | 536.32% |
Tools | Resilience (ms,%) | ||||
Symbolic Execution Time | Code Coverage | Static Analysis Time | Code Optimization | ||
Baseline | Average | 55.81 | 73.17 | 104.95 | 55.02 |
Stunnix C/C++ Obfuscator | Average | 38.66 | 73.13 | 109.04 | 55.02 |
Growth Rate | −25.77% | 0.05% | 7.21% | 0% | |
Semantic Designs C Obfuscator | Average | 54.92 | 73.05 | 108.69 | 55.02 |
Growth Rate | 6.01% | 0.15% | 8.29% | 0% | |
Obfuscator LLVM | Average | 84.38 | 64.80 | 278.08 | 15.63 |
Growth Rate | 74.89% | −10.58% | 402.55% | −72.55% | |
Tigress C Obfuscator (Level 1) | Average | 47.24 | 70.41 | 109.26 | 52.34 |
Growth Rate | −13.96% | 4.08% | 12.33% | −4.03% | |
Tigress C Obfuscator (Level 2) | Average | 481.89 | 80.90 | 118.47 | 58.01 |
Growth Rate | 486.02% | −11.30% | 29.83% | 8.95% | |
Tigress C Obfuscator (Level 3) | Average | 666.15 | 79.27 | 118.71 | 60.68 |
Growth Rate | 693.74% | −9.44% | 37.45% | 15.31% |
Tools | Cost (ms, Kilo-Byte) | |||
Time Overhead | Space Overhead | File Size | ||
Baseline | Average | 0.768 | 2.29 | 15.78 |
Stunnix C/C++ Obfuscator | Average | 0.770 | 2.29 | 15.78 |
Growth Rate | 0.30% | 0% | 0% | |
Semantic Designs C Obfuscator | Average | 0.778 | 2.29 | 15.77 |
Growth Rate | 1.23% | 0% | −0.07% | |
Obfuscator LLVM | Average | 0.767 | 10.73 | 23.30 |
Growth Rate | −0.13% | 376.01% | 47.94% | |
Tigress C Obfuscator (Level 1) | Average | 0.782 | 2.50 | 15.88 |
Growth Rate | 1.83% | 9.31% | 0.69% | |
Tigress C Obfuscator (Level 2) | Average | 0.761 | 3.88 | 16.99 |
Growth Rate | −0.92% | 69.91% | 7.69% | |
Tigress C Obfuscator (Level 3) | Average | 0.776 | 5.33 | 18.09 |
Growth Rate | 1.07% | 133.43% | 14.63% |
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Share and Cite
Jin, H.; Lee, J.; Yang, S.; Kim, K.; Lee, D.H. A Framework to Quantify the Quality of Source Code Obfuscation. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 5056. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14125056
Jin H, Lee J, Yang S, Kim K, Lee DH. A Framework to Quantify the Quality of Source Code Obfuscation. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(12):5056. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14125056
Chicago/Turabian StyleJin, Hongjoo, Jiwon Lee, Sumin Yang, Kijoong Kim, and Dong Hoon Lee. 2024. "A Framework to Quantify the Quality of Source Code Obfuscation" Applied Sciences 14, no. 12: 5056. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14125056
APA StyleJin, H., Lee, J., Yang, S., Kim, K., & Lee, D. H. (2024). A Framework to Quantify the Quality of Source Code Obfuscation. Applied Sciences, 14(12), 5056. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14125056