A Comprehensive Survey on Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Federated Recommendation Systems
<p>This figure represents the generic training procedure of FRSs, where a set of IoT devices is connected to the cloud server. Firstly, the cloud server synchronizes with the IoT devices and creates personalized recommendations; secondly, those IoT devices train the local learning models individually and then upload those trained learning models to the cloud server. Finally, the cloud server aggregates those local models to generate new recommendations for the next round.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Overview of the FRS entities.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Architecture of the FRS, divided into four components used for user’s data sources.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Categories of federated recommendation systems.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Privacy-preserving techniques used in FRSs.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Applications and target industries of FRSs.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Directions that should be followed in FRSs for future developments.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Privacy Concerns
- User-side concerns: the primary privacy concern of a user in an FRS is that personal data are shared across multiple entities [13,14]. These data may include sensitive information such as name, address, age, gender, and financial information. If these data are not properly secured and shared securely, this could lead to a potential violation of an individual’s privacy [15]. In addition, the user may be unaware of how his/her data are being used, leading to a potential breach of his/her privacy. On the other hand, an FRS can itself pose privacy risks due to the potential for profiling. This means that the user’s data are used to build a profile of his/her interests and activities, which can then be used to create targeted advertisements or other manipulative tactics. This can lead to a potential violation of an individual’s right to privacy.
- Server-side concerns: An FRS is vulnerable to attacks by malicious actors, who can disrupt the federated system by manipulating user ratings, injecting false information, and taking over the federated system [16,17]. Attackers can also employ various techniques, such as data poisoning, distributed denial-of-service attacks, and brute force attacks, to disrupt the system [18]. Furthermore, attackers may be able to access user data through unencrypted channels or modify the recommendations generated by the system to suit their interests.
1.2. Related Work
1.3. Our Contribution
2. Overview of the FRS
- User: The user entity in an FRS is an individual identified by his/her unique ID. The user is the primary person interacting with the system and provides information to generate personalized recommendations [26]. This includes user preferences, interests, purchase history, and other data that can be used to suggest relevant items. The user entity is also used to store information related to the user’s interactions with the system, such as ratings, reviews, feedback, etc. This information can be used to help improve the accuracy of future recommendations.
- Item: The item entity in the FRS refers to the items recommended to the users. This could include products, services, books, movies, music, etc. [27]. The items can come from different sources, such as websites, stores, or catalogs. The recommendation system uses the item entity to suggest items to users based on their preferences and interests. The item entity also contains information about the items, such as the price, description, and other relevant details.
- Cross-system: The cross-system entity in an FRS is a type of user profile created by combining user data from multiple systems [28]. This allows for more accurate recommendation algorithms to be developed and deployed across multiple systems [29]. For example, if a system collects user data from multiple different websites and platforms, the cross-system entity can be used to create a unified profile of a user across all of these different sources. This unified profile can then be used to generate more accurate recommendations, such as suggesting a product that a user might like based on his/her preferences across all of the different systems.
- Recommendation: A recommendation entity in an FRS allows individual users to access personalized recommendations from multiple sources [30,31]. This type of system is useful for organizations that have multiple data sources and need to be able to provide personalized recommendations to individual users based on their historical experience [32]. The recommendation entity acts as a central hub that can aggregate data from multiple sources and provide tailored recommendations to individual users. This helps organizations make decisions more quickly and efficiently, allowing them to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
- Cloud server: A cloud server is an entity in an FRS that stores user information and makes recommendations for other users [33]. The cloud server is responsible for collecting data from multiple sources, processing them, and making recommendations. It also is a hub for other participating entities, such as individual users, content providers, and recommendation systems. By connecting these entities, the federated server can provide more accurate and personalized recommendations to users [34].
2.1. Architecture of FRS
- Data aggregator: This component is responsible for collecting and processing data from multiple sources (e.g., websites and mobile apps). The data aggregator then stores the data in a unified format, allowing the recommendation system to access the data from all sources in one place [35]. It can be used to create user profiles and determine user preferences, as well as to enable recommendations to be made across multiple platforms [36].
- Feature extractor: This component is a critical part of the FRS architecture. It is responsible for extracting key features from data sources in order to create a unified representation of the data [37]. This unified representation enables the system to compare data from different sources and make recommendations accurately. Furthermore, it enables the system to generalize the data, reducing the amount of data that need to be processed [38]. The feature extractor component can extract features such as user preferences, user demographics, item attributes, and item ratings.
- Recommendation system: A recommendation system is a key component of an FRS. It generates user recommendations based on the data gathered from the different federated sources [39]. The system uses algorithms to analyze the data and create personalized recommendations for the users. The goal is to provide the most-relevant and accurate recommendations tailored to users’ interests and preferences [40]. The recommender system is also responsible for updating the recommendations as new data are added to the federated sources. This helps ensure that the recommendations remain relevant and up-to-date [41].
- Evaluation engine: This component measures the system’s performance, such as user engagement, user satisfaction, and other metrics [42]. The evaluation engine collects and analyzes data from different sources and uses machine learning algorithms to identify patterns in the data and evaluate the system’s performance. It also provides feedback to the other components in the system, such as the content providers, to enable further optimization [43,44]. The evaluation engine ensures fairness and accuracy in the system.
2.2. Categories of FRS
- Content-based filtering: This type of FRS uses content-based information to provide personalized recommendations to users without needing to collect and store personal user data [45,46]. FRSs work by aggregating data from multiple sources, such as online stores, websites, and other applications, and using algorithms to detect patterns in the data. To this end, content-based filtering uses information about the content of the recommended items, such as genre, author, or keywords, to generate recommendations [47]. Content-based filtering has several advantages over other forms of FRSs. It does not require any user data, so it can protect user privacy by avoiding the need to collect and store any sensitive personal information. Additionally, it is less resource-intensive than other forms of FRSs, since it does not require creating a centralized database to store user data. Moreover, it is easy to implement since it does not require a complex algorithm to generate the recommendations [48]. Content-based filtering is often used in conjunction with other forms of FRSs, such as collaborative filtering, in order to generate more accurate and personalized recommendations [49]. This category is becoming increasingly popular among online retailers and other businesses due to its effectiveness and privacy-preserving benefits. However, content-based filtering requires access to the user’s interaction data to make recommendations, which means that the system can access the user’s preferences and behavior, which could be sensitive information. Therefore, without proper privacy measures in place, content-based filtering systems can pose a risk to the user’s privacy.
- Knowledge-based systems: This type of system uses a “knowledge base” to create recommendations based on user preferences and behavior, rather than relying solely on data collected from an individual user [50,51]. This means that the system does not collect any data from the user, instead relying on a pre-existing collection of information. The knowledge base is typically a collection of data about different products, services, or experiences [52]. It contains information about the characteristics of each item, such as its features, price, popularity, and ratings. Using these data, the system can generate recommendations tailored to the user’s interests without collecting any personal information from the user. However, knowledge-based systems require access to the user’s explicit knowledge about items and preferences to make recommendations. This means that the system has access to the user’s sensitive information, which can be a serious concern from the user’s perspective [53,54].
- Collaborative filtering: This type of FRS prioritizes user privacy while providing effective and accurate recommendations [55]. It uses the user’s data to generate personalized recommendations [56,57]. Moreover, the system uses data from similar users to make recommendations to the user. This means that the system can make accurate recommendations by accessing limited users’ data or having to share it with other users or systems. The collaborative filtering approach works by first identifying similar users who have the same demographic characteristics, tastes, or preferences [16,58]. Next, the system takes the data from these similar users and uses them to make recommendations to the user. This data might include past purchases, ratings, or reviews. The system then uses these data to develop recommendations for the user [59]. One major privacy issue with collaborative filtering is that it requires access to sensitive user behavior data to make recommendations. These data can include information about the user’s past purchases, searches, and interactions with other users. Therefore, without proper privacy measures in place, these data can be vulnerable to unauthorized access, misuse, or disclosure [60].
- Context-aware recommendation: This type of FRS uses context-aware techniques to help tailor the recommendations to the users in a way that is more meaningful and tailored to their interests and needs [61,62]. Context-aware recommendation systems are designed to consider the user’s current context when making recommendations, such as his/her location, time, and surrounding environment [63,64]. This allows the system to make more accurate and personalized recommendations that better suit the users’ needs and preferences [65]. By taking into account the user’s current context, the system can provide recommendations that are more accurate and relevant to the user’s needs [66,67]. This type of system can help reduce the amount of data that need to be collected and stored by the system, as the data used to generate the recommendations are already present in the user’s context [68]. The privacy concern with context-aware recommendations is that they require access to a wide range of user data, including location, device information, and social media activity, to make personalized recommendations. These data can be sensitive and reveal private information about the user’s behavior, interests, and preferences. Therefore, it is important for context-aware recommendation systems to implement robust privacy-preserving techniques to protect user privacy while still providing effective recommendations.
- Hybrid recommendation systems: Hybrid recommendation systems are a type of FRS that combine the capabilities of traditional centralized and distributed recommendation systems to provide users with the best of both worlds [3]. Hybrid recommendation systems enable users to make use of personalized recommendations while also protecting their privacy. In a hybrid system, the data are stored in a central repository, and the recommendation algorithm is executed by a federated learning system [69]. The central repository stores all of the user’s profile data, and the federated learning system executes the recommendation algorithm without any user data being shared between the two. This allows the system to remain secure and the user data to remain private. Besides, the hybrid system allows different algorithms to be used. For example, collaborative filtering can be used in conjunction with content-based filtering to provide a more accurate recommendation [70]. Furthermore, the system can be adapted to different data sources, such as social media and web analytics. This type of system also has the advantage of scalability. As new users join the system, the recommendation algorithm can be updated without requiring additional user data to be shared [71]. This makes the system more efficient and effective and allows for more users to be accommodated. The primary privacy concern with hybrid recommendation systems is the extensive collection of user data from various sources required to make accurate and diverse recommendations. These data can include sensitive user behavior, profile, and contextual data, which if not properly protected, can lead to unauthorized access and unintended disclosure of personal information. Thus, such systems must prioritize the implementation of robust privacy-preserving techniques, such as data anonymization, homomorphic encryption, and differential privacy, to mitigate the risks of data breaches and ensure that user privacy is not compromised.
3. Privacy Techniques
3.1. Differential Privacy
3.2. Secure Multi-Party Computation
3.3. Homomorphic Encryption
3.4. Tokenization
3.5. Anonymization
3.6. Pseudonymization
3.7. Comparison
4. Applications and Target Industry
4.1. Online Shopping
4.2. Social Media
4.3. Healthcare
4.4. Education
4.5. Advertising
4.6. E-Commerce
5. Publicly Available Datasets
5.1. Amazon Reviews Dataset
5.2. MovieLens Dataset
5.3. Yelp Dataset
5.4. Film Trust Dataset
5.5. Goodreads Dataset
5.6. Netflix Dataset
5.7. LastFM Dataset
5.8. Douban Dataset
5.9. BookCrossing Dataset
6. Future Directions and Real-World Challenges
6.1. Data Privacy
- Future directions: Data privacy is an increasingly important issue in FRSs. In order to ensure that all users’ data are secure, FRSs must have security protocols in place for exchanging data between different organizations. These protocols should be designed to protect user privacy by preventing unauthorized access to user data and by allowing users to control with whom their data are shared. In addition, the FRS must take steps to ensure that user data are not misused or abused. This could include implementing policies and procedures for data security and monitoring, as well as developing technologies to detect any unauthorized access or misuse of user data.
- Real-world challenges: A major challenge for FRSs is ensuring that user data are secure, both in terms of the data exchanged between different organizations and the data stored on each organization’s servers. To address this challenge, FRSs must ensure that all data exchanged between different organizations are encrypted, secure, and adequately protected. Besides, the system must ensure that each organization’s servers are secure and that all user data are stored in a secure manner that prevents unauthorized access or misuse.
6.2. Cold Start Problem
- Future directions: These may include collecting more user data, such as preferences, likes, and dislikes, and implementing techniques such as collaborative filtering that allow the system to draw connections between similar users and their preferences. Moreover, techniques such as deep learning may be used to understand user behavior better. The FRS may also benefit from integrating external data sources, such as social media, from personalizing the user experience further.
- Real-world challenges: These include protecting user privacy, balancing accuracy and complexity, and ensuring scalability. To ensure user privacy, FRSs must be designed with privacy-preserving techniques in mind. The complexity of the model must be balanced with its accuracy, as complex models may be difficult to interpret and may not be able to predict user preferences accurately. Finally, the system must be able to handle large amounts of data when scaling, as more data will allow for more accurate predictions.
6.3. Data Fragmentation
- Future directions: To address the issue of data fragmentation, research should focus on approaches to facilitate seamless data transfer between different locations and to ensure that the data are consistent and up-to-date. This could include the development of distributed databases, distributed query processing, and distributed data analytics. Moreover, research should focus on developing methods for federated learning with fragmented data. These methods should aim to reduce the computational cost of training models and improve the accuracy of the models.
- Real-world challenges: Data fragmentation can be a significant challenge in FRSs, as it can lead to inconsistent data and can make it difficult to access and utilize the data. In addition, privacy concerns may prevent the data from being shared across different locations, further exacerbating the problem of data fragmentation. As such, organizations will need to develop policies and technologies to facilitate data transfer and to ensure that the data are consistent and up-to-date. Moreover, organizations will need to ensure the security of the data and protect the privacy of users.
6.4. Scalability Issues
- Future directions: In order to address the scalability issues associated with FRSs, researchers are developing improved methods for managing and processing data across multiple sources. This includes optimizing algorithms to reduce the number of data transfers, as well as utilizing distributed computing architectures and artificial intelligence to manage data better. In addition, researchers must continue to explore methods of improving the accuracy of federated recommendations, such as using transfer learning, ensemble learning, and other latest machine learning techniques.
- Real-world challenges: There are scalability concerns about data privacy and security, as well as the need for robust methods for managing user profiles and managing conflicts between multiple sources. Moreover, as federated systems become more complex and involve more stakeholders, it will be important to develop governance models and mechanisms for cooperation among the different parties involved.
6.5. Lack of Interoperability
- Future directions: These may include developing standards and protocols for data exchange between systems, as well as utilizing open-source solutions that allow different systems to communicate with each other. In addition, developing technologies such as blockchain could provide solutions to ensure data privacy and security while allowing interoperability.
- Real-world challenges: The main challenge in achieving interoperability in FRSs is the need for systems to be able to share data without compromising privacy or security. Moreover, different systems may have different data formats, making it difficult for them to communicate with each other. Developing standards and protocols for data exchange could help address this challenge, as could the development of open-source solutions. In addition, ensuring data privacy and security in federated systems could be a difficult task, as data may need to be shared between different systems. Utilizing blockchain technology could help address this challenge, allowing for secure data sharing while ensuring privacy.
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Category | Techniques | Advantages and Disadvantages |
Content-Based Filtering | Recommends items similar to those the user has liked before | Effective at recommending niche items; limited to recommending items with similar characteristics; may not work well for users with varying interests |
Knowledge-Based Systems | Uses knowledge about user preferences and item attributes to recommend items | Allows for more personalized recommendations; can recommend items outside of the user’s usual preferences; requires many data and expert knowledge; may not work well for users with varying interests |
Collaborative Filtering | Recommends items based on the preferences of similar users | Can recommend items outside of the user’s usual preferences; can work well with large datasets; requires many user data to be effective; can suffer from the “cold start” problem for new users and items |
Context-Aware Recommendation | Recommends items based on additional contextual information, such as time of day or location | Can provide more personalized recommendations based on specific situations; requires additional data sources and can be difficult to implement |
Hybrid Recommendation Systems | Combines two or more of the above techniques | Can provide more accurate recommendations by leveraging the strengths of multiple techniques; can be complex to implement and requires additional computational resources |
Reference | Privacy Type | Privacy Target | Privacy | C/C Costs |
[34,120,121,122,123] | Differential Privacy | Ratings | High | Low |
[25,86,87,88,111,124] | SMPC | Ratings | Low | High |
[31,35,73,125,126,127] | Homomorphic Encryption | High-Order Graphs Social Features Ratings | Moderate | High |
[103,128,129,130] | Tokenization | Prediction | Low | Low |
[24,131] | Anonymization | User’s data | High | High |
[72,132,133,134,135] | Pseudonymization | User’s data | Moderate | Low |
Privacy-Preserving Technique | Description | Domain | Platform | Environment |
Differential Privacy | A technique that adds noise to the data to protect individual privacy while still allowing for useful analysis | Healthcare, social science, finance | Google, Apple, Microsoft | Cloud computing, big data |
Secure Multi-Party Computation | A technique that allows multiple parties to jointly compute a function without revealing their inputs to each other | Banking, insurance, healthcare | Intel SGX, IBM Homomorphic Encryption Toolkit | Cloud computing, IoT |
Homomorphic Encryption | A technique that allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without decrypting them | Healthcare, finance, government | Microsoft SEAL, IBM Homomorphic Encryption Toolkit | Cloud Computing, IoT |
Tokenization | A technique that replaces sensitive data with non-sensitive data, while preserving their meaning | Payment processing, E-commerce | Stripe, Braintree | Cloud computing, web |
Anonymization | A technique that removes personally identifiable information from data | Social media, market research | Facebook, Twitter, Google | Web, mobile |
Pseudonymization | A technique that replaces personally identifiable information with a pseudonym | Healthcare, research | AWS, Azure | Cloud computing, big data |
Application | Online Shopping | Social Media | Healthcare | Education | Advertising |
Personalized Recommendations | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Cross-Platform Recommendations | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Improved User Engagement | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
Targeted Marketing | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Better Patient Outcomes | ✓ | ||||
Efficient Learning | ✓ |
Name | Category | Variables | Data Type | License | Format |
Amazon [183] | Reviews | Users, Reviews | Text, Numeric | Open-Source | CSV |
MovieLens [184] | Movies | Ratings, Genres | Numeric | Open-Source | CSV |
Yelp [185] | Reviews | Users, Reviews | Text, Numeric | Open-Source | JSON |
Film Trust [186] | Movies | Ratings, Genres | Numeric | Open-Source | CSV |
Goodreads [187] | Books | Reviews, Ratings | Text, Numeric | Open-Source | XML |
Netflix [188] | Movies | Ratings, Genres | Numeric | Open-Source | JSON |
LastFM [189] | Music | Listeners, Genres | Numeric | Open-Source | CSV |
Douban [190] | Movies/Books | Reviews, Ratings | Text, Numeric | Open-Source | XML |
BookCrossing [191] | Books | Reviews, Ratings | Text, Numeric | Open-Source | XML |
System | Security Protocols | Limitations | Issues and Challenges |
Content-Based Filtering | Secure aggregation | Data privacy and security concerns | Develop more scalable and efficient secure aggregation methods, improve data sharing protocols |
Knowledge-Based Systems | Access control and authorization | Limited scalability, reduced accuracy | Lack of data for knowledge-based models |
Collaborative Filtering | Access control, authentication | Data privacy and security concerns | The reliability of data between different parties |
Context-Aware Recommendation | Secure aggregation, authentication, and authorization | High computational overhead | Lack of data for context-aware models |
Hybrid Recommendation Systems | Access control, authentication, authorization | High computational overhead, reduced accuracy | Improve scalability, develop secure aggregation methods, explore privacy-preserving MPC techniques |
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Share and Cite
Asad, M.; Shaukat, S.; Javanmardi, E.; Nakazato, J.; Tsukada, M. A Comprehensive Survey on Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Federated Recommendation Systems. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 6201. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13106201
Asad M, Shaukat S, Javanmardi E, Nakazato J, Tsukada M. A Comprehensive Survey on Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Federated Recommendation Systems. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(10):6201. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13106201
Chicago/Turabian StyleAsad, Muhammad, Saima Shaukat, Ehsan Javanmardi, Jin Nakazato, and Manabu Tsukada. 2023. "A Comprehensive Survey on Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Federated Recommendation Systems" Applied Sciences 13, no. 10: 6201. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13106201
APA StyleAsad, M., Shaukat, S., Javanmardi, E., Nakazato, J., & Tsukada, M. (2023). A Comprehensive Survey on Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Federated Recommendation Systems. Applied Sciences, 13(10), 6201. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13106201