Auditors’ Intention to Use Blockchain Technology and TAM3: The Moderating Role of Age
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review and Hypotheses Development
2.1. Technology Acceptance Model Three
2.2. Antecedents of Perceived Ease of Use
2.3. Perceived Ease of Use and Auditors’ Intention to Adopt Blockchain Technology
2.4. Antecedents of Perceived Usefulness
2.5. Perceived Usefulness and Auditors’ Intention to Adopt BT
2.6. The Moderating Role of Age in Association Between PEOU, PU, and Auditors’ Intention to Adopt BT
3. Methods
3.1. Sample and Data Collection
3.2. Measurement of Constructs
4. Results and Analysis
4.1. Descriptive Statistics
4.2. Research Partial Least Square Structural Model
4.3. Measurement Model: Validity and Reliability
4.4. Evaluating Structural Models and Hypotheses Testing
4.4.1. Testing H1 and H2
4.4.2. Hypotheses Testing for H3, H4, and H5
Evaluating the Measurement Invariance Using MICOM
Tests for Multi-Group Comparisons
5. Conclusions
5.1. Practical Implications
5.2. Theoretical Implications
6. Study Limitations and Future Research
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Measurement of Variables
Variables | Measures | References |
Reflective Variables | ||
Perception of External Control (PEC) | PEC is measured by 4 items.
| Faqih and Jaradat (2015); Ferri et al. (2020) |
Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE) | CSE is measured by 4 items.
| Ferri et al. (2020) |
Computer Anxiety (CA) | CA is measured by 4 items.
| Venkatesh et al. (2003); Faqih and Jaradat (2015) |
Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) | PEOU is measured by 4 items.
| Venkatesh and Davis (2000); Faqih and Jaradat (2015) |
Job Relevance (JR) | JR is measured by 4 items.
| Venkatesh and Davis (2000); Venkatesh and Bala (2008); Ferri et al. (2020) |
Results Demonstrability (RES) | RES is measured by 4 items.
| Venkatesh and Bala (2008); Faqih and Jaradat (2015); Ferri et al. (2020) |
Output Quality (OQ) | OQ is measured by 4 items.
| Venkatesh and Davis (2000); Venkatesh and Bala (2008); Faqih and Jaradat (2015); Ferri et al. (2020) |
Perceived Usefulness (PU) | PU is measured by 2 items.
| Venkatesh and Davis (2000); Faqih and Jaradat (2015) |
Auditors’ Intention to Adopt Blockchain Technology (INT) | INT is measured by 2 items:
| Ferri et al. (2020) |
Appendix B. Indices of Measurement Model Reliability
Construct | Item | Loadings | CA | CR | AVE |
Auditors’ Intention to adopt BT (INT) | INT1 | 0.994 | 0.988 | 0.994 | 0.988 |
INT2 | 0.994 | ||||
Perception of External Control (PEC) | PEC1 | 0.888 | 0.88 | 0.917 | 0.735 |
PEC2 | 0.815 | ||||
PEC3 | 0.851 | ||||
PEC4 | 0.874 | ||||
Computer Self-Efficacy (CSE) | CSE1 | 0.966 | 0.982 | 0.987 | 0.949 |
CSE2 | 0.977 | ||||
CSE3 | 0.981 | ||||
CSE4 | 0.972 | ||||
Computer Anxiety (CA) | CA1 | 0.944 | 0.978 | 0.983 | 0.934 |
CA2 | 0.978 | ||||
CA3 | 0.969 | ||||
CA4 | 0.974 | ||||
Job Relevance (JR) | JR1 | 0.954 | 0.943 | 0.96 | 0.856 |
JR2 | 0.96 | ||||
JR3 | 0.952 | ||||
JR4 | 0.829 | ||||
Results Demonstrability (RES) | RES1 | 0.942 | 0.965 | 0.975 | 0.906 |
RES2 | 0.967 | ||||
RES3 | 0.961 | ||||
RES4 | 0.936 | ||||
Output Quality (OQ) | OQ1 | 0.975 | 0.987 | 0.991 | 0.964 |
OQ2 | 0.983 | ||||
OQ3 | 0.988 | ||||
OQ4 | 0.981 | ||||
Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) | PEOU1 | 0.947 | 0.969 | 0.978 | 0.916 |
PEOU2 | 0.949 | ||||
PEOU3 | 0.972 | ||||
PEOU4 | 0.960 | ||||
Perceived Usefulness (PU) | PU1 | 0.990 | 0.98 | 0.99 | 0.98 |
PU4 | 0.990 | ||||
Source: PLS3-SEM Software |
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Variable | Minimum | Maximum | Mean | SD |
Perception of external control | 1 | 4.50 | 1.7492 | 0.86 |
Computer self-efficacy | 1 | 5.00 | 3.2447 | 1.38 |
Computer anxiety | 1 | 4.50 | 1.3818 | 0.78 |
Perceived ease of use | 1 | 4.50 | 1.7026 | 0.89 |
Job relevance | 1 | 5.00 | 2.6423 | 1.15 |
Results demonstrability | 1 | 5.00 | 2.0610 | 1.05 |
Output quality | 1 | 5.00 | 3.1928 | 1.21 |
Perceived usefulness | 1 | 5.00 | 3.0964 | 1.25 |
Auditors’ Intention to adopt BT | 1 | 5.00 | 2.1717 | 1.20 |
Intention | CA | CSE | JR | OQ | PEOU | PU | PEC | RES | |
Intention | 0.994 | ||||||||
CA | 0.038 | 0.966 | |||||||
CSE | 0.547 | 0.154 | 0.974 | ||||||
JR | 0.57 | 0.068 | 0.573 | 0.925 | |||||
OQ | 0.561 | 0.123 | 0.676 | 0.727 | 0.982 | ||||
PEOU | 0.604 | 0.075 | 0.396 | 0.457 | 0.32 | 0.957 | |||
PU | 0.59 | 0.103 | 0.709 | 0.767 | 0.915 | 0.375 | 0.99 | ||
PEC | 0.568 | 0.064 | 0.422 | 0.449 | 0.353 | 0.663 | 0.38 | 0.857 | |
RES | 0.649 | 0.065 | 0.515 | 0.625 | 0.519 | 0.683 | 0.552 | 0.607 | 0.952 |
Endogenous Variable | Exogenous Variables | Path Coefficient | p-Value | VIF | _ Predict | Hypothesis | Hypothesis (Decision) | ||
Perceived Ease of Use | Perception of External Control | 0.603 | 0.000 | 1.216 | 0.549 | 0.456 | 0.407 | H1a | Supported |
Computer Self-Efficacy | 0.140 | 0.001 | 1.241 | 0.029 | H1b | Supported | |||
Computer Anxiety | 0.014 | 0.741 | 1.024 | 0.000 | H1c | Not Supported | |||
Perceived Usefulness | Job Relevance | 0.196 | 0.000 | 2.577 | 0.107 | 0.861 | 0.838 | H2a | Supported |
Results Demonstrability | 0.040 | 0.094 | 1.664 | 0.007 | H2b | Not Supported | |||
Output Quality | 0.753 | 0.000 | 2.151 | 1.896 | H2c | Supported | |||
Auditors’ Intention to adopt BT | Gender | 0.009 | 0.820 | 1.009 | 0.000 | 0.519 | 0.504 | ||
Perceived Ease of Use | 0.445 | 0.000 | 1.165 | 0.353 | H1 | Supported | |||
Perceived Usefulness | 0.420 | 0.000 | 1.190 | 0.308 | H2 | Supported | |||
Role in Firm | 0.020 | 0.650 | 1.037 | 0.001 |
Construct | Configural Invariance | Compositional Invariance | Partial Measurement Invariance Established | Equal Mean Value | Equal Variances | Full Measurement Invariance Established | ||||
Correlation c | Quantile 5% | p-Value | Difference | C.I. | Difference | C.I. | ||||
Auditors’ Intention to adopt BT | Yes | 1 | 1 | 0.710 | Yes | −0.259 | [−0.228; 0.224] | −0.144 | [−0.309; 0.327] | No |
Computer Anxiety | Yes | 1 | 0.637 | 0.990 | Yes | −0.347 | [−0.223; 0.217 | −0.871 | [−0.583; 0.579] | No |
Computer Self-Efficacy | Yes | 1 | 1 | 0.435 | Yes | −0.386 | [−0.231; 0.228] | 0.076 | [−0.175; 0.201] | No |
Gender | Yes | 1 | 1 | 0.090 | Yes | 0.095 | [−0.235; 0.222] | 0.02 | [−0.034; 0.055] | Yes |
Job Relevance | Yes | 1 | 1 | 0.515 | Yes | −0.241 | [−0.236; 0.199] | −0.044 | [−0.207; 0.211] | No |
Output Quality | Yes | 1 | 1 | 0.347 | Yes | −0.365 | [−0.216; 0.217] | 0.274 | [−0.231; 0.263] | No |
Perceived Ease of Use | Yes | 1 | 1 | 0.460 | Yes | −0.245 | [−0.228; 0.209] | −0.343 | [−0.357; 0.356] | No |
Perceived Usefulness | Yes | 1 | 1 | 0.738 | Yes | −0.367 | [−0.226; 0.207] | 0.25 | [−0.205; 0.227] | No |
Perception of External Control | Yes | 1 | 0.996 | 0.652 | Yes | −0.091 | [−0.231; 0.207] | −0.175 | [−0.36; 0.377] | Yes |
Results Demonstrability | Yes | 1 | 1 | 0.431 | Yes | −0.299 | [−0.216; 0.213] | −0.318 | [−0.313; 0.303] | No |
Role in Firm | Yes | 1 | 1 | 0.194 | Yes | −1.399 | [−0.234; 0.219 | −0.376 | [−0.211; 0.239] | No |
Relationship | G1 | G2 | Path Difference | 2.50% | 97.50% | Permutation p-Values | Welch- Satterthwait Test |
Perceived Ease of Use → Auditors’ Intention to adopt BT | 0.392 | 0.493 | −0.102 | −0.181 | 0.184 | 0.265 | 0.248 |
Perceived Usefulness → Auditors’ Intention to adopt BT | 0.433 | 0.408 | 0.024 | −0.144 | 0.159 | 0.759 | 0.737 |
Gender → Auditors’ Intention to adopt BT | 0.015 | −0.028 | 0.043 | −0.147 | 0.161 | 0.585 | 0.585 |
Role in Firm → Auditors’ Intention to adopt BT | 0.092 | −0.056 | 0.147 | −0.182 | 0.183 | 0.109 | 0.123 |
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Hamadeh, A.H.; Nouraldeen, R.M.; Mahboub, R.M.; Hashem, M.S. Auditors’ Intention to Use Blockchain Technology and TAM3: The Moderating Role of Age. Adm. Sci. 2025, 15, 61.
Hamadeh AH, Nouraldeen RM, Mahboub RM, Hashem MS. Auditors’ Intention to Use Blockchain Technology and TAM3: The Moderating Role of Age. Administrative Sciences. 2025; 15(2):61.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHamadeh, Amir Hasan, Rasha Mohammad Nouraldeen, Rasha Mohamad Mahboub, and Mohamed Saleh Hashem. 2025. "Auditors’ Intention to Use Blockchain Technology and TAM3: The Moderating Role of Age" Administrative Sciences 15, no. 2: 61.
APA StyleHamadeh, A. H., Nouraldeen, R. M., Mahboub, R. M., & Hashem, M. S. (2025). Auditors’ Intention to Use Blockchain Technology and TAM3: The Moderating Role of Age. Administrative Sciences, 15(2), 61.