In Hierarchical subcategory, a WSN is divided in clusters with an elected cluster head for each one. Cluster heads are used for high level communication with the BS, while cluster nodes monitor the environment and exchange data between neighboring nodes and cluster head. They are further divided into three subcategories depending on how they route data or how they divide the network area. These subcategories are Hierarchy based, Zone based, and Fuzzy logic based.
3.2.1. Hierarchy Based
Routing protocols of this kind create clusters with cluster heads and cluster nodes routing data through two levels of communication, a low level one for cluster nodes to cluster heads and a high level for cluster heads to BS. A core design attribute of hierarchical protocols is scalability. Within a single tier network when node number increases, the BS overloads resulting in communication latency and inadequate event tracking. The single BS design has scalability limitations for a greater set of nodes that cover a wider area of interest due to the fact that nodes are not capable of long distance transmission. Cluster’s formation criteria usually are nodes’ energy reservoir and proximity to cluster head. Actually, hierarchy based hierarchical protocols constitute the most popular subcategory of energy efficient routing protocols. In what follows in this section, 59 typical examples of this type are described.
Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) [
46] is one of the first hierarchical clustering protocols. It creates clusters of nodes based on signal strength and use cluster heads to aggregate, compress, and transmit packets to the BS. The optimal cluster head number is estimated around 5% of total nodes, while all of the processes as data fusion and data aggregation are performed locally in the clusters. During LEACH operation, cluster heads change randomly to balance remaining energy and network lifetime. In the cluster formation process, nodes compare signal strength of their neighbor cluster heads and join the one with the strongest signal. When a node becomes a cluster head, it cannot become once again for P rounds. In order for a node
n to become a cluster head, this node picks a random number between 0 and 1 and calculates the threshold
T by using (1):
P is the desired cluster head percentage,
G stands for the set of nodes, and
r represents the number of the round selected by the cluster head. Then, the specific node becomes cluster head for this round if the number is below this threshold.
In LEACH, transmissions are reduced, resulting in reduced energy loss. In addition, global network knowledge is not required. However, as it uses single hop routing, it is not suggested for sensor networks deployed in large areas. In addition, dynamic clustering creates overhead that may shrink gain in energy consumption.
Low-Energy adaptive Clustering Hierarchy-Centralized (LEACH-C) [
47] is a variation of LEACH that forms clusters using the BS. During clustering, nodes transmit to the BS energy level and location information. The BS divides the network into a fixed number of clusters and their cluster heads, based on the energy needed during data transmission from cluster nodes to their cluster heads. In LEACH-C, more energy efficient clusters for data transmission are produced. In addition, the optimal number of cluster heads is predetermined. On the other hand, overhead is produced to the BS.
Quadrature-LEACH (Q-LEACH) [
48] is a clustering protocol for homogeneous WSNs, based on LEACH, which divides the network into four equal, parts based on location information and uses an innovative method for cluster head election. For cluster head election in Q-LEACH, every sensor node chooses a random number between 0 and 1, while in every sector there is a threshold between 0 and 1. In the case that the random number of a sensor node is less than the threshold of the network part, which has been set, then the node becomes the cluster head, and broadcasts it to the network. Normal nodes select their cluster head within their own sector based on the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) of the broadcasting and communicate with it using their assigned TDMA slot. In Q-LEACH, cluster head election does not consume energy and improved network lifetime is achieved. However, the energy holes of the network may be increased.
Universal-LEACH (U-LEACH) [
49] is a clustering routing protocol that combines Improved LEACH operation and the chain formation of PEGASIS. U-LEACH elects cluster heads by taking into consideration node residual energy and forms clusters based on their position on an
x-axis. After clustering, it uses the chain formation process of PEGASIS to construct a chain starting from the distant cluster heads within every cluster and ending at the BS. Cluster heads transmit their data to the master cluster head, which aggregates data and forwards them to the BS. In U-LEACH, greater network lifetime is achieved due to the reduction of the energy consumption. On the other hand, the distance between master cluster head and the BS are not taken into consideration.
Hybrid-LEACH (H-LEACH) [
50] is a protocol used to face the problems of LEACH and HEED protocols, such as energy holes and the inability to elect cluster heads based on different energy levels. To deal with these issues, it blocks low energy nodes to be elected as cluster heads. H-LEACH takes into account the maximum energy of a node, its remaining energy, the energy required for data transmission, and the probability of energy usage, and implements a threshold value. The nodes below the threshold are considered dead. Furthermore, to evaluate the routing paths, it uses the distance between transmitter and receiver. Finally, cluster heads transmit data to the BS by utilizing TDMA. By using H-LEACH, the network lifetime is extended. On the other hand, the number of unused nodes which are below the threshold is high.
Three-Layer LEACH protocol (TL-LEACH) [
51] is another clustering protocol for WSNs, based on LEACH, which reduces the number of nodes that communicate directly to the BS with a similar cluster head election as in LEACH.
The network is divided into three layers as follows:
- (i)
Layer 0 sensor nodes.
- (ii)
Layer 1 cluster heads elected from Layer 0 nodes.
- (iii)
Layer 2 cluster heads elected from Layer 1 cluster heads.
Layer 0 nodes sense the environment and send their packets to layer 1 cluster heads; data packets are forwarded there to layer 2 cluster heads and eventually to the BS. In every round, nodes elect themselves randomly as layer 1 cluster heads, while layer 2 cluster heads are elected based on the residual energy of layer 1 cluster heads. Furthermore, in the next rounds, cluster heads are changed randomly, while information from layer 1 cluster heads are fused in layer 2 cluster heads to be sent to the BS later. With the use of TL-LEACH, the number of sensor nodes communicating with the BS is low and the network lifetime is prolonged. On the other hand, the three-layer scheme used creates overhead.
Enhanced Heterogeneous LEACH (EHE-LEACH) [
52] is an enhanced version of LEACH for heterogeneous WSNs. EHE-LEACH combines the BS to node direct communication and the BS to cluster communication, based on a fixed distance threshold value. In EHE-LEACH nodes located close to the BS, i.e., those whose distance from the BS is below the distance threshold value, do not form clusters and communicate directly with the BS while the others operate within a cluster with an elected cluster head each. In order to reduce energy consumption, there are nodes with two energy levels, normal and advanced, with advanced nodes having higher energy reservoir than normal ones. Furthermore, for improved energy efficiency and network stability, EHE-LEACH gives higher probability during cluster head election to advanced nodes rather than normal ones. On the other hand, non-clustered nodes do not implement a sleeping schedule, thus consuming more energy.
Improved-LEACH (I-LEACH) [
53] is another modification of the LEACH protocol that improves the processes of cluster head selection and cluster formation. I-LEACH, during cluster head election, implements a threshold and takes into account three parameters which namely are:
- (i)
Number of Neighbors.
- (ii)
Residual Energy.
- (iii)
Ratio of the average distance of nodes from the BS and the distance between each individual node.
In order for a node to be elected as a cluster head, it needs to have a high number of neighbors, greater residual energy than the average nodes of the network, and be close to the BS. The result of the above three parameters is a number ranging from 0 to 1. In case the number is under the threshold, the node can be elected as cluster head. During cluster formation, a selection priority is used, based on the distance between cluster head and BS, to reduce energy consumption during packet transmission of remote cluster heads. Moreover, to improve the network’s performance, the BS is located in a remote point of the sensor node covered area. The use of I-LEACH assures network stability and reduces energy consumption. However, there is lack of a data aggregation mechanism.
LEACH-Expected Residual Energy (LEACH-ERE) [
54] is another clustering protocol for homogeneous WSNs, based on LEACH. It introduces the Expected Residual Energy (ERE) value and can be suitable for WSNs having the BS far away from the node deployment field. The ERE value is the predicted remaining energy in case the node is elected as a cluster head. In LEACH-ERE, cluster head election happens at the end of each round using a random number generation function between 0 and 1 and a predefined threshold, which is the percentage of the tentative nodes. Cluster nodes with bigger generated numbers of the threshold become cluster heads and calculate the chance, utilizing a fuzzy inference system, with inputs the residual energy and the ERE value. A bigger chance results in a higher possibility to be elected as a cluster head.
LEACH-ERE achieves stable performance. On the other hand, it provides no consideration of distance to the BS, resulting in early death of faraway nodes.
The Three Level Hierarchical Clustering LEACH Protocol (TLHCLP) [
55] is another clustering protocol based on LEACH, for homogeneous WSNs that sets a radius around BS, to include some nodes within it and exclude the others. TLHCLP tries to distribute cluster heads evenly and divides the network into three layers:
- (i)
Layer 1, which includes nodes collecting data and sends them to layer 2.
- (ii)
Layer 2, which includes the cluster heads that gather data from layer’s 1 nodes.
- (iii)
Layer 3, which includes nodes and cluster heads inside the radius of the BS.
During data transmission, only cluster heads within the radius of the base station are allowed to send data to it directly, the cluster heads outside the radius forward data to the cluster heads within the radius. The use of TLHCLP extends network lifetime. However, data redundancy is high close to the BS.
Dominating Set based modified LEACH using Ant Colony Optimization for data gathering (LEACH-DS-ACO) [
56] is an improvement of THLCLP used to overcome the problem of redundancy of TLHCLP. It combines a Dominating Set algorithm (DS) for cluster formation and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) to shorten transmission distance within a cluster, in order to reduce the chain lengths of it. LEACH-DS-ACO extends network lifetime. On the other hand, mobility is not supported.
Power Efficient Gathering Sensor Information System (PEGASIS) [
57] is an improvement of LEACH protocol, which, instead of creating clusters, it creates chains of nodes. The main characteristic of a chain is that every node transmits data only to the two nearby neighbor nodes and only one sensor node can be selected to communicate with BS. Collected data are transferred from node to node being aggregated and finally transmitted to the BS. PEGASIS provides higher energy efficiency than LEACH. In addition, less broadcasts use data aggregation. On the other hand, large delay is caused for distant nodes. In addition, redundant data are transmitted. Moreover, single leader mechanism may cause congestion.
Hierarchical PEGASIS [
58] is an extension of PEGASIS that tries to reduce the delay that occurs from packets during transmission to the BS and offers a solution to data collection problem taking into account the metric Energy x Delay. Simultaneous packet transmission used to reduce delay and suggests two approaches to prevent collisions and signal interference among sensor nodes. The first approach is called CDMA and incorporates signal coding while the second approach spatially separated nodes only can transmit packets simultaneous. The protocol with CDMA nodes can construct chains with a tree like hierarchy, in which a selected node in a specific level transmits data to a node in the higher level of the hierarchy. This method ensures parallel data transmission and reduces delay. On the other hand, the protocol without CDMA creates a three-level node hierarchy that reduces interference problems with carefully scheduled simultaneous broadcasts. However, significant overhead is caused.
59] is an improved version of PEGASIS, which utilizes inter-cluster communication and multi-hop routing to reduce energy consumption during data transmission of distant cluster heads to the BS. In MH PEGASIS, every round consists of two phases the initialization and the data transmission phases. During the initialization phase, an inter cluster communication happens where every node communicates with its neighbors. Receiving nodes aggregate data with their own and transmit them until the cluster head receives them. During the transmission phase, cluster heads forward their data to upper level cluster heads until they reach the BS. In MH PEGASIS, the energy consumption of distant cluster heads is reduced and the network lifetime is extended. On the other hand, load balancing issues are caused.
Enhanced PEGASIS [
60] is an improved version of PEGASIS protocol, which reduces redundant data during transmission. To achieve this, the BS divides the network into levels depending on how strong the receiving signal of a node is. To determine optimum number of levels, enhanced PEGASIS takes into account various parameters such as network’s density, the BS location, number of nodes, and application requirements. As performed in the original PEGASIS, within the level area, chain construction begins from the farthest nodes utilizing a greedy algorithm. Cluster heads collect data from nodes within the same level and forward them to the lower level until they reach the BS while higher level nodes are the most distant ones. In Enhanced PEGASIS, redundant data are reduced. However, delay is high in distant nodes.
Threshold sensitive Energy Efficient sensor Network (TEEN) [
61] is one of the most popular hierarchical protocols. It has been designed for time critical applications, where the network operates in reactive mode, responsiveness is very important. TEEN’s architecture is based on hierarchical clustering with a use of a Data-Centric mechanism. Distant nodes form first level clusters, while nearby nodes form second level clusters until a route to the BS is formed. After cluster formation process, two thresholds for sensed characteristics, which namely are Soft Threshold (ST) and Hard Threshold (HT), are broadcasted to cluster nodes from cluster heads. HT is the minimum value of a sensed parameter that a node needs to sense in order to activate its antenna and transmit it to a cluster head. In addition, it allows nodes to transmit only when the characteristic is in the range of the interest reducing significantly the number of broadcasts. Furthermore, it transmits data only when the value of this characteristic changes by an amount equal or greater than ST from the previous sensed value. Consequently, the use of ST reduces further the number of transmissions in the case that there is little or no change in the value of the sensed parameter. Both hard and soft thresholds can be adjusted in order to control the number of packet transmissions. TEEN provides higher energy efficiency than LEACH and LEACH-C and reduces the number of broadcasts. However, both overhead and complexity are high during multiple level cluster creation. Furthermore, periodic communication is not possible due to the reactive nature of the protocol.
AdaPtive ΤΕΕΝ (APTEEN) [
62] is the extension of ΤΕΕΝ that aims both in capturing data collections and reacting in time critical events. When the BS has formed clusters, cluster heads broadcast, to every cluster node within their cluster, attributes, threshold values, and transmission schedule. Then, cluster heads perform data aggregation, before they forward data to the BS, to save energy. APTEEN follows the same architecture of TEEN but supports three different query types:
- (i)
Historical query, used to analyze past data values.
- (ii)
One-time query, used to take snapshot view of network.
- (iii)
Persistent query, used to monitor an event for a period of time.
In APTEEN, energy dissemination is less than that in TEEN. However, APTEEN is more complex than TEEN and has longer delay times.
Virtual Grid Architecture (VGA) [
63] is a protocol that utilizes a multi-level data aggregation and procession during data routing, in order to improve network lifetime and energy efficiency. VGA’s routing consists of two phases:
- (i)
Clustering aggregated data phase: divided in stationary clusters, the cluster head nodes, called Local Aggregators perform data aggregation. Master Aggregators, a part of Local Aggregator nodes, perform global or inter-cluster aggregation.
- (ii)
Routing aggregated data phase: in order to achieve an optimal and efficient solution, it uses heuristics, such as correlation of sensing information, in overlapping groups of Local Aggregator nodes.
In VGA, energy efficiency is high, but the non-deterministic polynomial time problem of optimal selection of local aggregators as master aggregators exists.
Two-Tier Data Dissemination (TTDD) [
64], protocol sinks are able to move dynamically, while sensor nodes are static and location aware. Event data are created from a source node, which is the node closer to the event. The source builds a virtual grid, with itself as the first crossing point and transmits a message, with greedy geographical forwarding, at four different adjacent crossing points. The message stops when it reaches a node close to the crossing point and transmission ends when the boundaries of the network are reached. TTDD can be used for multiple mobile sinks in an area with static nodes. On the other hand, a virtual grid structure has to be built by each source node.
Base-Station Controlled Dynamic Clustering Protocol (BCDCP) [
65] forms balanced clusters in terms of energy level and number of cluster nodes. Nodes transmit energy level information to the BS, which is a high energy node that calculates the average energy level. The BS selects nodes with energy level above the average level as cluster heads and forms clusters with similar number of cluster nodes. Furthermore, data transmission to the BS is achieved through a cluster head to cluster head routing. In BCDCP, cluster head overload is avoided and uniform placement of cluster heads is achieved. However, there is decreased performance gain for a small field area.
Equalized Cluster Head Election Routing Protocol (ECHERP) [
66] is a hierarchical routing protocol that uses the Gaussian elimination algorithm for the cluster head selection. In the initialization phase of ECHERP, the BS uses an advertisement TDMA schedule in order to get information regarding the location and the energy conservation of each individual network node. Next, the BS uses the Gaussian Elimination algorithm to compute, by considering all possible node combinations, the energy outflow that every single node will have if it becomes a cluster head at the very next round. In this way, the combination of cluster heads that minimizes the overall energy consumption is both discovered and selected. Gaussian elimination is executed in two phases. During the first phase, the rank of the linear system built, which represents the energy spent, is reduced by using the forward elimination technique. In the second phase, the solution of this system built is found by using the back-substitution technique. Next, the base station notifies the IDs of the newly elected cluster heads and it transmits them to the network for the cluster nodes to join the clusters. Finally, each cluster head uses a TDMA schedule in order to collect data from the nodes that belong to its cluster and then sends aggregated information to the BS either directly (if possible) or via upper level cluster heads. ECHERP achieves high energy efficiency, good scalability, and better overall performance compared to LEACH, PEGASIS, and BCDCP. On the other hand, metrics related to QoS and time constraints are not considered.
Multi-hop virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) [
67] is a protocol that uses multiple nodes to collect and transmit event data with multiple hops to a remote BS. The network is divided in clusters where cluster heads communicate only with in-cluster nodes, which use Space-Time Block Code (STBC) for data encoding and transmission. Due to the short range of the intra-cluster communication, it assumes the use of an Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel with squared power path loss. MIMO achieves good energy saving, but may perform below optimal performance.
Hierarchical Power Aware Routing (HPAR) [
68] protocol takes into consideration both the transmission power and the minimum battery power of nodes in routing paths. Specifically, first neighboring nodes are grouped in formations called zones and then it applies a maximum battery life policy. This policy uses an approximation algorithm called max-min ZPmin. At first, this algorithm discovers the least power consumption path. Then, it finds another path that maximizes the minimum battery energy. Finally, by taking into consideration both outcomes, the optimal routing path is discovered. In HPAR, both the transmission power and the minimum battery power are considered. In addition, the use of zones supports scalability. On the other hand, high overhead is caused.
Sleep/Wake Scheduling [
69] is a hierarchical protocol that divides the network into clusters that consist of a cluster head and cluster nodes and implements two radio modes, sleep, and wake. During Sleep/Wake Scheduling operation, a node can put its radio module into sleep mode, when there is no traffic in the network and into wake mode, when a node transmits or receives a packet. The key point is that it synchronizes sender and receiver, so that they can be put to sleep or wake mode at the same time with accurate synchronization, while random errors can occur due to system’s non-deterministic factors. In addition, a cluster head can be also a cluster node resulting in a complex multi-level structure that supports multiple paths. With Sleep/Wake Scheduling, energy saving is achieved with sleep mode and congestion awareness is accomplished. However, the algorithm complexity causes overhead.
Grid Based Data Dissemination (GBDD) [
70] is a protocol in which the BS expresses an interest in data communication, and constructs a grid of squared cells. The sides of the cell have of a size a, containing a node. The size a is determined by two radio ranges that every node is capable of high power range (RH) and low power range (RL). The BS uses its geographical coordinates (
y) as the starting point of grid cell formation and sets itself as the crossing point of the grid. In GBDD, continuous data delivery from source to the BS is achieved. Another advantage of GBDD is that only the BS constructs the grid. A disadvantage of GBDD is that, at high speeds, more energy is consumed.
Extending Lifetime of Cluster Head (ELCH) [
71] protocol uses an election scheme, where cluster nodes vote their cluster heads and multi-hop routing between cluster head and the BS communication.
ELCH operation consists of two phases:
- (i)
Election phase. The neighboring nodes form clusters and elect a cluster head using a voting scheme.
- (ii)
Network preparation phase. The cluster consists of neighboring nodes and one cluster head. Afterwards, cluster head uses the TDMA mechanism to transmit the time slot of every cluster node and maintains a maximum power table each round for every node. Then, data communication begins, data flow from cluster nodes directly to cluster head while each cluster head communicates with each other and the BS using multi-hop routing.
In ELCH, energy consumption is kept low and thus the network life is prolonged. However, in the case that the number of cluster nodes exceeds a specific amount, network operation faces a negative effect.
Novel Hierarchical Routing Protocol Algorithm (NHRPA) [
72] performs only one initialization node process during sensor node network deployment. NHRPA mainly uses loop, judgment, and assignment operations to deal with nodes and considers node distribution density, nodes residual energy, and node to the BS distance to adopt a suitable routing technology. The use of NHRPA achieves balanced energy consumption and can adopt suitable routing technology. However, packet latency is caused.
Scaling Hierarchical Power Efficient Routing (SHPER) [
73] is a hierarchical energy efficient protocol which aims to extend the network lifetime as much as possible by both using the optimal routing paths and keeping alive the weakest network nodes. The operation of SHPER consists of two phases:
- (i)
Initialization phase: In this phase, the BS transmits a TDMA schedule and requests of the nodes to advertise themselves. Then, the nodes transmit their advertisements and their in-between distances are identified. After that, the BS elects a predefined number of high and low level cluster heads, based on their residual energy, then it broadcasts new cluster head IDs and threshold values. High level cluster head is closer to the BS and communicates with it via single-hop routing, while low level cluster heads are the distant ones and need to route data to the BS via the high level cluster heads.
- (ii)
Steady state phase: Each cluster head defines the most energy efficient path to route its messages to the BS by taking into account both the residual energy of sensor nodes and the energy cost of data transmission. Thus, weak nodes are preserved. Nodes transmit sensed data if their sensed value is above the hard threshold and changed from their previous value by the soft threshold.
SHPER attains high energy efficiency because it both achieves even energy depletion of nodes and performs routing via the most energy efficient paths. In addition, due to its hierarchical architecture, it attains high scalability. When the energy reserves of nodes are unequal and the BS is far away from the network field, the use of SHPER protocol becomes even more beneficial. However, mobility is not considered.
Power Efficient Multimedia Routing (PEMuR) [
74] is based on SHPER protocol and combines hierarchical energy efficient routing and video packet scheduling models. It is ideal for video communication over Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks aiming at both energy savings and high QoS. The operation of PEMuR consists of two phases, which namely are the initialization and the steady state phase. During the initialization phase, the nodes become members of the upper and lower level clusters which are created by the BS. The cluster heads inform the BS the energy status of all of their cluster members. During the steady state, the nodes having the highest residual energy in each cluster are elected to be the new cluster heads. Additionally, the soft, hard, and energy thresholds are defined. Nodes are supposed to transmit whenever their residual energy is below the energy threshold or the values of sensed parameters meet conditions related with hard and soft thresholds. Messages are routed from the cluster heads to the BS via direct communication in case they are upper level cluster heads or via intermediate upper level cluster heads if they are lower level. In both cases, energy efficient routing is achieved, by taking into consideration both the energy conserves of the nodes and the energy cost of data transmission.
Moreover, PEMuR protocol proposes an analytical model that can accurately predict for every packet the effect that its loss has on the resulting distortion of decoded video. Thus, PEMuR can successfully cope with limited available channel bandwidth by selectively dropping less significant packets prior to their transmission. PEMuR achieves great energy efficiency and good scalability along with high preservation of QoS in multimedia content transmission. However, there is lack of mobility considerations.
Novel Energy Aware Hierarchical Cluster based (NEAHC) protocol [
75] is a hierarchical protocol designed to limit the unbalanced energy consumption of the sensor nodes of multi-hop protocols. In a multi-hop network, data travel from the cluster head to the BS, while energy consumption depends on the distance and the number of hops, between the sending and the receiving node. Nodes close to the BS need to relay more data than the distant nodes and consume more energy. Before cluster head election, NEAHC chooses one cluster head, depending on its residual energy and a lower number of switches between sleep and active modes, in order to balance energy consumption. The great advantage of NEAHC is that energy holes are less likely to occur. On the other hand, cluster head selection increases the network energy consumption In addition, nodes in sleep-mode may cause network disconnections.
Hierarchical Energy-Balancing Multipath (HEBM) [
76] is a hierarchical routing protocol with an adaptive clustering scheme, for homogeneous WSNs and a static base station with unlimited energy reservoir and communication power. It calculates the best cluster size balance, resulting in a minimum energy network topology. HEBM operates in time intervals or rounds, which consist of six phases. Before it calculates cluster sizes and considering network’s density and size, it separates the nodes into clusters. By utilizing cluster range and the minimum energy path to cluster head, the levels of the network are formed. HEBM algorithm ensures a fairly distributed network because cluster head election considers network residual energy and distance from neighbor nodes. In this way, load balancing is achieved. Moreover, less message delays occur. On the other hand, extra overhead from collecting network data and calculating cluster size is caused. In addition, mobility is not supported.
Energy Efficiency Semi-StatiC routing algorithm (EESSC) [
77] is a hierarchical protocol based on an improved HAC (Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering) approach. EESSC operation consists of four steps:
- (i)
The BS sends a message to all nodes of the network to activate them,
- (ii)
Utilizing the HAC method sensor nodes form clusters and the LNC (List of Nodes in Cluster).
- (iii)
Sensor nodes begin to operate while the cluster head within a cluster would be rotated according to LNC.
- (iv)
In case every node within a cluster has low energy, disabling it to operate as a cluster head, the network will perform a re-clustering.
The use of EESSC achieves energy saving and solves the problem of energy holes. On the other hand, the distance between a node and a cluster head is not considered.
Distributed Energy Efficient Clustering (DEEC) [
78] is a hierarchical routing protocol for heterogeneous WSNs following the operation principles of LEACH protocol. In DEEC during the cluster head election process, the nodes calculate an election probability, which derives from the ratio between their residual energy and the network’s average energy. Furthermore, the number of rounds that the nodes will perform as a cluster head, defined as rotating epoch, is calculated from the initial and residual energy. Therefore, higher initial and residual energy nodes are more probable to be elected as cluster heads. By using DEEC, energy efficient performance is achieved in multi-level heterogeneous networks with more than two energy levels. In addition, the global knowledge of the network energy is not required. However, DEEC is not suitable for time critical applications.
Hybrid Energy Efficient Routing (HEER) [
79] is reactive routing protocol that combines the operations of TEEN and DEEC protocols. The cluster head election process is based on DEEC along with the threshold mechanism of TEEN. During the election phase of HEER protocol, nodes elect themselves as cluster heads by using the node’s initial and residual energies as in the DEEC protocol with higher energy nodes becoming more often cluster heads. After the cluster head election process, the cluster head sends to its members the threshold values HT and ST, in a similar way as in TEEN protocol, resulting in a smaller number of data transmissions. In this way, the network lifetime is prolonged. Additionally, HEER can be applied in time critical applications, operating in both heterogeneous and homogeneous networks. Its disadvantage is that it lacks data aggregation at the sink node and causes data flooding.
Improved Inter-Cluster Data Aggregation HEER (IICDAHEER) [
80] is an improved version of HEER, which adds inter-cluster data aggregation and additive and divisible functions to minimize packet number. Cluster head election and the values of HT and ST are the same as in the HEER protocol. Additive function combines different data packets generated from the nodes while the divisible function is used when the generated data packets, of the inter-cluster nodes, are the same. In this way, IICDAHEER prolongs even higher energy efficiency. However, the protocol considers the BS to be located at the center of the area.
Hierarchical Energy Efficient Reliable Transport Protocol (HEERTP) [
81] is a hierarchical cluster based protocol, which reduces energy consumption during redundant data transport over a WSN and cluster head election. To address these problems, HEERTP protocol divides the network in clusters and elect cluster heads, which are responsible for collecting cluster’s data and handle redundancy by aggregating redundant data. Furthermore, receiver nodes utilize a data table, which is updated in case they receive useful data and timeouts, which, when they occur, receiver nodes check for redundant data. In order to further improve energy savings, a cluster head is elected by its residual energy and position, without spending communication energy. HEERTP protocol can also elect a cluster head by electing a Root cluster head (RCH), which is a node close to the BS that analyzes data it receives from the other cluster heads. In HEERTP, both energy consumption during cluster head election and redundant data are reduced. However, useful data may not be sent to the BS.
Energy-Aware for cluster based sensor networks [
82] protocol suggests a different hierarchical approach, a three-tier architecture, in which clusters are formed before network operation. This algorithm deploys less energy constrained cluster heads that are assumed to know nodes location. These cluster heads, also called gateways, set up multi hop routes and maintain node states. Nodes use a TDMA based MAC for data transfer to getaway nodes, which are only allowed to communicate with the BS. Every node can operate in active or low-power modes. Sensing and processing circuits can be turned on and off independently resulting in four operating modes:
- (i)
Sense only
- (ii)
Relay only
- (iii)
- (iv)
In Sense only mode, the node searches the environment and generates data in a constant rate. In Relay only mode, sensing circuits are shut down and only relaying circuits operate and transmit data to and from other nodes. In Sense-Relay mode, a node senses and transmits message from other nodes. Finally, if a node is in Inactive mode, sense and relay circuits are turned off. Using a cost function to calculate link cost, a minimum cost path can be found. The gateway node will monitor available energy levels of every node that is active in one operating mode. The rerouting process is triggered by an application related event that requires a different set of nodes that monitor the environment or battery level of active nodes. The protocols achieve high energy efficiency. However, many gateways may be required to ensure high coverage.
The authors of
Self-organizing protocol [
83] developed a taxonomy of sensor applications and proposed an architecture to build sensor applications. This protocol supports heterogeneous sensor nodes that can be either mobile or stationary, can sense the environment, and relay data to a set of nodes, called routers, which are static and the backbone of communication. Router nodes relay data from sensor nodes to more powerful sink nodes. In order to tolerate faults, self-organizing protocol uses a Local Markov Loop (LML) algorithm in data transmission which picks a random path in the spanning tree of a graph. There are four phases in the self-organizing algorithm:
- (i)
Discovery phase: Every node discovers neighbor nodes.
- (ii)
Organization phase: Groups that are formed and merged forming a hierarchy where every node has an address based on its hierarchy position. Then, size O (logN) routing tables are created and, after that, broadcast trees that span all nodes are constructed.
- (iii)
Maintenance phase: In this phase, routing tables and node energy levels are being created. LML is used to maintain broadcast trees.
- (iv)
Self-organization phase: If an error of partial or whole node groups, re-organizations are performed.
In Self-organizing protocol low maintenance of routing table is required. In addition, hierarchical routing maintenance is strictly balanced. Moreover, less energy consumption than SPIN occurs when broadcasting messages. Furthermore, the use of LML in relaying trees can tolerate faults. On the other hand, not on demand organization phase results in extra overhead. In addition, organization phase is performed again if many network disruptions take place during hierarchy forming, thus resulting in extra overhead.
Distributed Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (DHAC) [
84] is a hierarchical protocol, which suggests that a node needs only to know its next hop neighbor to build clusters. During cluster formation in DHAC, nodes initially obtain input data set and build a resemblance matrix. During this process, nodes elect themselves as cluster heads and exchange information via HELLO messages with their neighbors. Then, the DHAC algorithm is executed and each cluster head establishes its local resemblance matrix to find the minimum coefficient, then every cluster determines its minimum cluster head. After that, it cuts the hierarchical tree if the predefined upper limit size of clusters is reached. Next, DHAC controls the minimum cluster size, which can be used as a lower limit size by using the procedure Merge Clusters. Finally, cluster heads with lower id between two nodes that join the cluster on the first step are chosen. This procedure does not require additional processing. DHAC and then uses the sequence of nodes merging into clusters following the schedule while every cluster node gets an assigned role and starts to communicate in turns with cluster head. By using DHAC, network lifetime is prolonged. However, the performance worsens when network traffic gets high.
Hybrid Energy Efficient Distributed (HEED) protocol [
85] is a clustering protocol in which cluster head election is based mostly on residual energy and other parameters as distance from neighbors or number of neighbors. In HEED, cluster formation function is triggered in given intervals for cluster head election and uncovered nodes, those without a cluster head, which can elect themselves as one. Furthermore, HEED parameters such as minimum selection probability, which is a probability for a node to be elected as a cluster head and network operation interval, which informs the user about how frequent cluster head election process happens can be tuned easily for better optimization in case of the requirements of an application such as network’s density. The low communication cost and the good scalability are the main advantages of HEED. On the other hand, different energy levels are not considered.
Stable Election Protocol (SEP) [
86] is a hierarchical routing protocol for heterogeneous WSNs with two energy-leveled nodes, normal and advanced, which increases the stable period during the clustering hierarchy process. SEP is a dynamic protocol in terms that there is a random deployment of the two energy leveled nodes.
In addition, during the cluster head election, the nodes elect themselves as cluster heads, depending on their initial energy in respect to the energy of other nodes without any requirement of global knowledge of residual energy during each cluster head election round. SEP achieves network lifetime prolongation. In addition, global knowledge of residual energy during the round of cluster head election is not required. Its disadvantage is that the cluster heads are elected based only on their initial energy level.
Enhanced-Stable Election Protocol (E-SEP) [
87] is an improved version of the SEP algorithm for heterogeneous WSNs. To maintain a more uniform energy consumption, among the nodes, it uses a clustering algorithmic approach with a three-tier node configuration. E-SEP uses Constant Bit Rate (CBR), a common traffic pattern used in clustering for heterogeneous networks. During the clustering process, the three-tier heterogeneous nodes elect themselves as cluster heads depending on their residual energy, resulting in uniform energy distribution between the nodes. E-SEP attains both increased network lifetime and improved resource sharing. Its disadvantage is the uncontrolled number of associated cluster nodes within each cluster results in load imbalances.
Energy Aware Distributed Clustering (EADC) [
88] is a cluster based routing protocol for non-uniform node distribution WSNs, which combines an energy-aware clustering algorithm and a cluster based routing algorithm and can operate with heterogeneous nodes. During the setup phase, the nodes are divided into equal clusters. EADC balances the energy consumption of the cluster heads by modifying the intra-cluster and inter-cluster consumption with the use of a cluster based inter-cluster routing algorithm. Each cluster head picks another cluster head as its next hop, based on its residual energy and the number of its cluster nodes. The non-uniform node distribution causes imbalanced energy consumption, which EADC implements an increased forwarding task of cluster heads in sporadic areas to solve it. EADC elongates network lifetime. The Relay node is elected based on residual energy and number of cluster nodes only.
Improved Energy Aware Distributed Clustering (I-EADC) [
89] is an improved version of the EADC protocol that solves the energy imbalance in non-uniform node distribution. During clustering, the network area is divided into equal clusters and cluster heads are elected according to their residual energy. Relay nodes are cluster heads, elected based on their energy estimate, to transfer data from the other cluster heads to the BS. Cluster nodes transmit packets to their cluster heads using single-hop and cluster heads send their data to the BS via direct communication or via relay nodes. I-EADC extends network lifetime and is applicable in both uniform and non-uniform distributions. However, in this protocol, there is a lack of energy balancing in inter-cluster communication.
Chain Based Cluster Cooperative Protocol (CBCCP) [
90] is a clustering protocol suitable for real-time applications that divides the network into clusters, elects cluster heads as well as Cluster COrdinators (CCOs), and performs a multi-hop packet transmission from the clusters to the BS through the CCOs. During the clustering process, the number of clusters is derived from the SEP algorithm. Initially, cluster heads, used to aggregate cluster’s data, are elected randomly as in LEACH protocol, but, in the next rounds, cluster head election is based on a predefined energy level threshold. When the residual energy of a cluster head drops below the threshold value, the cluster head election process begins again. During data transmission, CBCCP reduces energy consumption with the use of CCOs to transmit data packets to the next clusters until they reach the BS. Within every cluster, there are multiple CCOs depending on the number of the nearby clusters, each transmitting data to one of them. CCOs follow the same election process as the cluster heads. In CBCCP protocol, not only is the clustering process simple, but also load balancing is achieved and long delays are avoided. However, energy balancing problems for inter-cluster communication are not taken into consideration.
Well Balanced TEEN (WB-TEEN) [
91] is an improved version of TEEN that balances the size of the formed clusters. During the cluster formation process, every cluster head informs the other nodes with a packet including an identifier; then, every node sends a request packet with a strong signal to join the cluster. Cluster head picks those with the strongest one and, in case there are two nodes with the same signal strength, the cluster head picks one randomly. Furthermore, to limit the cluster size, every cluster head has a degree, to determine if the cluster head has reached its limit. In case the number of the cluster nodes is below the degree, then it can accept another node or, on the other hand, the node is rejected. The degree is calculated from (2):
NN is the total number of the network nodes and
is the number of the cluster heads.
By using WB-TEEN, the network lifetime is extended. However, far away nodes die too early.
In order to overcome the early death of faraway nodes, the authors in [
91] also introduce
Well Balanced TEEN with Multi-hop intra cluster communication (WBM-TEEN), which is WB-TEEN with multi hop routing within the clusters, overcoming path failures. Furthermore, WBM-TEEN is capable of data aggregation to further improve the performance.
In WBM-TEEN, energy consumption is reduced. Additionally, increased reliability is attained. On the other hand, single-hop routing is used in inter-cluster transmission.
Heuristic Algorithm for Clustering Hierarchy (HACH) [
92] is another clustering protocol that achieves energy efficient operation by electing evenly distributed cluster heads and utilizes sleep scheduling. HACH’s operation focuses on two main ingredients: cluster head election and sleep scheduling. The SSIN (Stochastic Selection of Sleep Nodes) sleep scheduling that is used in HACH protocol deposits low energy nodes in sleep mode without affecting network’s coverage. The distance from one another is calculated in order to evaluate network coverage ability and the nodes with more residual energy are chosen as cluster heads.
In HACH protocol, the procedure of sleep scheduling prolongs network lifetime, even when different levels of heterogeneity are present. On the other hand, cluster heads may have to transmit over long distances, thus increasing their energy consumption.
Threshold Sensitive Stable Election Protocol (TSEP) [
93] is a protocol that combines TEEN and SEP protocols to provide an operation with three energy leveled nodes and adjusting between energy efficiency, accuracy, and low response time. When TSEP elects a cluster head, it uses three different probabilities assigned to each energy level of the nodes. In the start of every round, the cluster head broadcasts Hard and Soft Thresholds (HT, ST), as well as Report Time (RT) and Attributes (A). RT expresses the period of time, within which reports are sent from every node while A represents the physical parameters.
TSEP protocol is suitable for applications that require continuous data transmission and provides both good energy efficiency and network stability. On the other hand, there is no awareness in the cases that thresholds are not reached.
Double-phase Cluster- head Election Scheme (DCE) [
94] is a clustering protocol that implements an extra phase during the cluster head election:
- (i)
In the first phase, a tentative cluster head is chosen randomly with the use of a probability function that considers relative initial and residual energy levels.
- (ii)
In the new second phase, the non-elected nodes determine their minimum communication tentative cluster and compare their own remaining energy with that of the tentative cluster nodes, then the tentative cluster nodes are replaced accordingly in case the non-elected nodes have more residual energy.
This set of phases ensures a distributed energy consumption, resulting in longer stability periods than other clustering protocols. During the procedure of cluster head random election, the network is enabled instantly, without delay, resulting in a more stable network. Additionally, the network is always active, and does not waste time for cluster head election. However, in every round, DCE may change up to two times cluster head selection, thus increasing the energy consumption of the network.
Best Selection Double Cluster Head (BSDCH) [
95] is a clustering protocol that divides the network field in equal regions and form chains with the nodes. Cluster heads are divided into main and secondary ones. A main cluster head sends data to the BS while a secondary cluster head receives data from the main and forwards them to the BS. BSDCH elects as cluster head the node having the minimum value of the factor
F that is found by using (3):
is the weighting coefficient of energy,
is the initial energy of the node,
represents the current energy of node
denotes the distance of each node to the cluster center, and
is the weighting coefficient of distance to the center, where
. Similarly, the node with the most energy and the least distance to main cluster head and the best location to BS is selected as secondary cluster head. Secondary cluster head selection is based on the value of
Fi factor:
is the distance of each node to the BS, where
χ is the weighting coefficient of distance to the base station where
During initialization, the BS forms hierarchy clusters, configures the number of the levels, assigning each one with an ID, by taking into account distribution density, the BS location and number of nodes. Every node calculates its distance from the BS by the signal strength of the signal it receives from the BS. When clustering process is completed, the algorithm builds chains of nodes within each level; therefore, nodes of a chain have the same ID.
Although BSDCH is based on PEGASIS, it can send data to the BS more efficiently since it uses fewer hops. Thus, not only network lifetime is prolonged, but also high communication data rates are attained. On the other hand, extra overhead is added during cluster head election. Moreover, overlaps are observed.
Back-off based Distributed Clustering Protocol (BDCP) [
96] is a clustering protocol in which every node has a back off timer and consists of cluster head election phase and cluster formation phase. During cluster head election, each node starts its timer, which considers a maximum time allocation for the election process and a ratio of its residual energy divided by its initial maximum energy. When the timer countdown finishes, node
i is elected as a cluster head for the next round and broadcasts an announcement to its neighbors. Then, the nodes received the announcement switch off their timers and store the announcement with the information of the candidate cluster head. During cluster formation, a node joins a cluster according to its own distance from the cluster head and cluster head’s residual energy, in the case that it receives more than one cluster head announcement messages, it.
In BDCP protocol, energy consumption is reduced and increased throughput is achieved. On the other hand, single-hop routing restricts the network scalability. Furthermore, increased overhead is produced.
Multi hop-Back-off based Distributed Clustering Protocol (M-BDCP) [
96] is a variant of BDCP protocol, which uses multi-hop routing. M-BDCP differs from the initial BDCP in the use of multi-hop routing to transmit data to the BS, the rest of the protocol operation is the same. Furthermore, in order to find the optimum path, the BS broadcasts a route discovery message to every node within the network.
In M-BDCP, multi-hop routing improves the network scalability. Moreover, both energy efficiency and throughput are high. On the other hand, overhead produced is considerably high.
Instantaneous Clustering Protocol (ICP) [
97] is a parallel clustering protocol aiming to solve time and energy consumption during cluster head election. ICP forms clusters with the single-hop scheme in a parallel manner that results in reducing the duration time of clustering the whole network to a duration time of organizing one cluster. Instead of using the voting election scheme, cluster heads are determined locally with the use of a combination of a pre-assigned probability and node’s current state. For as long as the sensor nodes are connected to each other, clustering duration time and transmission load are kept to a minimum, which results in less wasted time for cluster head selection and more energy conservation of nodes.
By using ICP, energy efficiency achieved is good. In addition, both time and energy are saved during cluster head selection. However, data reliability is not taken into account.
Multi-Level Route-aware Clustering (MLRC) [
98] is a routing protocol which combines a multi-criterion clustering algorithm and a route establishment algorithm. It uses this combination in order to construct an optimal routing tree to reduce packet transmission cost and the number of control packets. The clustering algorithm sets the requirements for candidate cluster heads, such as residual energy and distance from the BS, reducing energy consumption across large distances and balances energy among cluster heads. The route establishment algorithm is used to gather information and specifications of the route to construct a routing tree, with the BS being its root. During this stage, first level cluster heads, those closer to the BS, specify their next hop cluster heads in the tree and so on, with cluster nodes being the leaves of this tree. The routing tree allows nodes to receive information about optimal routes for the destination reducing communication between them. By using MLRC, network lifetime is elongated and the transmission cost between sensor nodes is minimized. However, there is lack of flexibility.
Efficient Data GathEring (EDGE) [
99] is a protocol with a tree based topology rooted at the BS. To initialize the tree construction procedure, the BS sends a Child ReQuest packet (CRQ). The nodes that receive CRQ are candidates to elect as parents while the others wait for a short period of time. After that, they collect a number of candidate parent nodes and pick one based on the best defined metric. When a new node is introduced in the network, it sends a Parent ReQuest (PRQ) packet to inform its own neighbors for its existence. Data packets flow from children nodes to parent nodes and eventually to the BS.
By using EDGE protocol, energy saving is achieved, flooding is avoided, and scalability is attained. On the other hand, the traffic overhead that is produced around the BS is particularly high.
Cluster Tree Power Aware (CTPA) [
100] is a routing protocol that uses a splitting algorithm during clustering setup and the minimum spanning tree comparative analysis of energy efficient routing protocols for the WSN algorithm. During the process of cluster formation, the BS divides the network in two sub-clusters and further in smaller clusters until it meets the desired number of them. In the first round, the BS elects a node as cluster head in each cluster, the one closer to the center of it, while nodes outside the cluster elect their own cluster heads taking into account the power of received broadcast messages. After the first round is over, the procedure of cluster head election is executed by the sensor nodes. Via the Minimum Spanning Tree, the BS collects data from the cluster heads, while all nodes are able to aggregate data when the packets are transmitted to the cluster heads. In addition, cluster heads use a buffering mechanism to store latest queries and results or to check if the queries exist. In the case they do not, the queries are then forwarded to the rest of the nodes.
CTPA protocol reduces energy consumption. On the other hand, the buffering mechanism used in CTPA protocol may cause overhead.
General Self Organized Tree Based (GSTEB) [
101] is a protocol for periodic sensing of environment that aims to increase the network lifetime by using TDMA and Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) mechanisms. In GSTEB, every node has an energy factor, for which is its residual energy is divided by an adjustable minimum energy value. After energy factor calculation, nodes transmit their factors to their neighbors via the TDMA mechanism and store these factors in a table. During every round, a root node, which is elected based on its residual energy, collects, aggregates, and transmits packets to the BS and broadcasts information, related with its energy and location, to the network. In addition, GSTEB uses a parent–children node scheme where nodes select their parent nodes, based on the energy factor and send them data packets to store them. Then, parent nodes change their roles to children nodes to send their data in the respective time slot. In the case that a node is about to die, it must broadcast a corresponding message to inform the other nodes by using TDMA scheduling. Nodes that receive the announcement update their table. Finally, GSTEB balances the energy consumption by using the self-organizing mechanism to change topology.
So, by using GSTEB, network lifetime is extended, collisions are avoided, and energy balance is attained. Yet, overhead is caused due to the large number of control packets, and scalability is limited.
Unequal Multi-hop Balanced Immune Clustering (UMBIC) [
102] is a protocol that is particularly suitable for large scale monitoring. It combines the Multi-Objective Immune Algorithm (MOIA) and the Unequal Clustering Mechanism (UCM) in order to overcome the hot spot problem and improve network lifetime of WSNs with different densities. UMBIC uses an MOIA mechanism to elect cluster heads based on residual energy and build a routing tree among them to reduce the communication cost of data and control packets as well as to keep network connectivity. Moreover, the cluster head closer to the BS is elected as a Vice Cluster Head (VCH), which acts as backup in the case that another cluster head fails. Otherwise, it performs as a simple cluster node. To further reduce energy consumption, UMBIC protocol makes use of MOIA when the energy reservoirs of the cluster heads are above an energy threshold. Likewise, during the clustering process, UMBIC protocol uses the UCM to create unequal clusters depending on their distance from the BS and their residual energy in order to configure the intra-cluster and inter-cluster energy consumption. To evaluate the results of UMBIC protocol, the Balanced Extent of Energy Dissipation (BEED) metric is used. Specifically, BEED measures the ability of the protocol to balance the energy dissipation.
By using UMBIC protocol, network lifetime is prolonged. Additionally, extended stability is achieved and great scalability is accomplished. On the other hand, there is lack of fast and simple convergence.
The main features of the aforementioned hierarchy based hierarchical energy efficient routing protocols are synoptically presented in
Table 7.