An Efficient Secure Electronic Payment System for E-Commerce
<p>How a payment gateway works [<a href="#B15-computers-09-00066" class="html-bibr">15</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>How RSA Public Key Cryptosystem works.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Proposed model of the e-payment system.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The proposed transaction phase protocol.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. RSA Cryptosystem
- P and Q both Prime, P ≠ Q
- ∅ = (p-1) (q-1) 1
- 1 < e <∅
- gcd (e,∅) = 1
- Public Key = {e, n}
- Private Key = {d, n}
- Plaintext Encryption:
- M < n
- Cipher text: C = Me mod n
- Cipher text Decryption:
- Plaintext: M = Cd mod n
4. The Proposed Method and System Architecture
4.1. Preliminaries of the Proposed System
- Online customer
- Merchant
- Client bank
- Merchant bank
- Payment gateway
4.2. Design Consideration
- Each entity, that is, the client, merchant, user bank, and merchant bank, registers with the payment gateway to create each of their secret key with gateway.
- The client and merchant also create a secret key between themselves.
- The client can connect his/her temporary identity to the merchant site to make an order. After the order has been made, RSA encryption is executed to hide customer card information in order to get ciphertext.
- Once the order has been placed, merchant redirects to the payment gateway for the encryption and decryption processes.
- The client bank along with the client use the RSA signature to execute an electronic signature on the document by making use of the private key.
- The public key set has actually been licensed by a certificate authority.
- The payment gateway executes some verification steps (encryption, decryption, and validation) and forwards value subtraction request to the issuer and some encrypted message to the acquirer. The primary purpose of this system is to create public and private keys for traders and banks. It stores keys in the key database to be distributed to customers after the key generation process. In the decryption process, RSA collects the customer’s card details after receipt of the ciphertext from the customers and decrypts the ciphertext. The payment gateway validates the authorization for the payment phase after the customer’s card details have been decrypted.
- The ciphertext is decrypted by RSA decryption to get the customer’s card information from the bank’s website after it receives the ciphertext from the payment gateway. After the customer’s card details have been decrypted, the bank shall validate the payment transaction, on the basis of the client’s confirmation. Following the transaction, the bank will then inform the customer and the merchant of the payment confirmation.
4.3. Transaction Phase
- TIDc—temporary identification of client
- IDC—the identity of the product
- G—goods details including price, date, and transaction identification
- QC ReQ—value claim request
- QC ReS—value claim response
- PR ReQ—product request
- PR ReS—product response
- Vs ReQ—value subtraction request
- Vs ReS—value subtraction response
5. Security Analysis and Advantages
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- Non-repudiation
- Anonymity
- Availability
- Authorization and Authentication
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Author | Method | Remarks | Drawback |
Izhar et al. [12] | Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES) | The proposed system designed and implemented a secure electronic payment gateway to provide authorization, confidentiality, integrity, and availability for transactions. | The proposed method is for the local environment. This payment architecture did not address security issues (i.e., non-repudiation and anonymity). |
Nwoye [16] | RSA cryptosystem | The proposed system implemented an RSA e-commerce security system (RSA-ESS), which addresses the security and privacy difficulties with credit card information in e-commerce transactions. In this system, RSA is used to secure payment information and achieve the required speed in an e-commerce transaction. | The proposed system can be used only for the security and privacy of payment information. |
Zay Oo [21] | RSA cryptosystem | Through this method, a customer’s monetary data (credit or debit card information) are sent straight to a payment gateway, also called TTP, instead of directing them through an online merchant. | The payment gateway plays an essential role as each of the entities communication is concluded in the transaction gateway for the fee payment request. Furthermore, the consumer cannot talk interconnectedly in the merchant to the device doing the payment request. The cardholder and private data are kept in cloud servers and might be subject to compromise of cloud products/services with malware and exploitation of potential vulnerabilities in the program implementation of e-commerce services [24]. |
Parameters | Izhar et al. [12] | Nwoye [16] | Kyaw Zay Oo [21] | Our Proposed Method |
Confidentiality | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Integrity | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Non-repudiation | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Anonymity | No | Yes | No | Yes |
Availability | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Authentication | No | No | No | Yes |
Authorization | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Hassan, M.A.; Shukur, Z.; Hasan, M.K. An Efficient Secure Electronic Payment System for E-Commerce. Computers 2020, 9, 66.
Hassan MA, Shukur Z, Hasan MK. An Efficient Secure Electronic Payment System for E-Commerce. Computers. 2020; 9(3):66.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHassan, Md Arif, Zarina Shukur, and Mohammad Kamrul Hasan. 2020. "An Efficient Secure Electronic Payment System for E-Commerce" Computers 9, no. 3: 66.
APA StyleHassan, M. A., Shukur, Z., & Hasan, M. K. (2020). An Efficient Secure Electronic Payment System for E-Commerce. Computers, 9(3), 66.