Investigation of the Misinformation about COVID-19 on YouTube Using Topic Modeling, Sentiment Analysis, and Language Analysis
<p>A flowchart to represent the development of the master dataset for analysis.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>A flowchart to represent the workings of Algorithms 1–4 on the master dataset.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>A flowchart to represent the working of Algorithm 5 on the master dataset.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Representation of the variation of coherence scores for topics (number of topics varied from 3 to 30).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Representation of the number of video descriptions per topic.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Visualization of the topic clusters in a 2D space using t-SNE.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Distribution of sentiment (as per VADER) in Topic 0 or the theme of Promotion and Outreach Efforts.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Distribution of sentiment (as per VADER) in Topic 1 or the theme of Treatment for COVID-19.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Distribution of sentiment (as per VADER) in Topic 2 or the theme of Conspiracy Theories Regarding COVID-19.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Distribution of sentiment (as per VADER) in Topic 3 or the theme of COVID-19 and Politics.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Distribution of different languages in Topic 0 or the theme of Promotion and Outreach Efforts.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Distribution of different languages in Topic 1 or the theme of Treatment for COVID-19.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Distribution of different languages in Topic 2 or the theme of Conspiracy Theories Regarding COVID-19.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Distribution of different languages in Topic 3 or the theme of COVID-19 and Politics.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Representation of the variation in Facebook posts per language where the underlying Facebook posts shared a video(s) from this dataset.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Representation of the variation in Tweets per language where the underlying Tweets shared a video(s) from this dataset.</p> "> Figure 17
<p>Representation of the correlations between different characteristics of the videos.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Overview of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus and Its Effect on Humans
1.2. Concept of Misinformation Analysis
1.3. YouTube—A Globally Popular Social Media Platform and a Source of Misinformation
2. Literature Review
2.1. Review of Misinformation Analysis on YouTube
2.2. Review of Misinformation Analysis on YouTube in the Context of COVID-19
- (a)
- A lack of focus on topic modeling: Several works in this field [67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76] have focused on content analysis of YouTube videos. However, none of the prior works in this field have analyzed the video descriptions associated with YouTube videos to interpret the underlying topics and associated themes of misinformation.
- (b)
- A lack of focus on sentiment analysis related to specific themes or focus areas of misinformation dissemination on YouTube: A prior work in this field [70] performed sentiment analysis in the context of misinformation about COVID-19 on YouTube. However, that work evaluated the sentiment by considering all the videos in a collective manner and did not take into account the sentiment related to different topics or themes of misinformation that those videos or the video descriptions focused on.
- (c)
- A lack of focus on the detection and analysis of the language used in video descriptions of YouTube videos: YouTube allows the usage of multiple languages in video descriptions at the time of publication of videos. As a result, this social media platform has attracted content creators from different parts of the world who use different languages in their video descriptions. None of the prior works in this field have focused on the detection of languages used in the descriptions of videos containing misinformation or identifying trends of the same.
- (d)
- The lack of a study that takes into account a considerably high number of YouTube videos: The prior works in this field, for instance, the works of Quinn et al. [73], Basch et al. [72], Li et al. [9,67], Dutta et al. [69], Donzelli et al. [70], Christodoulou et al. [75], Serrano et al. [74], Calvo et al. [68], Machado et al. [71], and Xie et al. [76], analyzed 77, 100, 150, 150, 240, 560, 1000, 1672, 1890, 3318, and 4445 YouTube videos, respectively. The number of YouTube videos investigated in these studies does not represent a considerable percentage of the total number of videos containing misinformation about COVID-19 that have been published on YouTube since the beginning of this pandemic.
3. Methodology
- Select a multinomial distribution for each topic z from a Dirichlet distribution with parameter .
- For every document d, select a multinomial distribution from a Dirichlet distribution with parameter .
- In document d, for each word w, select a topic z, such that z from the multinomial distribution .
- Select w from the multinomial distribution .
Algorithm 1: Determine the optimal number of topics |
Input: Misinformation CSV Dataset Output: LDA model topics, coherence scores, perplexity, and a plot of coherence scores nltk, re, numpy, pandas, gensim, spacy, matplotlib := Import libraries df := Read Input CSV into DataFrame data := Convert ‘final_description’ column to list for each item in data do: item ← clean (text) address missing values end of for loop def sent_to_words(sentences): for each item in sentence do: yield(gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(str(sentence), deacc=True)) end of function data_words := tokenize the cleaned data bigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(bigram) trigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(trigram) data_words_nostops ← stopwords from data_words data_words_bigrams ← Apply bigram model to data_words_nostops nlp := Load Spacy English model for lemmatization def lemmatization(texts, allowed=[‘noun’, ‘adj’, ‘verb’, ‘adv’]): texts_out = [] for each item in data do: data_lemmatized ← lemmatize token return texts end of for loop end of function id2word := Create dictionary from data_lemmatized corpus := Create corpus from data_lemmatized lda_model := Build LDA model with corpus and id2word for each number of topics from 3 to 30 do: lda_model_temp := build LDA model with current number of topics coherence_score ← coherence score of lda_model_temp perplexity ← model’s perplexity end of for loop plot coherence scores against the number of topics opt_lda_model := Build an LDA model with 4 topics coherence_lda ← coherence score of opt_lda_model df_topic_sents_keywords := Extract dominant topics, percentage contributions, and keywords for each document df_dominant_topic := Convert df_topic_sents_keywords to DataFrame and reset index data := Initialize empty list for CSV data for each document in df_dominant_topic do: temp := Extract document number, dominant topic, topic percentage contribution, keywords, and text append temp to data write data to CSV file |
Algorithm 2: Determine the dominant topic per video description |
Input: Misinformation CSV Dataset Output: LDA model topics, coherence scores, perplexity, and a plot of coherence scores nltk, re, numpy, pandas, gensim, spacy, matplotlib := Import libraries df := Read Input CSV into DataFrame data := Convert ‘final_description’ column to list def sent_to_words(sentences): for each item in sentence do: yield(gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(str(sentence), deacc=True)) end of function data_words := tokenize the cleaned data bigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(bigram) trigram_mod = gensim.models.phrases.Phraser(trigram) data_words_nostops ← stopwords from data_words data_words_bigrams ← Apply bigram model to data_words_nostops nlp := Load Spacy English model for lemmatization def lemmatization(texts, allowed=[‘noun’, ‘adj’, ‘verb’, ‘adv’]): texts_out = [] for each item in data do: data_lemmatized ← lemmatize token return texts end of for loop end of function def determine_dominant_topic(): for each row_list in enumerate(ldamodel[corpus]) do: row = row_list[0] if ldamodel.per_word_topics else row_list sort (row) for each prop_topic in enumerate(row): if loop var is 0: wp = ldamodel.show_topic(topic_num) lists1 = int(topic_num), round(prop_topic, 4), topic_keywords final.append(lists1) else: break end of for loop topics_df = df(cols=[Dominant_Topic, Perc_Contribution, Topic_Keywords]) concatenate cols end of for loop end of function for each document in df_dominant_topic do: tmp.append(Document_No) tmp.append(Dominant_Topic) tmp.append(Topic_Perc_Contrib) tmp.append(Keywords) tmp.append(Text) append temp to data end of for loop write data to CSV file |
Algorithm 3: Sentiment Analysis (using VADER) per Topic |
Input: CSV with Translated Video Descriptions Output: Pie charts of sentiment distribution per topic Import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment Import pandas, sid_obj := Initialize SentimentIntensityAnalyzer ex := Read input CSV into DataFrame sentences := Convert ‘final_description’ column of ex to list topics := Convert ‘Dominant_Topic’ column of ex to list for each unique topic in topics do: sentiment := initialize list for each index i in the range of sentences do: if current topic equals topics at index i then: sentiment_dict := get polarity scores from sid_obj if sentiment_dict[‘compound’] ≥ 0.05 then: append "Positive" to sentiment else if sentiment_dict[‘compound’] ≤ −0.05 then: append "Negative" to sentiment else: append "Neutral" to sentiment end of for loop value := create list for sentiment fig := Initialize pie chart with value as values and sentiment as names save fig end of for loop |
Algorithm 4: Language Distribution Analysis per Topic |
Input: Dataset CSV including predicted topics and languages Output: Pie chart visualizations of language distribution for each topic, saved as images import pandas df := Read dataset CSV topics := Convert ‘Predicted_Topic’ column of df to list languages := Convert ‘Final_Language’ column of df to list for each unique topic in topics do: language_count := dictionary for language counts in current topic filtered_languages := Filter languages (topic = current topic) for each language in filtered_languages do: increment count of language in language_count dictionary end of for loop threshold := define threshold other_count := initialize to 0 for each language, count in language_count do: if count/total number of languages < threshold then: increment other_count by count remove language from language_count if other_count > 0 then: language_count[‘Other’] := other_count values := extract counts from language_count names := extract languages from language_count fig := Initialize pie chart with values as counts and names as languages save fig as image with a filename indicating the topic end of for loop |
Algorithm 5: Correlation Analysis for Video Characteristics |
Input: Correlation DB CSV Output: correlation matrix, heatmap, and statements of statistical significance Import numpy, pandas, matplotlib.pyplot, csv Import scipy.stats, seaborn dataset := Read Correlation DB CSV into DataFrame corr := Calculate Pearson correlation matrix from the dataset print(corr) def check_correlation(col1, col2): stat := Calculate Pearson correlation between column_1 and column_2 p_value := Get the p-value from the stat If (p_value < 0.05) then: print (correlation between <col1> and <col2> is statistically significant) end of function check_correlation (‘Length of video title’, ‘Length of video description’) check_correlation (‘Length of video title’, ‘number of tweets’) check_correlation (‘Length of video title’, ‘number of Facebook posts’) check_correlation (‘Length of video description’, ‘number of tweets’) check_correlation (‘Length of video description’, ‘number of Facebook posts’) check_correlation (‘number of tweets’, ‘number of Facebook posts’) initialize figure size and dpi for the plot plot := draw heatmap with correlation matrix, annotation, and line width display plot |
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Video Number | Video Description |
Topic 0, Theme: Promotion and Outreach Efforts | |
Video #1 | Subscribe and ring the bell to be notified of a new video La chl |
Video #2 | Please share the video with your friends and acquaintances so that this current information spreads like an avalanche. Follow us on our Teleg |
Video #3 | Please like share and Subscribe the Channel friends |
Video #4 | If you like this video, subscribe and a little click on the little hand at the bottom of the video would make me very happy Thank you |
Video #5 | Be aware from Corona Virus but Don t Panic Share as much as you can Subscribe our channel |
Topic 1, Theme: Treatment for COVID-19 | |
Video #1 | Coronavirus has a cure, the light is born at the end of the tunnel Sucesso Brasil COVID has a cure |
Video #2 | Allama Zameer Akhtar Naqvi talks about coronavirus treatment |
Video #3 | CHLOROQUINE THE CURE FOR COVID Today the announced a possible cure for You heard it on The HighWire first |
Video #4 | According to Patanjali the new Ayurvedic medicine Coronil From Patanjali developed by the team can cure a COVID patient in five to days Ref news o |
Video #5 | Message from Doctor Merci Blanco to the mayor of Bogotá on how to eliminate CORONAVIRUS with Chlorine Dioxide |
Topic 2, Theme: Conspiracy Theories Regarding COVID-19 | |
Video #1 | The Corona Virus was produced intentionally to close the Borders to produce the World Crisis Famine and War Everything Depends on Us if We Return to D |
Video #2 | In this diabolical plan, you will best see how all the NOM actors from the press, the medical system, the international system of those days, experts and |
Video #3 | Everything that has been handled with the pandemic has been a well-forged lie coordinated from the highest sphere of power in the world, a great manipulation. |
Video #4 | This coronavirus has been created for a long time but it has only now spread around the world |
Video #5 | False Pandemic increasingly evident HY MICROCHIP will be the next thing to fuck up human life with suffocating hypercontrol, you want it because it will be time |
Topic 3, Theme: COVID-19 and Politics | |
Video #1 | Infection models that garunteed MILLIONS DEAD in usa alone That all politicians used got our economy destroyed now we must open up msm is lying to us to push |
Video #2 | They are African Leaders selling us into Slavery Agian Lockdown Ban Lifted in Ghana Good or Bad |
Video #3 | Why governors are denying treatment for COVID |
Video #4 | Approved by the Ministry of Health of Bolivia, more and more people use it |
Video #5 | The president of Madagascar Andry Rajoelina has officially launched a local herbal remedy claimed to prevent and cure the novel coronavirus Tests have been |
Work | Content Analysis | Correlation Analysis | Sentiment Analysis | Topic Modeling | Topic-Specific Sentiment Analysis | Topic-Specific Language Analysis |
Quinn et al. [73] | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Basch et al. [72] | ✓ | |||||
Li et al. [9] | ✓ | |||||
Li et al. [67] | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Dutta et al. [69] | ✓ | |||||
Donzelli et al. [70] | ✓ | ✓ | ||||
Christodoulou et al. [75] | ✓ | |||||
Serrano et al. [74] | ✓ | |||||
Calvo et al. [68] | ✓ | |||||
Machado et al. [71] | ✓ | |||||
Xie et al. [76] | ✓ | |||||
Thakur et al. (this work) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Work | Number of Videos Analyzed |
Quinn et al. [73] | 77 |
Basch et al. [72] | 100 |
Li et al. [9] | 150 |
Li et al. [67] | 150 |
Dutta et al. [69] | 240 |
Donzelli et al. [70] | 560 |
Christodoulou et al. [75] | 1000 |
Serrano et al. [74] | 1672 |
Calvo et al. [68] | 1890 |
Machado et al. [71] | 3318 |
Xie et al. [76] | 4445 |
Thakur et al. (this work) | 8122 |
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Share and Cite
Thakur, N.; Cui, S.; Knieling, V.; Khanna, K.; Shao, M. Investigation of the Misinformation about COVID-19 on YouTube Using Topic Modeling, Sentiment Analysis, and Language Analysis. Computation 2024, 12, 28.
Thakur N, Cui S, Knieling V, Khanna K, Shao M. Investigation of the Misinformation about COVID-19 on YouTube Using Topic Modeling, Sentiment Analysis, and Language Analysis. Computation. 2024; 12(2):28.
Chicago/Turabian StyleThakur, Nirmalya, Shuqi Cui, Victoria Knieling, Karam Khanna, and Mingchen Shao. 2024. "Investigation of the Misinformation about COVID-19 on YouTube Using Topic Modeling, Sentiment Analysis, and Language Analysis" Computation 12, no. 2: 28.
APA StyleThakur, N., Cui, S., Knieling, V., Khanna, K., & Shao, M. (2024). Investigation of the Misinformation about COVID-19 on YouTube Using Topic Modeling, Sentiment Analysis, and Language Analysis. Computation, 12(2), 28.