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Convergence of vanishing capillarity approximations for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous fluxes

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • Flow of two phases in a heterogeneous porous medium is modeled by a scalar conservation law with a discontinuous coefficient. As solutions of conservation laws with discontinuous coefficients depend explicitly on the underlying small scale effects, we consider a model where the relevant small scale effect is dynamic capillary pressure. We prove that the limit of vanishing dynamic capillary pressure exists and is a weak solution of the corresponding scalar conservation law with discontinuous coefficient. A robust numerical scheme for approximating the resulting limit solutions is introduced. Numerical experiments show that the scheme is able to approximate interesting solution features such as propagating non-classical shock waves as well as discontinuous standing waves efficiently.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35L65; Secondary: 35L77.


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    E. Yu. Panov, Erratum to: Existence and strong pre-compactness properties for entropy solutions of a first-order quasilinear equation with discontinuous flux, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 196 (2010), 1077-1078.doi: 10.1007/s00205-010-0303-0.

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