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A link between microscopic and macroscopic models of self-organized aggregation

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • In some species, one of the roles of pheromones is to influence aggregation behavior. We first propose a macroscopic cross-diffusion model for the self-organized aggregation of German cockroaches that includes directed movement due to an aggregation pheromone. We then propose a microscopic particle model which is set into context with the macroscopic model. Our goal is to link the macroscopic and microscopic descriptions by using the singular and the hydrodynamic limit procedures. A hybrid model related to the macroscopic and microscopic models is also proposed as a cockroach aggregation model. This hybrid model assumes that each individual responds to pheromone concentration and moves by two-mode simple symmetric random walks. It shows that even though the movement of individuals is not directed, two-mode simple symmetric random walks and effect of the pheromone result in self-organized aggregation.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35K55, 60K35; Secondary: 82C22, 92D25.


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