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Dunkl analouge of Sz$ \acute{a} $sz Schurer Beta bivariate operators

  • *Corresponding authors: Mohd Raiz and Vishnu Narayan Mishra

    *Corresponding authors: Mohd Raiz and Vishnu Narayan Mishra 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • The motive of this research article is to introduce a sequence of Sz$ \acute{a}sz $ Schurer Beta bivariate operators in terms of generalization exponential functions and their approximation properties. Further, preliminaries results and definitions are presented. Moreover, we study existence of convergence with the aid of Korovkin theorem and order of approximation via usual modulus of continuity, Peetre's K-functional, Lipschitz maximal functional. Lastly, approximation properties of these sequences of operators are studied in B$ \ddot{o} $gel space via mixed modulus of continuity.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 41A10, 41A25, 41A36; Secondary: 41A63.


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