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Three classes of partitioned difference families and their optimal constant composition codes

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  • Cyclotomy, firstly introduced by Gauss, is an important topic in Mathematics since it has a number of applications in number theory, combinatorics, coding theory and cryptography. Depending on $ v $ prime or composite, cyclotomy on a residue class ring $ {\mathbb{Z}}_{v} $ can be divided into classical cyclotomy or generalized cyclotomy. Inspired by a foregoing work of Zeng et al. [40], we introduce a generalized cyclotomy of order $ e $ on the ring $ {\rm GF}(q_1)\times {\rm GF}(q_2)\times \cdots \times {\rm GF}(q_k) $, where $ q_i $ and $ q_j $ ($ i\neq j $) may not be co-prime, which includes classical cyclotomy as a special case. Here, $ q_1 $, $ q_2 $, $ \cdots $, $ q_k $ are powers of primes with an integer $ e|(q_i-1) $ for any $ 1\leq i\leq k $. Then we obtain some basic properties of the corresponding generalized cyclotomic numbers. Furthermore, we propose three classes of partitioned difference families by means of the generalized cyclotomy above and $ d $-form functions with difference balanced property. Afterwards, three families of optimal constant composition codes from these partitioned difference families are obtained, and their parameters are also summarized.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 11T22; 14G50.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  $ (A, K, \lambda) $ PDF constructed in this paper

    $ A $ $ K $ $ \lambda $ Constraints Ref.
    $ R\times {\mathbb{Z}}_{e} $ $ [{(e-1)}^{\frac{ev-1}{e-1}}1^{1}] $ $ e-2 $ $ v=q_{1} q_{2} \cdots q_{k} $, $ e(e-1)|(q_i-1) $ for $ 1\leq i\leq k $ Theorem 3.4
    $ R $ $ [e^{\frac{v-1}{2e}}1^{\frac{v+1}{2}}] $ $ \frac{e-1}{2} $ $ v=q_{1} q_{2} \cdots q_{k} $, $ e\geq 3 $ is odd such that $ e|(q_i-1) $ for $ 1\leq i\leq k $ Theorem 3.6
    $ {\mathbb{Z}}_{\frac{q^m-1}{e}} \times {\mathbb{Z}}_{k} $ $ [k\frac{q^{m-1}-1}{e}^{1}1^{k \frac{q^m-q^{m-1}}{e}}] $ $ k \frac{q^{m-2}-1}{e} $ $ e |(q-1), \operatorname{gcd}(e, m)=1 $, $ 1 \leq k \leq e $, $ m>2 $ Theorem 3.9
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    Table 2.  Some optimal CCCs with parameters $ (n, M, d, [\omega_0, \omega_1, \cdots, \omega_{m-1}])_m $ from our PDFs

    Parameters Constraints
    $ (e v, e v, e v-e+2, [{(e-1)}^{\frac{ev-1}{e-1}}1^{1}])_\frac{ev+e-2}{e-1} $ $ v=q_{1} q_{2} \cdots q_{k} $, $ e(e-1)|(q_i-1) $ for $ 1\leq i\leq k $
    $ \left(v, v, v-\frac{e-1}{2}, [e^{\frac{v-1}{2e}}1^{\frac{v+1}{2}}]\right)_{\frac{v-1}{2 e}+\frac{v+1}{2}} $ $ v=q_{1} q_{2} \cdots q_{k} $, $ e\geq 3 $ is odd such that $ e|(q_i-1) $ for $ 1\leq i\leq k $
    $ \left(k \frac{q^{m}-1}{e}, k \frac{q^{m}-1}{e}, k \frac{q^{m-2}-1}{e}, [1^{k \frac{q^m-q^{m-1}}{e}} k\frac{q^{m-1}-1}{e}^{1}]\right)_{k \frac{q^m-q^{m-1}}{e}+1} $ $ e|(q-1), \gcd(e, m)=1, $ $ 1\leq k\leq e, m>2 $
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