Weak Degeneracy of Planar Graphs and Locally Planar Graphs

  • Ming Han
  • Tao Wang
  • Jianglin Wu
  • Huan Zhou
  • Xuding Zhu


Weak degeneracy is a variation of degeneracy which shares many nice properties of degeneracy. In particular, if a graph $G$ is weakly $d$-degenerate, then for any $(d+1)$-list assignment $L$ of $G$, one can construct an $L$ coloring of $G$ by a modified greedy coloring algorithm. It is known that planar graphs of girth 5 are 3-choosable and locally planar graphs are $5$-choosable. This paper strengthens these results and proves that planar graphs of girth 5 are weakly 2-degenerate and locally planar graphs are weakly 4-degenerate. 
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