Filomat 2022 Volume 36, Issue 20, Pages: 6821-6829
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Intrinsic strong shape of global attractors
Shekutkovski Nikita (University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, Skopje, R.N. Macedonia),
Shoptrajanov Martin (University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, Skopje, R.N. Macedonia),
We present a proof of the strong shape theorem for global attractors in
compact metric spaces using the intrinsic approach to strong shape from [18]
which combines continuity over a covering and the corresponding homotopies
of second order.
Keywords: Intrinsic shape, strong shape, continuity over a covering, proximate sequence, attractor
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