The intake of flavonoids and isoflavonoids was estimated based upon a preliminary database of 40 food items, covering at least 80% of total food consumption. Fifty volunteer women in "I- City" recorded the weight of all dietary intake for 3 days in September 1996, and received a health check-up, as well as laboratory examination. The data was analyzed in relation to the various food factors.
Average daily intake per capita of flavonoids was as follows: 4.9 mg kaempferol, 8.3 mg quercetin, 1.5 mg rutin, 0.6 mg myricetin, 0.3 mg luteolin, 0.01 mg myricitrin, 0.4 mg fisetin, and 0.3 mg eriodictyol. Total intake from vegetables and fruits was less than 10 mg. 16.2 mg (range: 3.18-35.61 mg) and 23.27 mg (4.62-52.12 mg) of isoflavones, such as daidzein and genistein, respectively, were taken per day, and total isoflavone intake was 39.46 mg (7.80-87.73 mg).
Chief component analysis on ingested vitamins, flavonoids and isoflavonoids was carried out. Factor 1 was mainly composed of flavonoids and antioxidant vitamins. Factor 1 was positively associated with age and the level of HDL cholesterol and negatively related to the level of triglycerides. Factor 2, which was mainly composed of isoflavonoids, was positively associated with creatinine and uric acid levels. So far, these factors did not show a significant association with bone density and other health indices, such as BMI and blood pressure. J Epidemiol, 1998 ; 8 : 168-175.