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Demonstration of real-time jitter-buffered architecture that collects network information for deterministic optical communication

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Demand has been increasing for accurate remote motion control of IoT devices, but jitter can negatively impact control performance. Jitter buffering has been studied as a solution, but it is necessary to obtain delay values in real-time. In this study, we propose an architecture that collects end-to-end delay values in real-time, implements jitter buffering based on the obtained values, and implements more detailed delay compensation control based on fixed delay values. This allows network conditions, which are normally out of the user’s control, to be used to optimize the user’s IoT device control application. We construct a basic motor-based experimental system around an FPGA and verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Experiments show that the proposed method performs the jitter buffering even under a high-network-load environment and achieves successful motor control within 1.5 s by handling delay changes.

© 2024 Optica Publishing Group

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