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NFV orchestration over disaggregated metro optical networks with end-to-end multi-layer slicing enabling crowdsourced live video streaming

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Network infrastructure must support emerging applications, fulfill 5G requirements, and respond to the sudden increase of societal need for remote communications. Remarkably, crowdsourced live video streaming (CLVS) challenges operators’ infrastructure with tides of users attending major sport or public events that demand high bandwidth and low latency jointly with computing capabilities at the networks’ edge. The Metro-Haul project entered the scene proposing a cost-effective, agile, and disaggregated infrastructure for the metro segment encompassing optical and packet resources jointly with computing capabilities. Recently, a major Metro-Haul outcome took the form of a field trial of network function virtualization (NFV) orchestration over the multi-layer packet and disaggregated optical network testbed that demonstrated a CLVS use case. We showcased the average service creation time below 5 min, which met the key performance indicator as defined by the 5G infrastructure public private partnership. In this paper, we expand our field trial demonstration with a detailed view of the Metro-Haul testbed for the CLVS use case, the employed components, and their performance. The throughput of the service is increased from approximately 9.6 Gbps up to 35 Gbps per virtual local area network with high-performance VNFs based on single-root input/output virtualization technology.

© 2021 Optical Society of America

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