The TSE 310 expert prototype for the Airbus A310 commercial aircraft
Pages 692 - 696
Using available Troubleshooting Manuals, Mean Time Between Failure data, and the Maintenance Record of each aircraft the troubleshooting process of an Airbus A-310 is being automated by implementing an expert system (TSE_310). Starting off with the basic troubleshooting tree in the Troubleshooting Manual the program uses Last Removal Date and Mean Time Between Failure data to calculate failure probabilities of the parts connected to the relevant node of the troubleshooting tree, and by using these probabilities traverses the rest of the tree in an intelligent manner to locate the faulty part requiring minimum user intervention.
FORSYTH R. Ed., "Expert Systems, Principles and Case Studies", Chapman and Hall 1984
ROTH F.H., WATERMAN D.A, LENAT D.B., "Building Expert Systems", Addison Wesley 1983
AIRBUS INDUSTRIES, "Troubleshootbmg Manual A- 310", Vol 1-3, 1985
AIRBUS INDUSTRIES, "Technical Follow Ups", 1985-
AIRBUS INDUSTRIES, "Maintenance Manuals", 1985-
AIRBUS INDUSTRIES, "Component Evolution List", Vol 1-2, 1987
TURKISH AIRLINES, "Component Reliability Report", 1989
AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, "ATA Specification for Manufacturers' Technical Data - ATA Specification No. 100 ", 198 6
REEVES T.}., "Reliability Prediction- Its Validity and Application as a Design Tool", Reliability Theory and Practice - Sixth Annual Workshop, June 22-24, 1965, Oryna F.M. Ed., pp 29-45
KIVENSON G., "Durability and Reliability in Engineering Design", Book Company Inc. New York, 1971
LiPSCHUTZ S., "Theory and Problems of Probability SI(Metric) Edition", Sehaum's Outline Series, McGraw Hill, 1974
KAPLAN W., "Advanced Mathematics for Engineers", Addison Wesley, 1981
Index Terms
- The TSE 310 expert prototype for the Airbus A310 commercial aircraft
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Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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Published: 01 June 1990
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