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Definitional interpreters for higher-order programming languages

Published: 01 August 1972 Publication History


Higher-order programming languages (i.e., languages in which procedures or labels can occur as values) are usually defined by interpreters which are themselves written in a programming language based on the lambda calculus (i.e., an applicative language such as pure LISP). Examples include McCarthy's definition of LISP, Landin's SECD machine, the Vienna definition of PL/I, Reynolds' definitions of GEDANKEN, and recent unpublished work by L. Morris and C. Wadsworth. Such definitions can be classified according to whether the interpreter contains higher-order functions, and whether the order of application (i.e., call-by-value versus call-by-name) in the defined language depends upon the order of application in the defining language. As an example, we consider the definition of a simple applicative programming language by means of an interpreter written in a similar language. Definitions in each of the above classifications are derived from one another by informal but constructive methods. The treatment of imperative features such as jumps and assignment is also discussed.


McCarthy, J., Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I. Comm ACM 3 (April 1960), 184-195
Landin, P.J., The Next 700 Programming Languages. Comm ACM 9 (March 1966), 157-166
Evans, A., PAL - A Language Designed for Teaching Programming Linguistics. Proc. ACM 23rd Natl. Conf., 1968, Brandin Systems Press, Princeton, N. J., 395-403
Reynolds, J. C., GEDANKEN - A Simple Typeless Language Based on the Principle of Completeness and the Reference Concept. Comm ACM 13 (May 1970), 308-319
Church, A., The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion. Ann. of Math. Studies 6, Princeton University Press, 1941, 2nd ed. 1951
Curry, H. B., and Feys, R., Combinatory Logic, Vol. I. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1958
Landin, P. J., A Lambda-Calculus Approach. Advances in Programming and Non-Numerical Computation, Pergamon Press, 1966, 97-141
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Manna, Z., The Correctness of Programs. J. Computer System Sci. 3 (May 1969), 119-127
Hoare, C. A. R., An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming. Comm. ACM 12 (October 1969), 576-580, 583
Scott, D., Outline of a Mathematical Theory of Computation, Proc. Fourth Annual Princeton Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems (1970), 169-176
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Scott, D. Lattice-theoretic Models for Various Type-free Calculi. Proc. Fourth International Congress for Logic, Methodology, and the Philosophy of Science, Bucharest (1972)
Scott, D. Continuous Lattices. Proc. 1971 Dalhousie Conf., Springer Lecture Note Series, Springer-Verlag, Heidelburg
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Lucas, P., Lauer, P., and Stigleitner, H., Method and Notation for Formal Definition of Programming Languages TR 25.087, IBM Laboratory, Vienna, June 1968
Reynolds, J. C., GEDANKEN - A Simple Typeless Language Which Permits Functional Data Structures and Coroutines. ANL-7621, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Ill. September 1969
Morris, L., The Next 700 Programming Language Descriptions. Unpublished
Park, D., Fixpoint Induction and Proofs of Program Properties. Machine Intelligence 5, ed. B. Meltzer and D. Michie, Edinburgh University Press (1969), 59-78
Feldman, J. and Gries, D., Translator Writing Systems. Comm ACM 11 (February 1968), 77-113
McCarthy, J., Towards a Mathematical Science of Computation. Proc. IFIP Congress 1962, 21-28
Van Wijngaarden, A., Recursive Definition of Syntax and Semantics. Formal Language Description Languages for Computer Programming, ed. T. B. Steel, North-Holland, 1966, 13-24
Morris, J. H., A Bonus from Van Wijngaarden's Device. To be published in Comm ACM
Fischer, M. J., Lambda Calculus Schemata. Proc. ACM Conference on Proving Assertions about Programs, Las Cruces, January 1972, 104-109
Landin, P. J., A Correspondence Between ALGOL 60 and Church's Lambda-Notation. Comm ACM 8 (February-March 1965), 89-101 and 158-165
Van Wijngaarden, A., Mailloux, B. J., Peck, J. E. L., and Koster, C. H. A., Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68. MR 101 Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, October 1969. Also Numerische Mathematik 14 (1969) 79-218
Milner, R., Implementation and Applications of Scott's Logic for Computable Functions. Proc. ACM Conf. on Proving Assertions about Programs, Las Cruces, January 1972, 1-6
Wozencraft, J. M., and Evans, A., Notes on Programming Linguistics, M. I. T., Cambridge, Mass., February 1971
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Cheatham, T. E., Fischer, A., and Jorrand, P. On the Basis for ELF - An Extensible Language Facility. Proc. AFIPS 1968 FJCC 33, pt. 2, MDI Publications, Wayne, Pa., 937-948
deBakker, J. W., Semantics of Programming Languages. Advances in Information Systems Science 2, ed. J. T. Tou, Plenum Press, New York, 1969

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  1. Definitional interpreters for higher-order programming languages



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      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      ACM '72: Proceedings of the ACM annual conference - Volume 2
      August 1972
      530 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 August 1972


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      Author Tags

      1. Applicative language
      2. Closure
      3. Continuation
      4. GEDANKEN
      5. Higher-order function
      6. Interpreter
      7. J-operator
      8. LISP
      9. Lambda calculus
      10. Language definition
      11. Order of application
      12. PAL
      13. Programming language
      14. Reference
      15. SECD machine


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